Session 020: An Errand for a Tree Report

The Mighty Menagerie does an errand to save a Treant.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Leafall 15, 2020KC

  Trolldeth Forest North of Wide Berth on Kampos     table talk about Fine Quality Ammunition
also, ammunition of exceptional quality that Barlo and Shadow bought -- there is a 50% chance you can recover all instead of just 50% of the Fine Quality Ammunition.
  The party looks at the Dead Displacer Beasts, and they peruse the Monster Hunting Guide for some info and input from Bastion Bladesinger and Calliope Galanodel -- they realize these things are from the Feywild. They were used to capture and hunt certain animals. They are intelligent and escaped.   They despise Blink Dogs, which will attack them on sight.   They like to hunt not just for food but also for fun.   They took a few parts from the Beasts:   Bastion: 3 Displacer Beast hides, 1 tentacle   Shadow: Tentacles failed on 1 - can be used as a whip, needs some crafting to become a whip+1 (mastercrafted) Teeth, Canines (12, 6 uppers and six downers)  

3 Displacer Beast Hides, 2 Tentacles, 12 teeth
  As Bastion asks if anyone has a vial or bottle, the party sees something up in the tree which looks like it might have been what they were feasting upon. It is a Dwarf in shredded Leather Armor with clean boots and a nice sword.   The rations in the bag are torn, but there is also a box in the pouch. Shadow begins to dig through his belongings, but then Bastion says to bring it down, and Barlo says to throw it down.   "CATCH!", Shadow yells to Barlo as she dislodges the body from the branches, and as the carcass drops onto Barlo, he grabs it without a problem and sets it down. Shadow investigates the branches a bit longer but finds nothing more than some fur pointing out how the Beasts were up here.   Bastion looks at the gear and notices how the boots and shortsword have an arcane presence about them.   They find:  

150 GP, 45 SP, Frost Brand Shortsword (Shadow), Boots of Elvenkind, and a box w/ a letter
  In this time, it counts as a short rest.   Shadow attunes to the shortsword after asking (with a mild threat) for them, and since Sas has a bit of an issue with stealth, the party gives her the Boots. She struggles a bit but gets them on, and they resize to make themselves very comfortable.   Shadow looks at the box. It is sealed.  
On the outside of the box is a sealed letter with a wax seal. It has an address:  
Durnan, proprietor of The Yawning Portal Kampos, Wide Berth. Rainrun Street in the Castle Ward (Between Cook St/Belnimbra's St -- near Snail Street, SW of the Castle)
  Shadow shook the box. It sounded like a bit of a sloshing sound, slight in glass, and it was muffled by wrapping. She says there is an address, and maybe the party should deliver it.   The party is ready to start to look for the possible Trolls again. Bastion finds some possible tracks going North…   Being "stealthy," the party follows the tracks until they seem to end. Shadow listens to the surroundings with her Tabaxi heritage and the Ranger training -- she hears some rustling coming from behind a thick row of trees. She climbs up the trees and peers through to see a sizeable moving tree.   Sas and Calliope notify the party that Treants are guardians of the forest. Druids have a close connection with Treants. They tend to donate Potion of Fire Resistance to them to honor them, help them, or for favors.   Bats and violent Plants tend to help protect them. They can also animate Plants and trees around them. They are also aware of events even miles away.    

  Sas goes to the tree, and in Common, she greets him. "Hello, my name is Sas - What's yours?"   He responds in Druidic - "Are any in your party a Druid?"   In Druidic, she responds she is a Druid.   "it's good to have druids come in here; I have not seen one in some time. I am in need of some help, but it seems you are looking for something."   She says they are looking for Trolls.   "Interesting. I might be able to help. I am in need of Rot Grubs."   Shadow: "eww"   Sas: "what are Rot Grubs?"   Eldertwig: "I am affected by Tube Wilt, and the rot grubs help get rid of it.   Calliope asks about a possible cream solution since the Rot Grubs can be very dangerous if they touch Living skin.   He says he knows of a powerful Troll and his friends who have some Grubs; he is unable to handle it.   Sas asked about a possible reward, and the Eldertwig offered his Treant Draught for the party.
    An accord is made, so he opens a path through the trees to the East, telling them of the hillside with the hidden door.   They find the hill, and without any issues, they see the open secret door.  

  At the entrance, they hear nothing, and so Shadow peeks in to see many broken jars and pots, as well as the stench, is getting worse. As they enter, Shadow sees a large carcass, and it is being devoured by the grubs.   As they came into the large chamber, they noticed the smell was so bad that it was strong enough to cause a bit of sickness.   Both Shadow & Calliope use their Mage Hands in an effort to cup up the Rot Grubs. Instead of cupping them, it agitated them a bit.   Calliope was thinking of using Prestidigitation for a rotting flesh smell at the jars to attract them to the jar.   After they were able to scoop up the grubs into a jar, Calliope used some cud to make a seal. Then as they went further into the caverns to find a Troll, the smell finally got to Calliope.   Arktos did some recon, and he came back. Shadow used to talk to animals, and he tells her there is a huge Troll gnawing on something.   The team explores the Northernmost chamber and finds a Large Rock blocking another room and a shallow, stagnant pool. Shadow sneaks ahead and sees him return to the party to plan an attack -- luckily, the Troll did not hear them.   She plans to draw him out. So she hits him. This gigantic Troll has this thin headband stuck to his head.  



The Battle:

  Combat Round 01, Not finished?
The party was surprised as the Troll teleported, something one does not usually see. He also had a misty green funk about him. He also seemed able to do some spells. … The fire spells from Bastion kept his HP recovery at bay, and Vicious Mockery from Calliope hurt his attacks.   Then Barlo grabbed the headband and was able to take it off the Troll… he now seemed unable to cast. Bastion put it on and realized that they had a Headband of Intellect   It then attacked Barlo with a Crit after missing the first attack (almost a crit if it wasn't for Calliope's spell).   Shadowblade...
☠️ Calliope ☠️Bastion (confirmswith fire)

t Combat Experience: 2900 (580 Each) | Total: 8580 (Next Goal: 14,000) t
  Bastion finds a key and a lockbox that was his pillow. Bastion took out the Troll's heart.  

  After the fight, they went back towards Eldertwig but ran into Vedergrime's friends coming back with a Deer over their shoulder.  


2 Trolls

The Battle:

  Combat Round 01, Not finished?
The party was surprised as the Troll teleported, something one does not usually see. He also had a misty green funk about him. He also seemed able to do some spells. … The fire spells from Bastion kept his HP recovery at bay, and Vicious Mockery from Calliope hurt his attacks.   Then Barlo grabbed the headband and was able to take it off the Troll… he now seemed unable to cast. Bastion put it on and realized that they had a Headband of Intellect   It then attacked Barlo with a Crit after missing the first attack (almost a crit if it wasn't for Calliope's spell).   Shadowblade...
☠️ ☠️ ☠️ Bastion (confirmed both with fire) ☠️ Sas

t Combat Experience: 3600 (720 Each) | Total: 9300 (Next Goal: 14,000) t

2 Troll Heads (for reward), 2 Troll Hearts
**Left in Trolldeth Forest on the way back to Eldertwig **

Rewards Granted


  t Combat Experience: 2900 (580 Each) | Total: 8580 (Next Goal: 14,000) t   t Combat Experience: 3600 (720 Each) | Total: 9300 (Next Goal: 14,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Found a dead dwarf delivery guy.
  • Found a Treant seeking rot grubs.
  • Found a cave with rot grubs... and Trolls.
  • Defeated the trolls.


Area Map | Kampos (Simple & Color)
Kampos, much of the land is not fully explored and that which has been exploited has been settled by the more anthropomorphic species of Dierde.

Session 20: An Errand for a Tree Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
20 Nov 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie