Otril Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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The Crownlands of Otril are situated on the Southern edge of the Horn of Beregan, almost entirely contained within the beautiful Foritas Valley. Running through the centre of the valley is the Livslan River and its tributaries that nourish the fertile fields and farms of the Crownlands. Otril is ruled by reigning Woadreth Royal Family monarch and has been for over five thousand years in a line of unbroken succession unique to the Crownlands.   Otril is amongst the wealthiest nations of Devorn with expansive and fertile farms running the length of the Foritas Valley and deep mines dug into The Corsan Peaks. The Livslan River sees hundreds of ferries and barges transporting both goods and people up and downstream each day. Otril trades heavily with many of their neighbours, exporting grains and minerals and importing specialty goods from across Devorn. The Crownlands of Otril have pleasant relations with their neighbours Summerbarrow and Thermark, though they have been engaged in border skirmishes with the Estarin Empire along their Southern border for a couple of decades.


The people of Otril value intelligence and the fulfilment of duty above all other traits. The stability and long history of the nation can often lead to a certain level of arrogance from the people who were raised there. Many citizens of Otril have an almost worshipful respect for members of The Order of the Broken Tome, which was formed in Jarham.


Otril or the Crownlands of Otril were formed in 7322 S.Y. when King Denra Woadreth of Reftholm conquered the other lands of the Foritas Valley and unified them under a single banner. Following the 89 year reign of King Denra there has been an unbroken line of Woadreth Royal Family members that have ruled Otril. The more impressive feat perhaps is that the Woadreth Royal Family have maintained this unbroken line while never having more than two children each generation.   Otril is one of very few nations to exist during the Great Unshackling to not undergo intense internal strife, fall to raiders and warlords, or lose some or all of the land they claimed before the cataclysmic event. The inherently defensive nature of the Foritas Valley as it sits between two arms of The Corsan Peaks, combined with a large professional standing army, and the unbroken rulership of the Woadreth Royal Family all combined to assist Otril through the crisis.   Following the Darkened Years, Otril has been involved in three major wars and numerous skirmishes. The first of these, known as The One Year War, occurred in 79 P.U. when they handily defeated an invading force from the Estarin Empire. The second of these, known as The Granman War, occurred between 499 P.U. and 527 P.U. when Summerbarrow and Otril went to war over control of the shared Granman Cove. The third war, known as The War for the Isles, occurred between 834 P.U. and 862 P.U. when the nations of Western Beregan went to war over the control of the Tornett Isles.

The Valley Brings Life

Founding Date
7322 S.Y.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Crownlands of Otril
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
The Crownlands of Otril accept the use of Mestor Crowns and Oasian Drin.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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