Independent Tornett Isles Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Independent Tornett Isles

The Independent Tornett Isles are situated off the West Coast of Beregan within the Tornett Tides. An archipelago of over 30 islands with numerous independent settlements spread across the length and breadth of the islands. Active volcanos and deadly ocean currents along with rampant piracy and coastal raiding make living on the Isles a dangerous proposition. Every settlement within the Isles has their own customs and laws and system of governance but all give at least nominal respect to the commands of the Administrator of the Isles.    The settlements within the Isles vary greatly in wealth and power though it is often said that if you're looking for something specific it's bound to show up in the Isles at some point. Volcanic ash and soot are harvested from the foot of the mountains and alchemical ingredients harvested from the tropical flora and fauna of the islands are the major exports from the Isles. Though the Tornett Isles regularly commit acts of piracy against many trading vessels heading along the coast of Beregan individual settlements maintain trade agreements with many of the nations of mainland Beregan.


The people of the Independent Tornett Isles vary greatly in personality and temperament depending on which settlement they're from. Most Tornens consider themselves to be travellers and free spirits at heart however and will eagerly seek out new experiences. As a necessity the children of the Isles are taught how to sail and repair ships from a young age and sneaking off to sail between islands a common misadventure for the youths of the region.


The Independent Tornett Isles were formed in 862 P.U. at the conclusion of The War for the Isles. As part of the treaty signed to end the war all mainland nations of Beregan relinquished any claims they held on islands within the Tornett Isles. Though each settlement within the Tornett Isles is now self-governing, additional oversight was required as part of the treaty. This lead to the creation of the Administration whereby an eligible citizen of the Isles would be appointed by a 4/5ths majority vote of the signatories of Independence (The Estarin Empire, Otril, Summerbarrow, the Untolek Republic, and the Zeran Duchy). This individual would serve a 10 year term attempting to better the livelihoods of the citizenry of the Isles as a whole and petitioning the signatories for aid when required.   Even prior to their independence the Tornett Isles have had a long history of coastal raiding and piracy. This reputation is well earned and continues to be a common calling for those looking to get a leg up on life. The Isles have not fought in a formal war following their independence though do actively fight naval skirmishes with many of the coastal nations of Beregan. This long history of naval battles have given the Tornens a reputation for their skill upon the waves and no nations except perhaps the Untolek Republic would dare challenge the full force of their navy.

Sail Far, Live Free

Founding Date
862 P.U.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
The Independent Tornett Isles accept the use of Mestor Crowns, Oasian Drin, Aspuan Cleansed Silver, and Gemellan Fins.
Organization Vehicles


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