Session 055: The Siren's Call Report

The Menagerie Take the Long Route to Thornwinds

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Redfall 03, 2023 KC, early afternoon

  Above Kampos East Side   Adventure Recap
We've had some time off. Some visions. An assassination plot that interrupted the Ceremony which coincided with an assassination of the Enond king. They also got their Adventurer Class Airship. So they sent Ellas Lantaththar, their assistant, to get a crew.   With a crew they head off to the Deadlands, to help Bast with a dying pharoah. On the way they intend to stop at Thornwinds to deliver a package.  
  The party have gotten to know a bit more about the crew with their travels.   The Crew, as copied from previous session     Bastion Retcon on GemBook Study
Retcon, Sabastion (21) on int check for Rocks, Crystals, And Gemstones   based on Bastion's reading:   The party originally skimmed this book to see if it discussed the Crystal structures on the island.   This book goes a lot into Rocks, Crystals, And Gemstones. So MOST of the information on any Gem page herein.   It discusses a little bit of Gem Magic, but not much as the author didn't learn much about this except the rumors he came about a place called Gnomengraad where they have found many ways to control Gem Magic, especially using ancient devices known as Mythallars.   Also goes into Residuum how it can do some enchanting of items.   15 - although not explicit, one could reasonably surmise after having knowledge the party has accrued since now that the crystals on the island of Outding Refuge are magically enhanced in a variety of ways. Mostly because the unique Arcane Forge (which is connected to the Far Realms) and a long standing Dragon horde are there it has definitely affected the lands and caused the Creation of such crystals. It is not that the rocks hold magic, but they can definitely Work with magic much easier than other rocks and crystals, for the most part. It also seems that this means using such crystals in the Arcane Forge on this island is what helps make some magic items easier or even possible. Also that the Gems of Tharizdun hold great power and there may be ways in controlling this power. Additionally, there are stories of those who create gemslots in some items to grant magical abilities. The author could not support this, but it is brought up a few times.   20 - Reading between the lines you realize that there is the recipe to create a "Stone of Good Luck". -Polished Agate (value minimum: 250gp, -Minimum Level 3 -additional 200 gp of materials -2 Work weeks -CR 4-8 Need to shape the Agate and/or the sculpture (usually made to represent a cat head and made of a black Rock type material).  
  Bastion Retcon on Mountain Stone Magic Book Study
Not so great a roll, so no real change:   very informative about dwarves, mining techniques, and materials. Most of the metals, Gem, and hardstones are discussed herein.   goes into tangents, the author was a bit crazy. He wrote this on a whim.   The Magic of Stone and the Souls of Mountains
  The party had found the broom. Bastion passes the goggles to Calliope, but she reminds him she has the tattoo. Discussion on the goggles and Darkvision.   tabletalk travel
looking at map, travel route. Outding Refuge is on the way.  
  Barlo is working on his lockpicks when on downtime during this travel. Uneventful days he can get 6-10 hours if he chooses.   Shadow in the Snow asks the surgeon if he wants a tattoo   "Here is my Tattoo Sketchbook, what do you think?"   Thinking a caduceus with a bonesaw design. Harmon Lukas is more of a cleric than a surgeon, he is a follower of Tyr. He is the god of law and justice... scales, warhammer, caduceus design...   He allows her to do the tattoo, and Calliope Galanodel plays some music with Bastion Bladesinger casting Skill Empowerment to help as well. She creates a perfect tattoo.   A scale with caduceus on one side and the ship on the other.   She shows off the tattoo to see if others are interested.   Calliope practices some jokes on the crowd, and her performance is so great it is a boon to the morale. Seems her Vicious Mockery has been improving her jokes as well... this will grant an advantage to the next morale roll.   table talk on tattoo design
One can discover magic tattoos and to create them it is analogous to magic item Creation, consuming of time and money.   For flavor, one can put some spin to the magic tattoos, as long as the core of them are adhered to.  
  Bastion is working on Jeweler's Tools, no proficiency but with the Books he has studied -- he is able to do these at straight roll. He rolls a 19, so as he polishes a Tiger Eye Agate. This would probably go up a bit on its value based on the polish job.   Bastion's memory as he looks for a stone to practice on.
reminder. they gave Books to Jeets and one of them spoke of a well under River's Keep connected to Shadowfell and gave some complicated rituals to turn Diamond dust into Chardalyn... hence why they found those items in the tunnels under the keep.  
  Sas is working with the Herbalism Kit, and making some stuff.   working on two potions... Muroosa Balm... nvm.   So we fixed that she needs to pick 3 recipes.   Sas decides to look at Journal of a Botanist, and finds a new recipe as well.   Bastion Bladesinger burns off two more gems to refill the ship, adds 2 more days of travel.    

Redfall 04, 2023 KC

  Above Kampos East Side  
Third Day of Flight   Sas xx, Good weather,   Shadow xx, navigation (2) fails (seems the navigator needs to Work on flying and travel over land)   Calliope 15, Morale (15) is good and so it seems no one notices how far off the path they are   Bastion 15, Barlo ... things seem okay.
  They saw the forest in the morning, and now a lot of open fields.    

Redfall 05, 2023 KC

  Above Kampos East Side   Bastion does another Gem polish. (12) decent job.  
Fourth Day of Flight   sas... shadow (6) calliope (1) -- seems people are realizing they are off course. Barlo/bastion?
    **Skill Challenge**   Bastion takes the broom. Hitting a bit of a storm. The water is collecting on the ship disrupting the weight.   Shadow is hiding. The crew are using brooms to push the water overhead. Barlo suggests making a hole in the ship, and teh Captain reminds him they need the Brumestone on the bottom of the ship.   Barlo goes to hide from the rain.   Shadow uses (arcana) Mage Hand to help push water off.   Bastion (8) tries to do something... then takes a rope and ties it to the mast and the broom trying to tugboat it... This isn't working, it is like a bull ride as the ship's buckling pulls him around.   Shadow thinks about a canvas or tarp to create a tent, they don't have enough material.   Unseen Servant and Mage Hand are assisting as they are assigned by the Sprite, Rogan Lock.   The crew is still getting used to Flying Ship versus sea ship, Sas casts Enhance Ability and uses Perception (Success).   Calliope is looking to use Wind Wall to block the rain, for a minute. Nature check, success. It helps keep a lot of water off the deck, giving more control to the captain...   reroll for the lowest 4 Sas (12), Shadow (6), Calliope (10), Barlo (2)   As they come out of the water, the captain starts to go a bit higher, and a Lightning Bolt comes at them, but they are able to get out of the way in time. The party comes out of the storm, and as night comes we burn two more stones.. (** This would have been the previous night, dates got a bit mixed up... or its mixed up because of night/day**)    

Redfall 06, 2023 KC, early morning

  Above Kampos East Side  
Fifth Day of Flight   Sas (...)   Shadow bad   Calliope 3, Morale (15) is good and so it seems no one notices how far off the path they are   Bastion (11), Barlo ... things seem okay.
  Still going south, and the captain and navigator are realizing they are off the trail as the shore should be present by now. Concern due to the treeline and lack of water.   Calliope tries to help morale with some jokes (success). The grumpiness subsides a bit.   **tabletalk on rooms of the ship and features of the ship**   Also a reminder that established "Permanent" Teleportation Circles are destinations. There is one on the ship that Calliope and Bastion knows so they can get here with the spell.   As the Sun sets.   Calliope is helping morale. Shadow is working on sketches. Sas is working with herbalism. Bastion is going to try and cut a Gem (fail) the cut is lopsided, lost some value.   The party on the deck begin to hear the most beautiful song ever as an ugly Harpy    
The creature has the legs, and powerful leathery wings of a vulture with the torso, arms, and head of a Human. She has wicked talons and is carrying a club of Bone. She has the face of a cruel old women, with coal-black eyes. Her hair is filthy, tangled, and crusted with dry blood. She isn't wearing any clothing, but is adorned with jewelry and other trinkets, possibly from her victims.
  Calliope is not Charmed.    




The Battle:

Calliope casts Dissonant Whispers on the Harpy, succeeds. She screeches in pain and flies off the ship, all the enthralled crew turn and face her. Calliope worries she might have choosen poorly...   Sas is below deck, perception (13) feels something is off. Hears a slight bit of the music. She moves up to the stairwell. She sees Calliope is the only one not dumbfounded. She hears the music, Calliope sees her and shouts about the music -- Sas is not affected by the music. She realizes the song is the problem, so she casts Deafness on her Friends and the crew... There are 6 people enthralled. Sas moves a bit more onto deck, casting at level 5 on all but Barlo. Success!   Someone cast it on Barlo and he is fine now.   Sprite moves   Halfling moves   Barlo grabs the Halfling (or Sprite?) to try and hold him, shouts at him to stop moving.   Shadow shoots with a casting of Grasping Vine and hits, the arrow hits and the vines begin to envelop her, so she shoots another arrow and that is enough to kill her. The arrow goes into the heart and she yelps as her head turns to side and she falls.   The Drow looks over the edge and then looks at Shadow.  
☠️ Shadow

t Combat Experience | 200 (40 ea) Total: 67,040 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t   t Milestone Experience | 960 Total: 68,000 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t
  The Harpy is Dead.         Falling notes
**FALLING**   Unless something has changed (and that's quite possible), I was under the assumption that, per XGtE, the following is true:  
  • The standard rule for falling is that you fall the entire distance immediately and instantly. Meaning that as soon as you were knocked Prone, you instantly fell 600'.
  • The rule for falling assumes that a creature immediately drops the entire distance when it falls.  
  • The optional rule is 500' instantly descended. If you still have room to fall after this, you fall up to another 500' instantly at the end of that turn.
  • When you fall from a great height, you instantly descend up to 500 feet. If you’re still falling on your next turn, you descend up to 500 feet at the end of that turn. This process continues until the fall ends, either because you hit the ground or the fall is otherwise halted.   So in your example, if you are using the optional rule, you fell 500' instantly, meaning with no actual time taken. you'll fall the remaining 100' instantly at the end of the next turn.   Also keep in mind that RAW, you take damage when the fall ends, period. That means if you spread your wings and stop the fall after 500', then by RAW you take 500' worth of damage (the fall damage cap of 20d6), there is no written rule saying fall damage is only after hitting the ground - though as a DM I RAI/Homebrew it to be so. Again, this assumes there hasn't been an errata to change this recently - but given that the wording for Feather Fall is very specific, I believe this is still the case and intended.   **FALLING**
      Party discussed maybe doing something with the Broom of Flying so it can be used in emergencies. Then they tie it to the mast, and notify the crew it is for emergencies..       Message from Ursa to Bastion   "We're still looking at these jars, we think may have .. at Skola Vale we discussed those orbs, and then we heard you had one that is possibly breaking."   bastion: "yes"   Ursa: "We are genuinely curious about these things, and we heard you may be passing by. If you want we can possibly take that one off your hands to see if we can keep it safe. Just an idea. Just wanted to throw it by you. Also, We're working on a new communication device so you can keep up with others, especially as we don't trust the T.W.I.T.T.E.R. service."   Bastion: "I hear it might be terrible. Okay, ..."   He tells the others, how they think they can keep it safe. The party says they trust Ursa and Lars. Bastion also learns about the situation with the Harpy.   question on flight height
    They are traveling about 100' in the air  
      They were discussing putting the orb in the Enderbox, Bastion says they said the party could stop.    
    Q. "Are we going the right direction?"   A"Outlook not so good."
        Bastion goes to the Drow... tells her, she says that is troubling. Goes to Sprite and has him take the Helm, then goes to awake the NAVIGATOR who in a robe goes to the Captains Quarters, uses the map and then goes back out to look at the stars. Makes some adjustments and the Ship turns left.   Message to Ursa "on our way and excited to learn what you have on the jars."   Barlo asks the others about favorite colors.   LONG REST....  
    **Left on the ship on the way to Thornwinds**

    Rewards Granted


    t Combat Experience | 200 (40 ea) Total: 67,040 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t   t Milestone Experience | 960 Total: 68,000 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t  

    Missions/Quests Completed



    * Dierde World Map (Biomes, Equirectangular) | MAIN *
    Dierde World Map | Equirectangular (Biomes)

    Session 55: The Siren's Call Report

    Table of Contents

    The Wild Cards
    Bastion Bladesinger
    Sas W.T. Rayce
    Calliope Galanodel
    Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
    Barbarian 8
    85 / 85 HP
    Shadow in the Snow
    Report Date
    22 Jul 2023
    Primary Location
    Wild Cards
    Organization | Aug 22, 2024

    The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

    Timeline of The Wild Cards
    Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

    A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie