Session 065: Castle in the Clouds Report

General Summary

Wild Cards


Redfall 15, 2023 KC, afternoon

  Between Outding Refuge & Thornwinds   Recap
Two doppelgangers (Vyerith & ...) were working with a guy named D'arno tried to take over the Arcane Forge in Philander. They were run out of town... add more    
  Shadow took a bunch of the Crystal in the hopes of getting some arrows crafted. 2 lbs. she is sure would be useful.   this is now hours after fight... afternoon.   Bastion wants Armor from the brothers...   short rest.   Nissa Silverfrond puts down a little disk on the ground and up pops a wing chun dummy appears, an Illusion magic that seems to help her training. She trains, and shows Yggdra some moves, showing her some techniques.   Calliope is working on crew morale. Barlo wants to talk to brothers about upgrading the ship with items, and Bastion/Shadow also go. Barlo wants to use his Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location Sas wants to Work on potions.   rolls   sas 4   shadow 10   calliope 4   bastion 16   Barlo 4   --   The brothers are reading in the captain's quarters. Shadow asked about the catalog, Barlo asked about the process to make a Gem for the spelljammer box.  
From the The Audacity article:


The Box also offers 7 slots that can be slotted with crafted magic gems, taking the effects and bonuses from magic items and transfered to the Gem so that the ship can benefit from them. To do this you need a gemstone (or more) which value is based on the dweomer. You need an item for which magic property you want to bestow on the ship. Cast Dweomerflow directed at these objects and stones, which will then make the magic item no longer magical and the gemstones into one single giant magic gemstone. It can now be put in one of the 7 slots and it "SHOULD" gain some effect. Some may stack, some may not. Interesting properties and/or issues can occur. So, be careful but feel free to experiment.
  Bastion can cast Dweomerflow also a reminder they might want to get a personal Mythallar to replace the professor orbs at some point   It only cost 500 gp of gemstones for this upgrade.   Bastion wants to buy Armor, with the extradimensional pocket. Should be ready tomorrow. 1200 for a single socket Leather Armor. One of the brothers starts to Work on it as he pulls some things out of a box.   Barlo goes to examine the spelljammer box. sees the coin slot and the 7 "hidden" Gem slots.   Bastion gets the materials together and transfers the dweomer from the pendant into the gems that then creates a single large Gem. the pendant and gems rise up -- the gems turn into one Light blue Gem with a slight glow.   Barlo runs up with it and puts it in the first spot, on the right side. As his hand touches, the fillagree suck in the stone, and it glows a slight blue that then spreads throughout the ship, in between the Wood grain. and it vanishes. The stone slightly glows. The captain confirms the ship and crew are now protected, the hat told him. As long as they are on the ship, they are all protected.   Barlo uses a scry stone from the brothers, who overheard him wanting to scry. He uses it to scry on Sas downstairs. It didn't Work. He returns it. The brothers said now they don't need to hide in the captain's quarters...   the sky is darkening. A storm is coming.   The captain wants to try flying above it.   There are a bit of the Crystal colors, but just on the edges of the clouds.   Dex Save as the ship weaves.   Calliope is thrown against the wall, below deck.   He now goes at steeper incline and they now come out of the clouds, as a lightning strike hits the bottom of the ship. It starts to slowly Heal itself...   Shadow & Calliope & Bastion perception:   As they Fly up, the clouds are below. Off in the distance they see something. Rock? waterfall? Rock texture covered by clouds...   Shadow asks Barlo about the broom, it is about a thousand yards away. Barlo warns her about using it since they got dragons last time. Sas suggests Polymorph.   Shadow asks if they should deviate... no one seems interested in checking it out. She is now noticing that there is a flying Rock with cloud cover and a tower, with a waterfall behind it. The architecture is not like outding.   She wants to check it out. Sas has told them they don't need to ignore everything on the way to her. Sas asks if she should wildshape   Barlo asks the Captain, Captain Johnas Scott what he makes of it.   He reminds Barlo the flying is still new to him, but he has never seen something like this. The party discuss how the past had a lot of flying buildings, hence the one Outding re-established. They have heard, recently, that Gnomengraad may have such buildings too.   The captain asks what he should do, and Shadow says to hover.   Barlo gets the ship's weapon loaded.   Shadow casts Pass Without Trace.     A large flying island with a waterfall feeding a lake that encircles a large tower with a large telescope on top. An abandoned farmland to the left.   Some birds and other small creatures. Nothing seen to be too big. Some flying squirrels.   The bottom of the island has veins of some blackish Metal that has an oily Sheen as the Light hits it and a lot of the crystals. There is a cloud cover under the whole island.   The tower looks fine. They go around the tower...   A large flying blue Crystal over the bridge.   Large plant life abounds.   Windows have some forcefield magic   They go to the sign post on the bridge...   Shadow looks and it says "Private Property" and a sigil.   They Fly under the island. They realize there is a waterfall -- where does the water come from?   Underneath there are "vents" where steam seems to be coming from. The new Metal, Rock, and Crystal everywhere.   They try to call out to the house... a bunch of birds Fly off, but nothing else. Sparks at the blue Crystal.     I also realized I let them converse when she was in eagle form... oops.   They go back to report to the party.   We also discussed how the ship doesn't have a "reverse" and not really a great side drift in the air.       So they take the ship to the island. They needed to mend some damage from the Dragon fight.     Barlo tells them to not land, but hover.   They go towards the bridge. There are no issues, but as they get closer the blue Crystal is glowing a bit. The Symbol is Tharros' Symbol.   some party discussion as they hadn't seen him since the Feywild around 3 years ago give or take based on Feywild math. He said he needed them more powerful for future threat. He also brought up what they took from him.   there are comments on how Jacoby Drexelhand, Tharros the Wanderer, Captain Meklan all seem as if they might be the same person...     Barlo tells everyone else to stay back as he will go on the bridge. He hits a force field. He is hit a force attack.  




