Session 053: Lord & Lady Ceremony Report

The party become Lords & Ladies as the Civil War of the North interrupts the ceremonies.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Lowsun 27, 2023 KC, Evening

  Village of Skola Vale, Skola Vale, Kampos   Adventure Recap
Shopping, and downtime events. Barlo lost his cowl. Sas had another vision from Bast. Calliope's mom bailed on her friends and doesn't want them to have the chair, she gave them their orrerary.  
  Rest of Downtime: Shadow in the Snow was able to learn a tattoo during her "apprenticeship" at The Illustrated Woman. She has Magic Tattoo, the Warding One.   All the items should be ready before the ceremony. Barlo needed more money... Sas W.T. Rayce brewed some potions, 10 Healing Potions. Calliope Galanodel bought new Armor, Studded Leather Armor, one empty socket   The party is called to the Elder, the night before. Rhine helps navigate them through the paperwork and details necessary before the ceremony. There were questions on the taxes portion, and they were assured it was common but the Elder of the Dawngreets is not like other "leaders" as she was "created" to take care of the Vale. She isn't in it for money. She has been in charge for over 1500 years, and has fluctuated the taxes a bit based on various factors, but never too much.   They sign, with an amendment for Arktos, the following:   No one took a personal bank account at this time. They did put the required 1,000 gp in the settlement account. There is no interest, only fees. On the road they can send the money back to the Vale and it can be deposited. In major Cities they can discuss it with the banks there to make arrangements, which will also allow withdrawals (with fees for sure). The Account is to help pay for taxes or other needs of the land.   Barlo was the one with the most hesitation, of course -- but decided to be a good "citizen". The party discusses they might want to hunt down more monsters.   The party did some discussions on possible party names, as the "Menagerie" was never their real name even if it is one that some refer to them as. There was also tabletalk about the inn floorplan  
  • Valiant Blades
  • Ceaseless Force
  • Mercy Syndicate
  • Brawn Squad
  • Havoc Union
  • Five Blades
  • Contingency Plan
  • Broken Gang
  • Incontrovertibles
  • Misery's End
  • Bitter Pills
  • Murk and Mirth
  • House Band
  • Honorable Mentions
  • Methodical Madness
  The party returns to the Skola Vale Embassy Tree and in the common room they see the Unfortunate Mead Heroes (Jeets, Remington, Acira Neridithas, and Arica Neridithas), as well as Reginald Ivoryclaw. They were all talking and laughing, they raise their drink to the Menagerie. Reginald gives hugs and says it is good to see them.   Barlo asks about "back home", he does say he has some problems. His Uncle has taken over some other lands and there are rumors of a revolt against the main king, Ymeoz Primeguides the King of Enond. A discussion on how much of the North Kampos is part of Enond, the lands of the Forlione. A loose affiliation of nations that borders the Vale, Rotherham, and the The Shadowed Highland. Even when Zirin Shadowtooth was king of Forlione he didn't get along well with the Ymeoz. This has kept his forces going north and not against Forlione. Reginald doesn't have the resources to just attack, so he is keeping an eye on things.   The party asks if it is a nuisance or a big problem.   Shadow asks about the name Incontrovertibles. Sas asks about the Barley Malts. Bastion brings up some other IBS names, Imperial Bloodsworn Society. Infinite Bacon Supply. Irrestistable Banter Squad. Intrepid Buffoon Society. Reginald leaves it to them to decide.   Table talk about local goods
I brought up how the party has been introduced to things like Glowing Harvest Bread, Chromatic Raisins, Jester's Wine, and Daybreak Ale. Calliope would have known of these, and the party would have had a chance to enjoy them while they were here.  
  Jeets is asked about the keep, all is on schedule. Two more weeks and the old foundation was helpful, along with the forest for timber. Idea is to get the keep, the inn, the garrison, and Jeet's adventure club for supplies and contracts. The elder has been selling lots. They ask about stealing his assistant, but he says they can aid in finding one. Jeets pulls out some sheets of "resumes".   suggests Ellas Lantaththar, Lantaththar a Firbolg sailor Barda de Bolbec, a fighter   they ask which of the first two he likes. Lantaththar is much older and mature, wishing to get off ships. Barda is young. Xyrioli is Jeet's assistant.   The party goes to a non-descrept inn where Lantaththar is enjoying a drink. They are introduced to each other. He has been helping a local farmer, the party says they need someone take care of their keep. He mostly needs his basics taken care of, he was a navigator. He had some bad situations with the rise in piracy. He said there was one gaining power, it turns out it is Vernon Lazarius that is a major problem and might be vying for power from The Pirate Lord.   (insight on him, 13 from Shadow. Seems honest)   Discussion of pay... DM still needs to work on this...   Shadow says she is fine. Calliope checks her ring, Shadow asks how he feels about owlbears... Calliope's insight (w/ advantage), seems honest, reliable, and a bit haunted about the pirate situation.   So they hire him. They go to introduce him to Rhine. They go to get things situated.   tabletalk on fast travel from ship to vale
The party can use the circle on the ship to get back to it, and the Feywild room to get back to the Vale

