Ruins of Urmuz

These are located on the Island of Whalers, north of Banewood, between Encura and the Murknen Gulf. Centuries ago, when Astrid, daughter of Bane, honed her ship-crafting and seafaring skills, she led the best seamen and fishers through the woods and to the island. A small settlement was soon built and named Urmuz, after the name of the first great whale hunted by Astrid. After her death, the settlement was abandoned by humans, but the Yv’anda consider the place cursed. To dissuade people from taking the island, the Dryads placed a protective spell around it, obscuring it from view by thick, stifling fog. Some say that before the Sirens left these lands, they pushed rocks upwards and created deadly whirlpools, making it nearly impossible to access by boat. But Dryads never confirmed it, and Encurans who ventured there below the island's water in the vain hope of looking for the lost Sirens only met their end.   Nowadays, there’s very little left of the buildings and structures built for the whalers. All that’s escaped the decaying touch of time are the bones of gigantic whales, used to decorate the island, the biggest belonging to Urmuz. It is there, in the center of the village, where Astrid placed her throne, amid the remnants of whales, dolphins, and narwhals. Among them, one can supposedly see the skeletons of slain Sirens. But the bones are so mixed that it is hard to say for sure. The legend says that if anyone dares to put on the crown of pearls she had fashioned for herself, they’d be cursed to her fate and yearn only for power.   Unbeknownst to Yv’anda and Harras, the Ruins have been recently repurposed. Harrat Wing discovered a secret underground tunnel, dug as an escape route when Astrid grew paranoid. Expanding on the infrastructure, Harrat Wing uses the system of natural caves as their base and prison. Humans captured during their raids are kept there, tortured for information or put to grueling work.
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Cover image: by DALLE


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