Kelen Kross (/ˈkiː.lɛn ˈkɹɒs/)

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You see a small, wizened goblin with a long white beard and a pair of thick goggles. He wears a brown robe and carries an array of tools with him. Despite his small stature, his calm and wise demeanor suggest a wealth of knowledge and experience.   Kelen Kross is a goblin engineer and artificer on the ship. He is highly skilled in crafting powerful artifacts and has a deep understanding of arcane and scientific principles. What sets him apart is his wise and patient approach to his work, always taking the time to explain his craft to others, despite his occasional bouts of impulsivity.
  Kelen is a wise and experienced engineer, with a knack for crafting powerful artifacts. He is a calm and collected individual, preferring to think things through before acting. He is patient and wise, and will take the time to explain his craft to others, though he is still a goblin and can be prone to bouts of impulsivity  
Learning and exploring new things is the path to true understanding   I have a deep bond to the ship that I have called home for so many years   I often rush into things without thinking them through, leading to unnecessary risks


Kelen has been a part of the crew of the ship for many years, and is a master of artifact creation. He has a deep understanding of the arcane and the sciences, and is respected by the rest of the crew for his knowledge and experience  


Kelen is a small, wizened goblin with a long face, pointed ears, and leathery skin. He has a mostly bald head with a long widow's peak and a short pony tail and a short white beard, and his eyes are a deep, dark brown. He wears a brown robe and often a pair of thick goggles over his eyes  

Speaking Style

Kelen speaks with a gruff and gravelly tone, often using slang and technical terms to describe his craft. He has a habit of pausing for a moment before responding, indicating that he is carefully considering his words before speaking

Male Goblin, Neutral Good 78 year old Engineer (Artificer

Current Location
Onboard Menagerie Ship
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Current Status
Crew for the Menagerie (Engineer/Artificer)
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1945 KC 78 Years old
White and thin
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
35 lbs.
Aligned Organization