The Battle:



  Calliope casts True Strike.   Shadow casts Hunter's Mark then shoots an arrow. Hits. Didn't take all damage. Second strike hits, no swarm on that. Notices it might be the force not working.   A Light glows on it, a cloud forms and shoots a large Lightning Bolt at the party, towards Shadow & Arktos.   Barlo uses a bolt. Hits.   It shoots out another force of ligthning   Bastion casts Haste, there was a bit of casting talk as for what is legal....   Ultimately I later did the Work and found what is legal for his character at this time   Then uses his cantrip attack action with Ray of Frost x2 (bracers) hits.   bastion's legal spells per turn
Bonus Actions: Hex Misty Step Shadow Blade   Cantrips Booming Blade Green-Flame Blade Prestidigitation Ray of Frost   Extra AttackTCE p76[–] Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Moreover, you can cast one of your cantrips in place of one of those attacks.   From <,state:sub-bladesinging-tce=b1>   You can use a bonus action to start the Bladesong, which lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are Incapacitated, if you don medium or heavy Armor or a Shield, or if you use two hands to make an attack with a weapon. You can also dismiss Bladesong at any time you choose (no action required). While your bladesong is active, you gain the following benefits: • You gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1). • Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. • You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. • You gain a bonus to any Constitution saving throws you make to maintain concentration on a spell. The bonus equals your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).   From <,state:sub-bladesinging-tce=b1>   A powerful illusionist of House Dimir originally developed these bracers, which enabled her to create multiple minor illusions at once. The bracers' power, though, extends far beyond illusions.   While wearing the bracers, whenever you cast a cantrip, you can use a bonus action on the same turn to cast that cantrip a second time.   From <'s%20bracers_ggr>   Some notes… bracers use BA to get second Cantrip. So you can use Action Attack, +Extra Action (cantrip) and then burn BA for second Cantrip   You can cast spell (cantrip) and burn BA for second Cantrip   Those both can use green-flame or Booming Blade.   BA Hex or Misty Step or Shadow Blade and you can still cast: Booming Blade, Green-Flame, Prestidigition ( you never know), or Ray of Frost -- but NOT get a second blast since you used the Bonus action already.   And don't forget you also can use your Bonus Action to put up Bladesong which gives you a bunch of bonuses    
  Sas as a Giant Eagle does a bite attack, it hits but does no damage. Talons also don't hurt it as they miss. May need a Magic Weapon. She lands and returns to regular form.  


  Calliope casts Shatter there are some hairline fractures now.   The Crystal attacks with a loud roar. Some are Stunned.   Shadow attacks and hits with bow & arrow.   Barlo steps back. Tells the gnomes to help. Then shoots a bolt. Activates his Shield.   One of the brothers shoots and misses   The other misses   Bastion was Stunned   Sas was Stunned  


  Calliope Stunned   Shadow shoots and hits. Arktos was Stunned   Another attack from Crystal.   Barlo shoots, but it ricochets off.   Another lightning attack   Brother crits with a shot that has some ice damage   Bastion casts Scorching Ray and retreats   lightning attack from Crystal   Sas Call Lightning on it.   which destroys its attacks and it is now "turned off" and deactivated.    
☠️ killed by Sas

t Combat Experience | 11,500 1,916 ea * 91916 total t
    It is getting a bit late, so they decide to take a long rest before going further in the exploration       The Gnome brothers stay on the island near the ship and start digging up Metal.            

  t Combat Experience | 11,500 1,916 ea * 91916 total t   t Milestone Experience | total: 92000 t

  * I didn't take xp away from ship combat, although I should have... but I took a bit away on this due to the brothers and to make up from the ship battle difference. Still in favor of party though...

Rewards Granted


t Combat Experience | 11,500 1,916 ea * 91916 total t   t Milestone Experience | total: 92000 t  

Missions/Quests Completed




map-outding refuge-floating islands-min.jpg

* Dierde World Map (Biomes, Equirectangular) | MAIN *
Dierde World Map | Equirectangular (Biomes)

Session 65: Castle in the Clouds Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
20 Jan 2024
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie