Session 036: Journey to a Keep Report

The Menagerie journey to an abandoned keep.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Lowsun 3, 2023 KC, Early Morning

  Village of Skola Vale, Skola Vale The Dark Rain Forest, Kampos     SAS reveals that one of her Letters spoke of her father being held and the party believes he might be held at the keep nearby that the Elder would like cleared out.   She speaks of how he has long been gone, since she was young.   Shadow also seeks out a leathersmith as Arktos has outgrown his Armor. She was thinking a saddlebag/saddle thing. They also discuss the Blood Hands and how they have grown in size since the party last was on the Material Plane.   She paid 30 gp for Arktos saddlebags made out of the old Armor.   They go to the Elder's keep to check on the Adventurer Class Airship of the Vale, v.2.   In trying to restore it they had to use some outside resources. Cormin Bogletigle Neyer is a Gnome that specializes in Gem Magic.   and Morenars Neyers is a half Orc who owns some local mines. He locked them into a conract to restore the ship restoration, but there was.a clause in the contractthat seems to have actually made it his ito some degree. Unless the party uses the ship for a mission to visit another planet and satisfy the clause. He wants them to test it off-planet, visit another planet, and do a recon job.  
They take a tour of the ship: (needs a new name) Almost completely new, but the "helm" remains as it is what truly powers its flight. The masts are made from trees, and there seems to plant life "carvings" everywhere and Living Plants seeping out of random parts. The tree masts help Heal the ship. There are blue crystals embedded in the bottom. Ballista at the front.   The captain's room has stained glass windows which makes it scry proof. the table offers a here's feast if a proper "sacrifice" of wealth is offered.   Below, find 5 bedroms, kitchen storage.   talking tubes throughout the ship which an connect two rooms or intercom to all.   kitchen has pantry magic to store food, sink with running water from water plane, stove funnels heat from fire plane.   the hold has a storage, weapon room, crew hammocks.   a forest room which is the elder's private grove and has no memory or time dilation problems...   only those she chooses can enter   and a Teleportation Circle.
  met up with the Elder of the Dawngreets, Morenars Neyers and Cormin Bogletigle Neyer at the gate as they exit.   told the mission is all they need to claim the ship and they have 6 months to do this.   the keep is 12 hours following the river (thick overgrowth) so .  

they buy 2 horses and a cart 120 gp
  3 days by road with this.   traveling -- 1 nothing happens buit of travelers and commerce   1st watch see a silhoute of a large bird crossing and shadowing the moon. 100 ft wingspan, carrying a cow.   Bastion Bladesinger int check: a Roc flying southeast feathers can be used for some Crafting.  

Lowsun 4, 2023 KC

  2. more normal forest, but still nuances of the Feywild   watch hears gurnts and scuffles, smell of ozone. about 100 ft away is a flash of red; a large Troll fighting a flying Flameskull.  

Lowsun 5, 2023 KC

  3. a cart heading towards party and says he seen them before. Volo, the old guy whith a black bead that calliope tried to steal and shadow tried to rip off.   he offered combat Gloves of Missile Snaring a Sentinel Shield a Spellbook with skin covering blowgun +1 Staff of Swarming Insects   he had bought a tavern in Wideberth the party sold a shortsword, Behir horn and scales  

Lowsun 6, 2023 KC

  they crest the hill and see the ruined keep.   movement on the grounds, guards -- bugbears, goblins, etc...   pulled off the road, set camp quietly sneak to recon
  • bbs, gob boss, Hobgoblin, goblins 6-8 creatures around the castle roaming about
  • small broken, cracked, main entry   the guards seem new and eager to please -- earning a tattoo     Barlo walks up to tak to them, bluff fils.  



    The Battle:

      Next Session is the actual battle!  

    t Milestone Experience: 1000 Each | Total: 35,000 (Next Goal: 48,000 t
    **Left at River's Keep -- about to enter and fight **

    Rewards Granted


      t Milestone Experience: 1000 Each | Total: 35,000 (Next Goal: 48,000) t  

    Missions/Quests Completed

    • The party get to the keep and find it is occupied
    Hex | Township | B1 D2 E5 J5



    Local Points of Interest

      River's Keep

    Session 36: Journey to a Keep Report

    Table of Contents

    The Wild Cards
    Bastion Bladesinger
    Sas W.T. Rayce
    Calliope Galanodel
    Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
    Barbarian 8
    85 / 85 HP
    Shadow in the Snow
    Report Date
    13 Aug 2022
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    Wild Cards
    Organization | Aug 22, 2024

    The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

    Timeline of The Wild Cards
    Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

    A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie