Rogan Lock (/ˈroʊ.ɡən lɒk/)

You see a small, slender sprite with twinkling, mischievous eyes and wavy black hair pulled back into a tight braid. He wears a long, navy blue robe and speaks with a high-pitched, sing-song voice. This is Rogan Lock, the deckhand/wizard, always ready to aid you on your adventures with his magical assistance.
  Rogan is a mischievous and adventurous character. He loves to explore and take risks and is always ready to offer his assistance and knowledge to those in need. He is loyal to his friends and is willing to go out of his way to help those he deems worthy. He is kind and generous, and loves to tell stories and jokes  
I strive to use my skills and knowledge to help those in need   I am loyal to my friends and care deeply for their well-being   I can be too trusting of strangers and get myself into dangerous situations


Rogan grew up on a small island and spent his childhood exploring the nearby islands and learning about the creatures and cultures he encountered. After leaving his home, he trained as a wizard and joined a ship as a deckhand. During his travels he has gained knowledge of many different cultures and peoples, and has come to understand the value of companionship and friendship  


Rogan is a small, slender creature with a tan complexion, pointed ears, and long, thin hands. He has large, dark eyes that seem to twinkle with mischief, and a long, thin nose. His wavy black hair is pulled back into a tight braid and he wears a long, navy blue robe  

Speaking Style

Rogan speaks with a high-pitched, sing-song voice. He often uses archaic words and phrases that he has picked up during his travels, and enjoys making puns and weaving stories

Male Sprite, Neutral Good 85 year old Deckhand/Wizard

Current Location
Onboard Menagerie Ship
View Character Profile
Current Status
Crew for the Menagerie (Deckhand/Wizard)
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1938 KC 85 Years old
Large Dark
Wavy Black, Tight braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
tan complexion
20 lbs.
Aligned Organization