Daer Welkin Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Daer Welkin

Daer Welkin is situated on the Southern side of The Sheltered Mountains, between the Kingdom of Jothor to the West and the Drastunov League to the East. Contained within Daer Welkin is the ancient Foraoise ó Thuaidh and Foraoise ó Dheas forests, where some trees within are older than the Shackled Years. The dark and treacherous Iombhá swamp is also said to be where the first of the new breeds of monster were sighted following the Great Unshackling.   Daer Welkin is normally a quite wealthy nation though much of that wealth is currently spent recuperating from the recent War of the Twin Crowns. Mines along The Sheltered Mountains and within the Cnoic Hills mine the ores required for Daer Welkin Steel, the strongest metal on Beregan which is forged into many of the finest weapons in Devorn. The open plains of the Machairí provide ample space for herds of sheep and oxen that thrive there. Daer Welkin holds trade agreements with many of The Sheltered Mountains nations excluding the Kingdom of Jothor whom they fought the War of the Twin Crowns with and have only recently signed a truce, and the Untolek Republic with whom they have no formal relationship. In addition to a trade agreement, Daer Welkin also maintains a formal alliance with their neighbours the Drastunov League.


The people of Daer Welkin are, like many of the nations of the Sheltered Mountains, a prideful lot. The Welkish in particular are proud of their famed swordsmiths and fencers that they claim no other nation can match. Daer Welkin children are required to attend a military academy for at least two years to learn the basics of swordsmanship and to instil in them a sense of duty to their nation. Welkish adults, if they are not already part of the military, must join the Daer Welkin reserves and be prepared to heed the call should the nation be invaded.


Daer Welkin was formed at some point during the Darkened Years. One of the nations to form from the collapse of the Estarin Empire caused by the Great Unshackling. Daer Welkin was founded by King Emiann of Tavasvi, who sought to establish control of as much of the Sheltered Mountains as possible during his lifetime. King Emiann managed to conquer the lands between the Siroko river in the East and the Mór Sruthán offshoot of the Domhain River in the West. Following the consolidation of land King Emiann ennobled his loyal knights and created a method of succession where on the death of the previous monarch all nobles would cast a single vote to decide the next ruler.   Daer Welkin has fought in five major wars and has had numerous border skirmishes with their neighbours. The first three wars occurred during the Darkened Years and were fought between the nascent nations of Daer Welkin and the Kingdom of Jothor over control of the Domhain River. The first major war that Daer Welkin fought during the Post Unshackling was the Orange War of Independence fighting on the side of the Drastunov League as they sought their independence from the Thrier Dominion. The most recent war that Daer Welkin has fought was defending against the invasion of the Kingdom of Jothor in the War of the Twin Crowns which ended in an uneasy truce in 928 P.U..

With Honour and Prowess

Founding Date
Unknown Date, the Darkened Years
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Daer Welkin accepts the use of Mestor Crowns and Oasian Drin.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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