The War for the Isles Military Conflict in Devorn | World Anvil
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The War for the Isles

The War for the Isles began in 834 P.U. when Eresh the Fool commanded the Estarin Empire commanders in the region to reconquer Draybell Island which the Empire had released in 102 P.U.. Ships from the Emperor's Navy surrounded Draybell Island, blockading the port at Arista before landing soldiers on the island. The 2nd Legion of the Estarin Empire was tasked with capturing Arista and though the ports defences were quite formidable for an independent settlement they were no match for the might of the Empire. The capture of Arista and Draybell Island was such a worrying development for Summerbarrow and Otril, both of whom had interests in the region, that they sent an ultimatum to the Empire demanding the release of Draybell Island or prepare for war.   On the 20th of Noor-Kel, 834 P.U. war was formally declared between the Coalition of Freedom and the Estarin Empire. The Coalition consisted of the nations of Summerbarrow and Otril as well as the independent islands of the Tornett Isles. The Zeran Duchy was quick to come to the aid of their allies the Estarin Empire.   During the first 13 years of the war both sides of the conflict experienced victories and defeats of note with the most prominent battle being the Battle of Pymble Island in 845 P.U.. The Battle of Pymble Island took place over four days and over 8,700 individuals lost their lives on the sea and sand of the island. Many of these deaths were caused by a desperate Estarin Empire strategy of ramming their warships into the Coalition ships before boarding. The violent nature of the clashes caused the beaches of Pymble Island to be stained a deep red for many days and the ruins of the nearly 200 ships sunk in those waters are still dangerous to sail through. The battle came to an end on the evening of the fourth day of fighting when the Coalition leaders ordered their forces retreat.    On the 9th of Estayn, 847 P.U. the Estarin Empire made a strategic error that would eventually bring about their downfall in the War for the Isles. The Empire unknowingly attacked a supply convoy belonging to the Untolek Republic, the Untolek Republic had been up until this point a neutral party in the war though they were predominantly supplying the Coalition. Six days after the supply ship was sunk the Untolek Republic formally joined the Coalition and began to harry the Empire's supply ships.   Following the Untolek Republic joining the war the conflict began to shift in favour of the Coalition. A young but extremely talented Mage from Untolek named Alonso Leitner began to make a terrifying name for himself as he singlehandedly destroying ships of the Estarin Fleet using deadly magic. Alonso was quickly appointed captain of his own vessel, The Tribune, and began teaching other Mages of Untolek his techniques. This innovation in magical naval artillery would prove to be the death knell for the Estarin Empire and Zeran Duchy as after decades of conflict their ships were being obliterated.    Alonso Leitner earned the moniker "The Volcanist" for his destruction of the ENS Dyrrach, ENS Marsonia, and ENS Vimina in a single fire spell that erupted like a volcano during a battle off the coast of Gatisano Isle in 860 P.U.. Shorty after the battle Alonso was appointed Admiral of the Untolek Navy and commander of the Coalition of Freedom forces in the region. Under his command the Coalition won battle after battle culminating in the Battle of Dawes Island in 862 P.U. where the Estarin Empire's last stronghold in the region, Borgau, was captured and the remaining ships of the Empire Fleet were captured in harbour.    Though the Coalition had won the war they had lost countless lives upon the shores of the Tornett Isles and sought to avoid further conflict in the area. They forced the Estarin Empire and Zeran Duchy to sign the peace accords which awarded independence to the newly dubbed Independent Tornett Isles. The Untolek Republic which had been considered prior to the war as just a nation of dreamers and Bards were now seen as a real threat in any naval conflict.

The Conflict


Control over the Tornett Isles has been disputed since the very beginning of the Post Unshackling with the Estarin Empire, who once controlled all of the islands, still maintaining the largest presence in the region. Throughout the Post Unshackling the Empire steadily lost control of much of its former holdings and in response began to exert tighter control over its remaining territories. When the Estarin Empire attempted to retake Draybell Island, a former territory released in 102 P.U., in 834 P.U. it sparked the War for the Isles.


The Estarin Empire was forced to relinquish all claims upon the Tornett Isles, and all territories claimed by members of the Coalition of Freedom were freely released. Signatories of the peace deal each guaranteed the future independence of the Tornett Isles. They created and empowered the position of Administrator of the Isles who acts as a point of contact for each of the individual isles and oversees the entire region.


The independence granted to the Independent Tornett Isles has created a safe haven for all manner of fringe society individuals who sought more freedom than their homelands would grant them. The markets of the Isles are said to contain any item an individual could ever wish to find if they know where to look and who to ask.   The effectiveness of the Untolek Republic in ending the war with their use of Mages within their navy lifted the nations prestige across Beregan and saw many nations begin to adopt similar naval strategies.
Conflict Type
Start Date
834 P.U.
Ending Date
862 P.U.
Conflict Result
The Coalition of Freedom emerged victorious after 28 years of bitter fighting.



62,500 Soldiers, 6,900 Knights, 1,830 Ships, 410 Mages
41,700 Soldiers, 3,130 Knights, 1180 Ships, 173 Mages


47,299 including a large number of civilian casualties.
39,900 including between 1,000 and 2,000 civilians.


The Independence of the Tornett Isles and the destruction of the Estarin Empire's ability to wage naval warfare.
Regain control of lost islands in the Tornett Isles and show dominance over the other nations of Beregan.


  • The Independent Tornett Isles, 933 P.U.
    The islands and settlements of the Independent Tornett Isles circa 933 P.U.


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