Session 63: Crossing the Streams


14/10 17:00
15/10 8:00

  The Wild Cards leave Outding and then discover a new dragon species

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Redfall 14, 2023 KC, early evening

  Heyton Family Crypt, Outding Refuge   Recap
So the recap pretty much the previous session before the penultimate. You guys had found some strange experiment, and that strange experiment seem to be using a sword that’s connected to The Planes, and there was a set up where everything seemed connected to The Planes, and was all about focused on this tooth objects in this room it seems was the obelisk with the sword in it, and on the other side that was surrounded by all these tables with Kouter months that are linked to various outer planes and such the table had a strange statue creature, something on it, and it turns out that this might be a war for a creature from another realm. One called Eberron, which happens to be the orb inside the Brass dome, where it is, the one that is cracking, breaking apart in the Weird tentacles and other elements that remind one of the Far rounds. You guys were able to defeat some Death Tyrant, a Beholder undead, which seems to be somehow connected to the previous one. He claims that it was the same one but somehow T tethered to this obelisk and other little spirits from both the Fay rail, and the shadow fell, that were part of the strange experiment, and you defeated the Death Tyrant, and by taking the sword out of the Obelisk you were able to stop whatever machinations were in play. Then you went ahead and took everything you can find, including the war force and went home, and then so nice game. We were trying to figure out how to get out of the town before Ursa came down.   And as you guys left the crypt, you guys talk to Khanh who seems to be now in control of herself a bit more and as you guys took, you guys stand there with Calliope and this war, for that’s where we had left all started last game  
  The party attempted to wake up Calliope by either talking to her yelling at her, kind of pushing her around a little bit, trying to see if they can wake her up from this strange slumber   Shadow attempts to use her panflute by playing it close to her ear plays a very great tune, prizing herself, but unfortunately, it doesn’t seem enough to wake up Calliope     Then shadow suggested, maybe doing something with the Faye, wild fork, tuning fork and so Bastian being a sage mage but not exactly a healer type would’ve heads up if that might help and so he tried to touch her with Adam and poker a bit. Nothing seem to Work.   Bastion thinks about using Dispel Magic and has some concerns if it might interfere with her Elder's Glove of Lore, even though it is probably fine. He goes ahead and cast it at a 4th level. It tries to tug at whatever is affecting her, but it doesn't wake her up.   Sas casts Greater Restoration, and it wakes her up. She holds her and with the other hand she touches Calliope's chest and these spores of Light as well as her hand lights up to bring her back.   They explain all the things...   Barlo tries to act as if his arm was lost... The main thing they tell her is that Ursa is a Doppelganger.   There is a bit of a discussion. Should they tell Lars Heyton? They need proof. They also should be careful of just killing her as they are representatives of the Skola Vale. They think the Ghost of Ursa can be very helpful.   They go home. It is nightfall and they are able to "sneak" home with the huge Warforge creature over Arktos.   no one seems to notice them.     When they get home they try Greater Restoration over the body and it doesn't seem to react to it.   Barlo and Bastion investigate the thing. It is Wood, rotting Wood, Petrified Wood, stone, and Metal with various spots having the crystals from the island.   Calliope touches the rune and she sees a battlefield, he was a commander. the eyes and sigil both have a slight glow, and she can see the additions and changes. Somehow he fell in the battle, lost. she gets awareness that it was buried for a long time, but then vanished -- just to appear under the church. The walls torn down and Ursa is leading people to set up the experiment. A Tiefling is given an orb from Ursa, and leaves. This warforged automoton was from Eberron. She realizes the dress and look of the Tiefling it seems to be the same one from the Beholder they fought meaning the orb they carry might be the one that Ursa gave the Tiefling.   She tells the party.   They discuss the four orbs they have heard of   They have the Orb of Toril & Orb of Eberron in the Bast's Brass Orb   Bargle had Orb of Mystara and Pradam Estorich found an orb to his homeworld in his magic hat. Those are both in the possession of Ursa and the Netheril Nexus.   They discuss putting the eberron orb in the warforged... tehy discuss confronting Ursa, or finding evidence. Debating if they know the color of Doppelganger blood.  
A doppleganger's blood is a dark red, almost black, fluid with a low viscosity and a rainbow Sheen. When the vial is held, the blood changes color to match the blood of the creature holding it.
  they discuss leaving. They know they need at least an hour for the crew to reliably leave, and they want to sneak out. Barlo will go to the docks, the rest stay behind to watch for the Ghost.   Bastion contacts Jeets, and they momentarily agree that they trust him.   As Barlo heads to the docks, there is a guy in the shadows and beckons to Barlo. He is dressed in a black cloak, it is a Halfling. As   Barlo's mystery meeting
Barlo decides to investigate he sees it is the UNNAMED Halfling Shadow Thief Operative from the Shadow Thieves.   He tells him that he knows of his affiliation, and how he has Work for them. He says he has some passengers (5) and some crates which need to get where he is going, Thornwinds. Two gnomes, a dragonboard, an Elf, and a guy with a wooden Mask.

He says there is no real issue or danger. They can be ready in an hour. He had already contacted the captain (as many captains are aware of the black market). Barlo is a bit worried as he doesn't generally take such jobs without knowing all the details, but is convinced that there should be no real danger... 2000 gp, 1000 gp now and the other at the end. The Captain will take care of the details.  
  Barlo goes to talk to the captain.   He knows about a bit about Barlo's "connections" and what-not. He says he will get things taken care of. It has been around a half hour and he heads back.   Shadow watched out for the Ghost. Gets a high score on the perception and no sighting.   Bastion to Jeets "Ursa is a Doppelganger, secret experiment... need to finish notes here!!   NTO:     ----- Barlo tells the party he was given 500 gp to take some passengers out of town. Shadow and Bastion roll insight... They are confident that he was telling the truth. Shadow "We trust you."   they are going to Thornwinds.   Barlo now tells them how he used to transport people like this, before. Shadow is concerned if any were unwilling, and Barlo said no. Shadow spends the time they have left to study about The Planes. She learns that a lot is written about The Planes, and she learns a bit about the City of Sigil.   They turn a bunch of their coins into Platinum, and plan to take the ender box. Bastion ensures he knows the Teleport circle design in the basement. Discusses using the spell Teleportation Circle to sneak into the ship. He realizes that he has a scroll of Teleportation Circle.   THey find out they can transfer up to 10,000 pp. Calliope is given a black card - solid black, but hidden runes if the Light hits it right. He tells her that they know who she and they are. If they show that card at any port they should be able to purchase coins or gems for the most part. Most parts have this network and allows for such people to use the system.   They sneak to the ship.     they slowly sail out, and the passengers are at the table.   Nissa Silverfrond   Yggdra   2 gnomes Balabar Sprocket & Dipple Sprocket   Garm Pavond   The party gets to know them all.   Shadow talks to Nissa. They talk about how Yggdra comes from a cult working to end the world. She was supposed to be a weapon, and she left with a powerful artifact. She died, they brought her back and replaced her hand with this relic. It is cursed, so they are trying to remove it without killing her. The cult is looking for them.   Garm goes to the front mast and sits down. Barlo pays a lot of attention to him, and at one moment as Garm sits down and before he begins to Levitate he sees something... then Barlo (and the rest) go up to look back at the harbor.   Barlo's observations
  you notice some parts of his hidden "body" as he adjusts his robes you see it seems to have an almost transparent purplie/blue quality  
  Shadow pops her See Invisibility from her Ring of Alertness. She sees the guard towers.   Then the captain tells Bastion they are ready for the ritual and to take flight. They go up...   2 fourth level slots used up     The gnomes seemed to have gone downstairs. The new adventurers seem interested as they take flight. And now they see a scryball left behind as they lift.   they put the warforged in Shadow's room. They start to go through their magic stuff, and then ask the 8-ball a question   **NTO**   it replies "very doubtful"   They see another one of the red Crystal clouds. Shadow asks Nissa if she knows what it is. They only seem to be showing up near Outding.   Bastion realizes he needs a statuette of himself out of Ivory.   Shadow takes first rest. Bastion second. Arktos guards their door.   Shadow talks to Nissa, small talk. She learns how Nissa's old party was killed by a Doppelganger. Seems they were looking for a guy D'Arno who disappeared. D'arno was working with two doppelgangers, a brother and sister. Vyerith is described. Seems it is the same Drow appearance she used when out of other forms. D'arno lied about a Doppelganger replacing him as he was creating a persona named Spider. He was trying to take over an Arcane Forge and the doppelgangers wanted to build up a base of power with Spider as the head of the operation, but they would be the real powerbase. They recall how Vyerith said she was captured by a Wizard on the road toward Neyer   Barlo joins the conversation...   D'arno has now been run out of town. The doppelgangers had long seemed to be gone. They were originally using a local group of orcs and bandits to cause problems.   Shadow tells her what they found about Nissa, the Ghost, and Lars acting strange.   Nissa said it sounds like the brother might still be missing and so Lars probably wasn't replaced.   Shadow asks about the artifact.   Nissa feels she can trust her and tells her it is a mummified hand from one of Vecna's apprentices. This all happened around three years ago. Memories: some rumors and stories about commotion in that area. Rebrand gang led by a "Spider" character. They also are aware of such cults.   If they remove the hand, Yggdra dies. It is a curse. They have tried many types and no luck. The Metal covering helps them.   Shadow and Barlo realize they don't want to really get involved right now...       to Bastion, as he does his trance. He goes into the trance. Vivid memories from the elves' lives. This one is so vivid, and he sees an Elf going into a courtyard. He goes in the house and he kills the people in the house. A child goes and cries out. He jumps out the window. then he wakes and freeze up.   An Elf comes out of Bastion and thanks him. He realizes that this is why he was able to do the bladesinging and trance. This was the guy who "killed" his parents for a contract. They got in the way of something.   He is Kolvar.   Bastion loses the trance, but still retains the bladesinging. He was gaining power from the trances, and was finally able to return. He then teleported out somewhere.   He wanted to ask Jeets, but the stone needs a Dawn. He goes to the library and spends a few hours to find out more about him. KIng Edward Toukan was a bad king, and there war stories of a Kolvar doing his dirty Work. From Dyrt.   he then talks to shadow and Barlo.   She knows he wasn't a good guy from a few decades ago.   She tells him its his turn to do guard.   long rest.    

Redfall 15, 2023 KC, early morning

  Between Outding Refuge & Thornwinds   Barlo points out the strangeness of garm to Bastion. They ask if he ever lost his trance. They discuss what just happened, and the guy.   The Wood Mask opens into a circle and air comes out "what?"   he says the trance is different, he is 75 years old, discusses how he and Relia crashed here long ago.   The Mask seems a part of him. it is kind of fake Wood it seems. he says he is a Plasmoid.   Barlo goes a head a bit on the broom.          

  t Milestone Experience | 1000 ea Total: 87,000 (Next Goal: 100,000 ) t

Related Location
Outding Refuge
Related Species
Outding Chardalyn Dragon
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