Lowsun 28, 2023 KC, around 10 AM

  The party goes to the ceremony Father of Barlo, Jade Gift, Brother of Shadow, Quirky Time, Brother of Shadow Flame of Passion, Brother of Shadow, Three Tree, Solec, Dalkur, a child... which was born after she left... ... discussion between party on when this could have happened... Gortam, Abbot Grok, Melios Lamphi, (and mother Relia who seems to "hiding" near the father), Barlo sees Jinx.   They go to a nice hill on the Feywild side which seems to show off more of the real world with Feywild glitters... The elder stands before them with a sword.   "These heroes who have been so helpful to our Vale these past few years, which cost them years of their own are hereby granted the title of lord and lady, as they see fit. … swear loyalty… And in case the rumors of war that seem to be spreading are true we know that we will have worthy defenders to keep our citizens and lands safe…" They are all now Lords & Ladies.   A "Firework" display which is more magical illusions than physical ones. They spot about 30 feet away there is a Leonin who goes up to Reginald. He looks concerned.   Then the Leonin in front of him lurches forward to Reginald, shouts of someone being shot. Reginald pulls a sword, the Leonin next to him casts a spell.   Shadow is looking for the source, Bastion sees the cluster of trees that it came from. The three Leonin, including Reginald dissapear, probably a teleporting spell of some sort. The party runs towards where they believe the shot came from. Barlo uses his full sprint and all the extras, same with the other Tabaxi, Bastion Bladesinger uses 2 Misty Steps.  


4 Goblins Orc Leonin assassin

The Battle:

  Combat Round 01
Bastion moves forward   Bastion is attacked, was about to use Animated Shield. Arrow in the folds of his Armor. He is able to see a Goblin. that hides   Barlo is hit by a Goblin's arrow as the arrow cuts across his shoulder. it moves and fails to hide.   Shadow sees the Goblin that hit Barlo. Shoots off two arrows, misses and then hits. Kills it. Shoots another in the trees where she thinks one hid, but it misses. She then goes into Nature's Veil*   Grunting, an Orc runs through the trees and jumps in front of Barlo with a large axe, but misses.   Sas moves forward.   Calliope moves by Arktos. Vicious Mockery "You know we're just gonna call you number two, right?" which hits. Pain across the face.   Goblin shoots at Sas, hits, then hides and fails.   Barlo: "Show yourself out, we don't care for your minions!" Attacks the Orc. and kills him as he runs past and slides his claws across the neck. Then pounces up the tree branches and attacks the Goblin he sees. Crits and kills, the Goblin drops to the ground. Then looks around and turns on the Animated Shield.   Barlo gets attacked by a crossbow in front of him, then the Leonin pounces on the ground.   Another Goblin attacks Arktos and hits.  
  Combat Round 02
Bastion casts Bladesinger and runs forward to attack the ...   Goblin misses at Bastion.   Shadow looks to see the one that shot at Arktos and uses Ensnaring Strike on a Goblin and misses. then shoots at the Goblin that hit Arktos and kills him. it falls to the ground.   Sas misses with Chill Touch.   Calliope moves. A Vicious Mockery on a Goblin in the tree "You should probably take lessons from a monkey, you suck at this."   Barlo scampers in the tree and strikes at Goblin in the tree. misses. Another strike, hits. It kills him. Then drops down next to the Leonin.   Leonin strikes with a long sword at Barlo misses. Runs, Barlo misses his opportunity strike, Bastion hits.  
  Combat Round 03
Bastion strikes and hits, with Green-Flame Blade and knocks him out. Then ties him up.  
☠️ ☠️ Shadow (goblin) ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ Barlo (Orc, Goblinx2) ☠️ Bastion (Final blow on Leonin Assassin)

t Combat Experience | 325 (65 ea) Total: 64,065 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t   t Milestone Experience | 1935 ea Total: 66,000 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t
  Reginald's men come up and take the prisoner (later they learn his name is Acate of the Sunfield), Barlo asks if the guy who was shot is okay. he is okay. There was a strong poison, but they were able to take care of it.   The Dead are Blood Hand Orcs. They have been growing power collecting all types of mercenary groups. The party has seen stuff that shows the Arcane Order was using Zirin Shadowtooth (Journal from Jacoby about Reginald's Father) who felt he didn't need the AO anymore. They also are aware that Jacoby Drexelhand was a part of the AO and used Blood Hand Orcs, so there are links.   The AO had put Reginald back in power as they thought a younger guy would be easier to handle than a defiant uncle.   They put the bodies on a cart and take them down, thank the party and tell them Reginald would surely compensate them. They say they need to investigate if it is connected to another assassin that had just occured. Ymeoz Primeguides was assassinated just seconds before.   this makes the celebration a bit less fun...   The party discuss their ship and Barlo's item on hold. (bloodstone (critical) on ring or gauntlet) needs 2000 gp? He has enough Platinum and winnings   The assistant, Ellas Lantaththar comes up. The ship is ready. Morenars Neyers isn't happy. Warning as the skys are dangerous, no ship has flown in a long time. Morenars has no rights to the tech, there is no propreitary ownership. He offers to get a crew so that someone can handle the ship when they leave it. They ask if he can help get a crew. Discussion on Professor Orb being used to power it. they give him 100 gp (barlo) to hire good trustworthy crew.    
**Left at Village of Skola Vale about to get ready for the Deadlands **

Rewards Granted


  t Combat Experience | 325 (65 ea) Total: 64,065 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t   t Milestone Experience | 1935 ea Total: 66,000 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • became lords and ladies
  • captured the assassin


City Map | Village of Skola Vale Base Map Image
* Dierde World Map (Biomes, Equirectangular) | MAIN *
Dierde World Map | Equirectangular (Biomes)

Session 53: Lord & Lady Ceremony Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
23 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie