Oas Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Oas is situated off the Eastern coast of The Sheltered Mountains in the Zeurt Sea. Oas claims dominion over the shores of the Orias Island and the waters that surround it. The Western coast of the island is home to the infamous black stone beaches of Oas, each stone is said to represent a fallen warrior of the island called home to rest. Blood Chief Lumorth of Oas has ruled the nation since 931 P.U. after he became the champion of the Condor Fighting Pits.   The economy of Oas is quite strong and is primarily based around the harvesting of ice from the Stygian Abyss, the tithes paid by the mercenary companies that call Oas home, and the large portion of earnings the country receives from the Condor Fighting Pits. Ice harvesting is an incredibly dangerous venture that is lucrative for the few that can pull it off, the sailors enter the frozen wastes of the Abyss and carve off large chunks of ice from icebergs before hauling them back to Oas. Oasians trade with their neighbours the Thrier Dominion, the Drastunov League quite heavily and are often the final stop of merchant sailors heading around the Southern tip of Beregan. The unique high hulled design of the Oasian Barques allow them to be premier trading vessels and useful in exploring the frozen waters of the Stygian Abyss.


The people of Oas are often known for being agitators, equally as likely to start a rebellion as they are to start a drinking contest. Oasians are passionate people to a fault and disagreements that occur on Orias Island are legendary in the sheer volume they reach and the damage they can cause. Oas is famous for the Condor Fighting Pits which can be found in every town and city on the Orias Island. The prominent fighting pits and passionate nature of the people lead children of Oas to develop quite a knack for a brawl by the time they reach maturity.


Oas was formed at some point during the Darkened Years. Isolated as it was from mainland Beregan the Orias Island never fell under the purview of the Estarin Empire and was first settled by a community of citizens fleeing the empire in 8905 S.Y.. The history of the island during the Darkened Years is lost, it is known that a series of warlords fought over control of the major settlements of Oas and that Tor Dex, the Burial Tower, was constructed during this time.    Towards the end of the Darkened Years the country was unified by Warlord Akarvi of Qill who slew his challengers and declared himself Blood Chief of Oas. Since the construction of the Condor Fighting Pits the position of Blood Chief of Oas has been given to the strongest fighter of the pits. The Blood Chief is required to accept all challenges from a champion of the pits, fighting to the death in a match called a Blood Fight, with the winner ruling Oas until they themselves lose the Blood Fight.   Oas has not officially participated in any of the wars of mainland Beregan. Citizens of Oas have however fought in every major conflict of Eastern Devorn in the last millennia often on both sides of the conflicts as members of the many mercenary companies of Oas. Because of the sheer experience of troops they could command if called upon, invading or even raiding Oas has always seemed more trouble than it's worth to most nations.

Fight to the End

Founding Date
Unknown Date, the Darkened Years
Geopolitical, Country
Head of Government
Oas accepts the use of Mestor Crowns, Oasian Drin, Aspuan Cleansed Silver, Gemellan Fins, Sahiran Magocracy Dhahab, and Styrrian Remnant Spires.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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