Thrier Dominion Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Thrier Dominion

The Thrier Dominion is situated on the North Eastern side of The Sheltered Mountains, between the Estarin Empire to the North and West, Gollaca to the East, and the Drastunov League to the South-West. The Thrier Dominion maintain control of Gaveltrie Refuge and Golroy Island in the Zeurst Sea, as well as numerous smaller islands in the Mirrored Bay and Hampneer Chain. The ruler of the Dominion is referred to as the Dominax regardless of race or gender.   The Thrier Dominion maintains an average strength economy primarily based around the resources of the Zeurst Sea and Lough Landown. Fishing is the primary industry of the Dominion with vessels, the size of many other nations finest warships, fitted with giant nets and fishing lines. The area around Lough Landown is quite fertile and is home to many orchards and smaller farms. The Thrier Dominion has experienced long standing hostility with the Drastunov League, this does not stop them from trading with each other however. The Thrierans also trade heavily with Oas and many experienced Thrieran sailors can be seem aboard Oasian Barques. Gollaca and the Dominion have a formal trading agreement and have in the past assisted each other in times of crises.


People from the Thrier Dominion are often described as sharing a unique eagerness for a challenge. The Thrieran are often the first to agree to an adventure or venture with some risk and refuse to be anywhere other than at the front. The sailing ships of the Dominion are the lifeblood of the nation, as such most children of Thrier spend at least a year of their youth aboard one of the ships gaining their sea legs and learning the ropes.


The Thrier Dominion was formed at some point during the Darkened Years. One of the nations to form from the collapse of the Estarin Empire caused by the Great Unshackling. The Thrier Dominion was formed by Dominax Iffu Tren who seized control of much of the coastline of the Zeurst Sea during the latter end of the Darkened Years after having taking control of Wauderlon when the Estarin Empire fell. The lands of the Dominion stretched at their height from the River Bahia in the North East to the Siroko river in the South West. Dominax Tren created a system of government where by the people of the Thrier Dominion could vote for elected officials, but have no further say on how those individuals ran the government. The leader of the Thrier Dominion is called the Dominax serves for life and is selected by their fellow elected officials by a vote on the death of the previous Dominax.   Much of the Thrier Dominions official military campaigns came early in their existence during the Darkened Years and during the first four centuries of the Unshackled Years. The Dominion expanded their empire by conquering the independent towns and villages of the Zeurst Sea coastline and defeating the remnants of the Estarin Empire. In 299 P.U. the southern state of the Thrier Dominion rebelled thus beginning the Orange War of Independence which the Dominion lost in 302 P.U. leading to the formation of the Drastunov League. Since then the Dominion has avoided formal conflicts though in increasing frequency it has had to fend off raiding parties from the Eastern Estarin Empire. The Thrier Dominion has also been involved in constant naval skirmishing with the Drastunov League for hundreds of years with little sign of it slowing down.

Always Connected

Founding Date
Unknown Date, the Darkened Years
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Thrier Dominion accepts the use of Mestor Crowns and Oasian Drin.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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