Estarin Empire Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Estarin Empire

The Estarin Empire is situated on the Western side of central Beregan to the North of The Sheltered Mountains. Much of the Bezra Plains are located within the borders of the Empire, as are the Northern most peaks of The Sheltered Mountains. Many of the towns and cities of the Empire are in various stages of disrepair after centuries of neglect, some have even been completely abandoned.   Once the richest nation on the continent the Estarin Empire has seen their economy dwindle during the Post Unshackling. The once rich mines of The Sheltered Mountains Northern peaks are now barely useful as long term stores. The farmlands along the Tornett Tides coast are however still plentiful and productive though not comparable to the farms of the Foritas Valley in Otril. The Imperial Bank of Mestor still mints and holds much of the coin used across Beregan and keeps much of the capital afloat. The Empire maintains trade relations with many nations of The Sheltered Mountains and some of the settlements within the Independent Tornett Isles but has far poorer relations with its Northern neighbours. The Empire has been skirmishing with the border troops of Thermark and Otril.


The people of the Estarin Empire are often seen as being obsessed with the past glory of the Empire. In the Western more metropolitan side of the Empire social standing is key, who you know and who knows you defines an individual and their worth within society. In the East surrounding the Bezra Plains social standing matters little when an individual is just trying to survive. Children in the West are sent to etiquette schools alongside the many who are sent to The Order of the Broken Tome scriptoriums for education. Children in the East are generally raised by their families and taught to avoid strangers and look out for their own as they try to survive.


The Estarin Empire was formed when the first settlers of Beregan landed near the Vestarin River and constructed the first settlement of the continent that would come to be known as Mestor. The first settlers were from an expedition that had sailed from the island of Duvarnin in the Lost Isles who were following the directions of an explorer who spoke of a larger Eastern continent. While the formal creation of the Empire itself did not occur for a few hundred years after landing the formation date for the Empire is always listed as the date the first settlers arrived in 4091 S.Y.. The actual founding date of the Estarin Empire is 4328 S.Y. when the rapid expansion of settlements across the new continent required improved governance and the Governor of Mestor, Ausonia Madrigal, was crowned Empress of the Estarin Empire.   The Estarin Empire spread across almost all of Southern Beregan from the West coast and many of the Independent Tornett Isles to the East and entirely encompassing The Sheltered Mountains. Through negligence, corruption, and incompetence the Empire has slowly collapsed over the previous few millennia after almost an entire era of glory. The first of these collapses occurred in 11987 S.Y. when the Eastern regions including the lands that would become Thermark, Divine Republic of Aspua, and Gollaca were released after years of open rebellion. The second collapse was caused by the Great Unshackling and the Darkened Years that followed and saw the release of much of The Sheltered Mountains region. The final collapse, though the Empire does not refer to it as such, was in 671 P.U. when the Zeran Duchy was released.   In the Post Unshackling era efforts have been made by the Empire to reclaim their past glory and power. In 32 P.U. the Estarin Empire attempted a short lived invasion of the Bastion of Fomenko that was quickly aborted following the slaughter in the Savou Grove where all but 50 Estarin troops were killed. In the year 97 P.U. the Estarin Empire attempted to invade Otril, failing miserably, in what would come to be known as the One Year War. Between 296 P.U. and 314 P.U. the Empire fought in the Reckoning War against Thermark and the Aspuan Kingdom that would become the Divine Republic of Aspua. A period of relative peace followed the conclusion of the Reckoning War but that ended in 690 P.U. when the Empire attempted to invade Gollaca which also ended in defeat by the end of 691 P.U.. Finally, the Estarin Empire had held onto numerous islands within the Independent Tornett Isles but following the The War for the Isles these too were lost under the reign of Eresh the Fool.

Glory of the East

Founding Date
4091 S.Y.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Old Estar
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
The Estarin Empire accepts the use of only Mestor Crowns.
Controlled Territories


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