Session 037: Jacoby & Jeets at the Keep Report

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Lowsun 6, 2023 KC, Early Morning

  River's Keep, Skola Vale The Dark Rain Forest, Kampos     Barlo failed to trick them.   They called for attack...  



The Battle:

  Shadow in the Snow & Barlo Perception...   Shadow sees based on Perception
Hears Gruzzussk D'Achtend say: "Jacoby, they are here. Stop them, see if they have the book. Don't kill either Tortle they are the key with the help of the book. I'm off to check on the dig site. Don't fuck this up."
  Barlo sees based on Perception & Location
Barlo, perception... 10: sees movement on walls

Combat Round 01

Back to Shadow in the Snow...: Runs forward, yells "Jacoby" and fires an arrow. misses. Fires a second, Jacoby triggers Shield, yet it still hits.   Barlo, "What? You said Jacoby?"   Jacoby takes 15 damage.   Shadow in the Snow casts Hunter's Mark   Look of anger on his face, he moves forward. He is younger -- much like Jeremy irons.   "So, that little Satyr was right. You were coming out here.   For some time we had been looking for you, especially after you helped us open that book. For so long our Order has sought the way to reveal its secrets as it is half of the key, and yet here you are. Bringing that half to the other half, just as we expected.   Now we can finally find out what the Tortle is hiding in that shell of a brain of his… I want to thank you, since that last form got a bit too corrupted, and it is nice to be young again. A perk of the Order, if you will. Now, you can set the book down and run off with your tails between your legs or we can do this the easy way…"  
  • he looks at each of you, and studies you all.
  • Everyone give a wisdom save…  
  • he is trying to peer into their minds a bit, due to his bond to the Flameskull
  •   "Fine I'll do it the other way… you know, after you killed my last body, I have to wonder -- how many times did you question if I was in that ring you carried? I went to Lars & that duplicitous bitch, Ursa to find my gear… I learned you stole it. One thing you gave back though, I have brought here. It is not as you remember it, but it is still oh so deadly… My old skull."   Barlo feels something... but is sure the headgear protected him...   Shadow in the Snow and Sas W.T. Rayce feel an itch in their brain.   Out of nowhere, Jacoby's old twisted skull appears -- it is now a Flameskull and as it casts the multiplicity spell it drops it's Invisibility   ** Starting to notice Arktos is handling combat a bit different. A lot seems to have changed since he became a "full-grown" Owlbear.**   The Jacoby's Flameskull has 3 versions of itself floating, it reaches out one of its tentacles to Barlo. It's trying to get the Cowl of Warding, and misses.   Jacoby points his finger behind Barlo and casts Fireball   Arktos, Barlo take full damage, Shadow in the Snow takes half. A little bit of dried grass takes fire...   20 feet high walls.   "Jacoby!!" Rage and claws from Barlo, feline agility to jump to the wall and leaping up onto the wall. The Flameskull lashes out, reaction - misses.   Barlo reaches out and grapples Jacoby, successfully. Swipes at him with his other claw, and CRITS... Slasher feat comes out.   Second claw attack -- hits! (Shield was stowed). He growls and yells "Fuck you!"   Bugbear moves up to Shadow in the Snow, growls and slobber. Morningstar to the head.   Another Bugbear runs up to Calliope Galanodel and lashes out at her, misses. (Calliope Galanodel remembers her Uncommon Glamerweave cape is on Barlo).   Bugbear misses Shadow in the Snow.   Sas W.T. Rayce casts Chill Touch on the Flameskull, but turns out it is resistant to Necrotic... and moves a bit.   Calliope Galanodel uses Vicious Mockery to a Bugbear "I've seen Chihuahuas more ferocious than you", he saves (20), and is only slightly confused. She throws out a bardic inspiration to Bastion. (d8)   Bastion Bladesinger moves. BA: Shadow in the Snow, then two attacks on Bugbear (advantage due to flanking). Roll20 gives another horrible damage roll...   A javelin is thrown at Barlo by a Goblin, it misses. Two climb over the walls from the interior.   note for self
    (Note for self... a character can "help" giving the Restrained character a bonus to breaking it on their next turn). Maybe ask players for future sake, if they think a player should be able to do a strength check to undo it -- granted this would apply to both sides.
      The two on the wall clash their scimitars and miss Barlo.  

    Combat Round 02

    Shadow in the Snow casts Spike Growth -- the vines come up and it replaces her concentration. She yells for Arktos to attack, he gets his first Fury points and does a Violent Attack... Looks like he is learning to rage from Barlo. Crit, and it moves the Bugbear 5 feet into the Spike Growth, hurting him. He then uses his BA for Owlie Hoot, makes a sound deep in the chest and cries out giving strength to Shadow in the Snow.   Jacoby is still under Barlo's feat and Restrained -- he casts a firebolt spell to Barlo's face. Misses.   Barlo is "asking" Jacoby to give up. The Flameskull shoots two firerays from its eyes at Barlo, one connects.   Barlo "Sas, guys -- take out the skull!" then "Jacoby, call this off.."   Jacoby, "Not yet."   He pulls Jacoby down off the wall and as they land, Jacoby has a silvery mist and disappears ** reaction to misty   Barlo activates his Animated Shield -- has claws ready, holds action. Perception: sees movement in south bushes.   Bugbear near Shadow in the Snow, she deflects the morningstar attack   Bugbear attacks and misses Arktos.   Bugbear misses Calliope Galanodel, but Sas W.T. Rayce's spores attacks him. The small fire goes out.   A Bugbear throws a javelin at Shadow in the Snow.   Sas W.T. Rayce realizes the skull has a resistance to Chill Touch, but still tries to attack the skull.   Calliope Galanodel casts Command on the Bugbear "HOP!" and succeeds   inspiration sent to Barlo.     Bastion Bladesinger drops concentration on Shadow Blade attacks with rapier and double Ray of Frost.   ☠️☠️ Kills a Bugbear ☠️☠️ double tap finger guns he does hop a bit as he falls he moves over to Shadow in the Snow Hex on new target.   Goblin boss... Barlo hears a battle taking place north in the courtyard.   the goblins scurry off the wall and one falls in the bramble. ☠️☠️ bramble and fall kils a Goblin☠️☠️ The other goes after Barlo, he uses his held action ☠️☠️ Goblin Dead ☠️☠️ swiped with a claw "NO!"   Goblin boss lashes out with a scimitar at Barlo, swoops up hits Shield and second one connects. Yells to others to attack.   Another Goblin, moves and takes damage -- throws a javelin at Shadow in the Snow and misses..   shortbow attack at Barlo, misses.   Shadow in the Snow, perception sees a short Halfling talking ot Calliope.   Jeets"I'm friends of your fellows, we expected to see you here. Take this, it's yours -i'll explain after the fight."   Clliope: "are you joining the fight?"
      Jeets: "We're already in the fight."   Calliope, "Who are we?"   Jeets: "My friends are inside, we used your attack as a distraction."   She takes the dagger and notices it is similar to what the others have. Sas sees Jeets.  

    Combat Round 03

    Shadow in the Snow, drops bow -- pulls a sword. doublestrike with frostbrand, nat20. cold and swarm along with both being strikes ☠️☠️ Bugbear☠️☠️   Arktos attacks Owlie OOP, leaps and lands but the monster resists.   Barlo yells at the bush "Hey friend if you're gonna join, do it now!' but realizes no one is there now.   Two handed weapon attack on Goblin boss, reckless -- attacks and realizes as he hits the creature he realizes there is more potential in the weapon. The others, except Calliope feel that if they were to attune with their weapon, or study it (short rest) or "identify" they will learn of a new feature awakend in their weapon.   He then drops his weapon and attcks with his claws. hits. "Jacoby!! Show yourself!!"   Sas sees three guys still on field... moves. Chill Touch and misses   Calliope moves, Command on Bugbear -- "run!" beats it though, barely.   Bastion - rapier ☠️☠️ kills Bugbear ☠️☠️ shifts Hex, double Ray of Frost --   Goblin jumps on the Rock, faceplant ☠️☠️ Goblin ☠️☠️   combat is still heard in the courtyard  

    Combat Round 04

    Shadow in the Snow drops sword, picks up bow. hits both!   Arktos -- "Dodge"   Barlo "Do we need to take prisoners?"   Shadow in the Snow drops her spell "Barlo! get him!"   Barlo grabs the Bugbear Chief, "anyone have questions?"   Shadow in the Snow "who do they work for?"   Barlo: "Who the hell you working for?"   carries him and drags him to the gate to see the courtyard.   he sees the stairwell full of bodies. 3 others still fighting, a coppery skinned fellow and two elves who look similar but different hair   "Who are you?"   "We're friend of Jeets, whe're here to help."   Bugbear tries to excape. not talkative wants to leave. Barlo restrains him and ...  
      Calliope goes to tell the others, and Jeets comes up. Using sneak attack and hits the Bugbear chief in back of throat.  
    ☠️ ☠️ Bastion (Bugbear x2) ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ Shadow (Goblin x2, Bugbear) ☠️ Barlo (Goblin) ☠️ Jeets (Bugbear, as well as others in another battle nearby)

    t Combat Experience: 1600 (320 Each) | Total: 35,320 (Next Goal: 34,000) t

      Jeets: "We don't need to talk to them, they don't have much to say."   Shadow in the Snow"Didn't know you had that in. you."   Jeets: "yeah, you don't know what's been in me... good see you though"   Let me introduce my new crew. No longer the Fortunate Mead Heroes, now the Unfortunate Mead Heroes. Remington, Acira Neridithas, and Arica Neridithas. we heard you guys would be here and we were trying hard to catch up."   Shadow in the Snow: "who told you we'd be here?"   Jeets;"The elder of the vale. A lot has gone on in the three years you were gone. I've lost a bit of time with the Feywild, I know how that feels. "   Barlo is checking bodies "what happened to your old crew?"   "we were doing jobs for Lars and others. Came across Bargle, heard you had a run in with him. He killed Cellymas and Talibron. They died in battle. After we took him down he turned into a Lich and we haven't been able to find him. We found this orb on him. These orbs have a world in them and they hold power.   They come about because Dierde, this Realm -- which was once the Realm of Torill, when Toril died and was destroyed a long forgotten spell put in place by the ancient Netherese triggered and it preserved the world in its final days as an orb. This orb is actually a "gem of Tharizdun" and if 333 are brought together it can free Tharizdun. And when a world becomes a Gem, it appears in another Realm where it whispers to those seeking power. It will guide them to cast this spell turning their realm into a Gem in its final days, all that for them to be granted power and knowledge. For every realm he whispers seeking such people seeking power. And long ago in Toril he whispered to the ancient Netherese, convinced them to cast the spell and gave them great power and knowledge. Then when the end of that world came, from whatever cause it was frozen as a Gem. That Gem came here and so did those Netherese, who casted the spell here.   If a world has 333 of these gems appear it can lead to the end of all things.   We have come across a few of them now. We got Bargles, and turns out that Pradam's hat held one such Gem, which seemed to grant it some of its powers. We've protected them two."   Barlo: "Pradam isn't Dead?"   Jeets: "He's doing good, he retired from adventuring. He's working with Lars at his research facility."   Shadow in the Snow: "so that's why Bargle was talking about looking for Pradam Estorich."   Jeets: "Probably. He came across our path, and we took him down. Seems we delivered the killing blow to turn him into a Lich. But that meant he dropped all his gear. so we got his stuff."   Shadow in the Snow: "So you got two of these orbs now?"   but Jeets continues: "The problem is there is more they can do with these orbs. We have also been looking more into this Arcane Order. As you saw, our old friend, Jeets there -- they have a ritual to join the order to prove you have the potential to become a powerful Wizard, loyal to their cause.   Shadow in the Snow: "What is it?"   Jeets: "They use some form of time magic, some of the same magic used for the orbs. They grab the initiate on their deathbed to see if they can cast certain spells. The Clone spell, Simulacrum, and others to ensure they have a long lifeline.   That was Jacoby's Clone, created long ago. so when you killed him, he returned to that body"   Shadow in the Snow: "so he has worked with them for some time now."   Jeets: "Based on the journals you found he was to secure the forge for them, instead Lars has used it to help build up a formidable academy researching all types of magics. In fact, at some point we will need to discuss Remington and his connection to this whole thing. Right now, Jacoby has something more going on at this site."   Shadow in the Snow: " we heard him talking to the Mindflayer who told him to get the book, we assume it is one we have. and to not kill the tortles, which we assume is Sas and her dad we are looking for, we need to find him."   Sas: "Yes please".   Jeets, "well we can search the grounds."   Remington comes up "we were noticing they were coming from that Rock there. It is fake and there is a tunnel there. that's why there are so many."   Shadow in the Snow, "yah lets go, time is of essence."   Remington "we can keep watch" he goes to the women. Points out places for them to keep watch.   The party is noticing these two. They are quiet, coming down from the combat.     Barlo: "So how long have you had the new crew?"   Jeets"about two years now."   Barlo: "howd you meet?"   Jeets: "well, after Cellymas and Bargle -- well Pradam and I traveled around a bit. And Remington was from Refuge. He was trying to investigate the order as he has his reasons to take down the Mindflayer. Which is what led us to find jacoby. We me the half-elves after their village was destroyed.   Barlo "oh, okay. We shold go down and take care of this... Hey Remington, so you're from Outding Refuge? One of the families there?"   Remington: "you can say that, I've been there a long time" he says wiht a slight laugh.   Barlo: "Jeets, what's he mean by that?"   Jeets: "You met a version of him before."   Shadow in the Snow: "a version?"   They learn that the White Dragon is a Simulacrum of Remington who is a Bronze Dragon sent to stop the real Cantenth from destroying the Arcane Forge at Outding. It was a bit confusing, but it seems that the destruction of this world comes down to the Slumbering Dragon. He was long ago awoken and he sent out dragons to destroy all the forges. Remington was to stop him, and so he took his place as a polymorphed Simulacrum to stop any future dragons from going there to destroy it.   The Crystal messed up with the magics and so it got him confused. Remington wants to stop the Dragon from wakening.   Barlo brings up a dream he had of the Dragon.   There is a bit of discussion on the Great Sacrifice.     Chromatic dragons tend to be bad Metallic tend to be good     Barlo says it is time to go down, the rest keep watch on the grounds above.
        The party goes past the Dead bodies, and sees that the "rock" is just a painted tarp on a Wood structure. They look down and see a stairwell.   Barlo & Shadow in the Snow warn the others to keep an eye out for Jacoby and the Flameskull.   they see the tunnel is a rough tunnel with some Bugbears.  

    Coins: 3454 cp, 1287 sp, 87 gp Art: 2 art objects worth 25 gp each [1 Gold locket with a painted portrait inside, 1 Small mirror set in a painted wooden frame]
      Saw fingertips had some red "blood" stuff on the fingertips. The bigger guys had intricate thin red tattoos on the palms of their hands.   None of the party has seen these, not even in Bastion's studies.   Bastion notices the patterns are probably why they call themselves the bloodhands and it seems the higher ups get the tattoos while recruits start with red blood tips.   They think of when they fought the original band, Barlo was looking for insignia -- but now they are more organized with hierarchy and rules.   --   dimly lit with sporadic little lights.   They see two bugbears.   Shadow in the Snow "GO!"  


