Drastunov League Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Drastunov League

The Drastunov League is situated on the South-Eastern side of The Sheltered Mountains, between Daer Welkin to the West and the Thrier Dominion to the East. The League maintains control of the Sebald and Wessel islands and the Vasse Islet in the Zeurst Sea. Additionally, the Drastunov League maintains control of Fort Duykin and the town of Snowcrest which are the only settlements physically within The Sheltered Mountains.   The Drastunov League is a nation built on the strength of its Merchants and traders. Natural resources are scarce, a select few alchemical ingredients can be found within The Sheltered Mountains and spices are grown on the islands in the Zeurst Sea. The Drastunov League has a long standing alliance with Daer Welkin and trade agreements with most nations within the region. Long standing hostility with the Thrier Dominion does not stop the Drastish from trading with them, coin is coin after all.


The people of the Drastunov League are known for their penchant for bargaining and deal making. The Drastish see coin that an individual has not earned themselves to be worth far less in comparison to the Crowns or Drin an individual earns on their own. Games of chance and deduction are common throughout the League and are used to teach Drastish children the value of coin.


The Drastunov League was formed in 302 P.U. following the conclusion of the Orange War of Independence, where they won their independence from the Thrier Dominion. The Governors Board was created to oversee the new nation, membership of the board includes the three largest landowners of the Drastunov League, the four wealthiest merchants, and the mayors of Verger, Waaden, and Kaap. The members of the Governors Board elect an individual from amongst their number to be the Doge of the Drastunov League. No Doge may serve for longer than ten consecutive years, though they may be re-elected to the position following a five year period of service to the Board.   The lands of the Drastunov League were conquered by the Thrier Dominion during the Darkened Years. Though the lands were wealthy and productive the Thrier Dominion cared little for the happiness of their southern citizens leading to mounting unrest. This unrest culminated in the Orange War of Independence, which was won with the aid of Daer Welkin and the Ilvarin Company. Since gaining independence the Drastunov League has avoided large scale conflict though naval skirmishes with the Thrier Dominion are fairly common.

Bound by Nothing

Founding Date
302 P.U.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
The Drastunov League accepts the use of Mestor Crowns and Oasian Drin.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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