    3 Bugbears

    The Battle:

      Combat Rounds
    Shadow in the Snow & Barlo attack (Maul and Shield) -- Barlo hits.   Shadow in the Snow lights flame sword (BA) Hits, slashes Bugbear and swarms Hits, Cuts off the head.   Dead Bugbear ☠️☠️   Arktos goes into Dodge mode   Barlo moves "There is another one over here!!" Sees the Chief and a door. Rages, tail. Takes out the other one. Shifts weight to other one.   Dead Bugbear ☠️☠️   They were surprised, so they lose their turn.   Sas moves forward. Chill Touch to Chief. The skeletal hand has more spores and shrooms on it.   Bastion moves with Misty Step. Rapier 2x Ray of Frost   Calliope moves. Hand crossbow, misses.   Shadow in the Snow slashes, hits. Slashes, hits. offhand attack and Dead.. Dead Bugbear Chief ☠️☠️  
    ☠️☠️Shadow (bugbear, Bugbear chief) ☠️Barlo (bugbear)

    t Combat Experience: 1100 (220 Each) | Total: 35,540 (Next Goal: 34,000 t
        Door to the North.   Listen to the door. Shadow in the Snow puts her ear to it and hears footstep echos and whispers.   Barlo checks the door for traps and sees a tripwire in the door mechanisms.   checks chief:  

    5gp & a key
      Barlo goes to disarm the trap. He sees the switch to disarm the trap when one opens the door.   Tunnel goes a bit then turns.   Shadow in the Snow sneaks forward. Sees a couple of Goblin talking.   Also sees explosives with bells going forward.   she goes back to tell the group. They discuss some plans...   Barlo, in Goblin: "Come up here, we need your help!!'   Arktos growls loudly.   They hear the Goblin speak "I'll check it out, you go get more help."   One comes out, shouting in Goblin: "What's going on?"   he investigates the door.  


    The Battle:

    Barlo does a shove attack. The Goblin is Prone.   Barlo goes to the other side and attacks. Punch to the face. crit, so feat comes into play.   Barlo peeks down and sees a short tunnel and a turn.   The Goblin goes to tumble past Barlo. uses disengage. and gets a little bit of distance as he claws his way to his feet.     Sas W.T. Rayce casts Shillelagh and misses. moves back. The Goblin strikes out with the scimitar and misses.     Bastion Bladesinger moves up. Attacks, rapier and 2x Ray of Frost Dead Goblin ☠️☠️   the other Goblin got away...
    ☠️ ☠️ Bastion One Got away

    t Combat Experience: 250 (50 Each) | Total: 35,590 (Next Goal: 34,000 t   t Milestone Experience: 1000 | Total: 36,590 (Next Goal: 48,000) t
        (some discussions about the Dragon, lars, Pradam, and questions for jeets)    
    **Left at River's Keep -- Just entered dungeon and about to clear it out **

    Rewards Granted


      t Combat Experience: 2950 (590 Each) | Total: 35590 (Next Goal: 48,000) t   t Milestone Experience: 1000 Each) | Total: 36590 (Next Goal: 48,000) t  

    Missions/Quests Completed

    • Cleared out top of keep
    • learned from Jeets some intel
    Hex | Township | B1 D2 E5 J5



    Local Points of Interest

      River's Keep

    Session 37: Jacoby & Jeets at the Keep Report

    Table of Contents

    The Wild Cards
    Bastion Bladesinger
    Sas W.T. Rayce
    Calliope Galanodel
    Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
    Barbarian 8
    85 / 85 HP
    Shadow in the Snow
    Report Date
    10 Sep 2022
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    Wild Cards
    Organization | Aug 22, 2024

    The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

    Timeline of The Wild Cards
    Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

    A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie