Jacoby Drexelhand (/ˈʤæ.kə.biː ˈdɹɛk.səl.hæːnd/)

The Menagerie first met Jacoby at Outding Refuge, as he was responsible for the Dragon issue. Later he took Solec as he had been trying to obtain the Journal of Grognard, Meenlock Caves.  
You see before you a tall, pale-skinned Human with dark brown eyes and short brown hair. He carries himself with a regal air and exudes an aura of ambition and intelligence. There is a calculating look in his eyes as he speaks, always plotting and scheming for his own benefit.
  Jacoby is a calculating and ambitious individual with a penchant for manipulation. He is cold and calculating in his decisions, and is willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. He is also highly intelligent, and is always looking for ways to further his own interests  
I will stop at nothing to achieve my goals   I have a tendency to overestimate my own abilities and underestimate the capabilities of my enemies


Jacoby was born in 1978 KC and grew up in a small village near the River's Keep. He eventually found his way into the Arcane Order, where he quickly rose to power. With the help of a mindflayer, he attempted to take control of Outding Refuge. After his defeat, he disappeared and his whereabouts remain unknown  


Jacoby is a tall, pale-skinned Human with dark brown eyes and short brown hair. He has a muscular build and carries himself with a regal air  

Speaking Style

Jacoby speaks with a low, measured voice, using precise and sophisticated language. He has a habit of using large words to make himself seem more intelligent than he actually is  

Wild Card Notes


Session 03: Sahuagin Threat Report

In the morning, they realized they still had the bodies from the adventuring party and took them to the Heyton Family Crypt. The Outding Refuge Church looks to be one of the oldest, if not "the" oldest, buildings in the village, and it is made of stone.   They met an older Human man, the keeper of the church (Jacoby Drexelhand), and he had them drop the bodies.   Then saw a grieving lady, Kaja Bawerston, who was mourning her sister; she died recently from a fall. Nothing out of the ordinary.     Kaja: She spoke of wailing sounds she had heard from the Heyton Family Crypt.   She speaks of how only 1 Heyton is known to be alive but hasn't been seen in around a month.   The party asked Jacoby Drexelhand about the crypts, and he gave them permission to search the crypts.     Villagers (in the Heyton's Thorpe):   Jacoby Drexelhand - strange older man, the keeper of the crypts and church grounds Kaja Bawerston - mourning lady who spoke of wailing coming from the crypts Others spoken of: Lars Heyton -- not been seen in around a month  

Session 04: The Crypts Report

Kyleanna : For almost a year, she has been stuck in these crypts, coming back for some unknown reason. She died thousands of years ago by an attacking Sahuagin . She was one of the few women actually buried in these crypts -- an honor generally reserved for the men of the family. She has seen Jacoby and other villagers from time to time. She has heard sounds to the north but is unable to go through the walls or physically do much right now.  

Session 05: New Member Report

There were sounds of water, and so the party went out into a grand room full of a large water pool that was being fed by openings in the walls. There was a large platform of "islands," and one had a large crystalline structure. As the party entered the room, they found a desk and a locked chest. Shadow in the Snow was able to disarm the trap and unlock the chest. Inside was:   10 pp, 1 Potion , Journal of Jacoby Drexelhand  

Session 09: It was a Mindflayer, all along Report

In the East passage, they saw a 30-foot drop, and there was a large White Dragon. The huge chamber has crystals and great treasures -- almost all of it seems buried in frozen ice and Rock. There was a large humanoid; Lars says it is a "Mindflayer." Two Humanoids in white robes are holding up a Human from the village, and the Mindflayer is sucking its brains with one of its tentacles. There seemed to be Dead bodies all around him in piles. When the Mindflayer was released from the hostage, the party saw the two hooded folks throw the body with the rest in a nearby corner. Then enters another humanoid in a grey cloak. It was Jacoby, the elderly groundskeeper. The Mindflayer is wearing a strange helmet with crystals in it, and they all seem to Light up in random patterns, which echo a pattern on a little Crystal structure that is on a large Crystal device.   Lars Heyton: "That is a Mindflayer and the church groundskeeper Jacoby Drexelhand."  
They battled Jacoby & Mindflayer, but both got away.  

Session 10: The Baron Report

Lars borrowed Journal of Jacoby Drexelhand, but promised to return it. He wants to understand the Arcane Forge better. They realized They had found a bottle of wine with the Wavecrest Tavern label. They tried to return it to the tavern, but the family told us to keep it as a reward.   (sic...)   During the party, Lars told the village how he would be taking over the island, as the law allows him to take over. He plans to improve the island and prevent future such incidents. He notifies the party that he has been looking through the journal and realizes that Emmerick Carlsbad is not real. A whisper campaign by Jacoby Drexelhand to keep the heat off him and the village distracted. A few thefts here and there and then whispers. He also told more about how Jacoby had figured out about the crystals.  

Session 11: Let's Find the Colony Report

Lars Heyton had deciphered more of the Journal of Jacoby Drexelhand and let the party know what he found. The Mindflayer was Gruzzussk D'Achtend. He had found a deserted Abandoned Mindflayer Colony Under Outding Refuge, and in there, he found the Crystal and helmet that he used to pervert the Dragon Crystal.   Both Jacoby Drexelhand and Gruzzussk D'Achtend seemed to be seeking their own paths of Lichdom and so they worked together.   The Crystal was supposed to be used on the village and the Dragon, but they started with the Dragon -- which turned out to be much harder than they first imagined. The Mindflayer got stuck into a long battle of wills. For almost a year now, it seems the Mindflayer was stuck in place, requiring Jacoby Drexelhand to kidnap people or use the Sahuagin to find castaways to be used as sustenance for the Mindflayer. There is a reward of 2500 gp for the Mindflayer and Jacoby Drexelhand (each) if found and brought back (dead or alive). During this time, the Healing Balms all expired.   He also rewarded some first forged gear -- Arcane-Forged Weapons of Outding Refuge for each party member. They were made of the "petrified" Wood and crystals of the island—Maul for Barlo, Club for Sas W.T. Rayce, Rapier for Bastion Bladesinger, and a bow for Shadow in the Snow.  

Session 12: Under the Ruins Report

The party returns to the cave in the hopes of finding Jacoby Drexelhand. On the way through the jungles, they notice the snow has completely receded to the mountain where the lair powers of the Dragon have put an eternal winter on the mountain. They also see a lot more growth and rebirth as the native jungle Plants are able to once again grow better, and there seem to be more insects that tend to hibernate in the cold.  

Session 15: Jacoby's a Changed "Man" Report

They went back through the tunnels and saw some new tracks near the old fight area.   Hear alien voices…   Jacoby Drexelhand & Gruzzussk D'Achtend   There was talk of how Jacoby summoned him to help in an ambush. Gruzzussk says that he won't partake in this since he has grander plans for the party. He will deal with the party after they kill Jacoby. He is upset at how Jacoby has used his foul dark magics to pervert the perfect genetics of the Illithiads .   Jacoby Looks different. Skin is purply and Leather . He has two large tentacles coming off his head, and they have these pods on end with little tentacles on them. The face is hollow and skeletal like He disappeared (planar shifted?) They head back into town to warn lars and then back to the house to rest.   (sic...)   Lars Heyton : Mindflayer s abhor magic; they utilize psionic abilities. They are just as upset about Jacoby Drexelhand and won't help him now.   The reward for Jacoby Drexelhand is now 10,000 gp, although he is probably less of a threat to Outding Refuge now than before.  

Session 17: The End of Jacoby… Report

As a fire broke out on the lower levels of the ship. The party investigated and put out the fire for which smoke was coming up in thick plumes.   In the lower levels, they found an ambush. Jacoby and his shadow forms surrounded them in the smoke, with the ship going erratic and taking on water. There was also a Web trap set up as well.     Jacoby Monologue: "I finally get my chance, and I'm glad I failed in the mines. It seems the Order is more upset with your meddling on Outding than my actions, and they have welcomed me back as long as I stop you before you get to The Dark Rain Forest.   I have to admit, though, this it does not seem like a mere coincidence that you all stopped the Order and me at Outding and now are en route to the DRF…. (unintelligable as he shifts focus)   Tell me, who are you?! Why are you going after the same sites as the Order? Do you have a spy in the Order? You will tell me now, or after a long, painful session of torture… or a speak to the Dead if that goes too far."   The party finally killed Jacoby, and they learned a bit of the Arcane Order from the Ship's Mage, who was repairing the hole. Bastion Bladesinger had some memories of them from the Mage School, The Hermetic Symposium he attended.   They sent a Message to Jacoby, and they warned him the Arcane Forge could be dangerous.   They need the head and any intel for Lars Heyton. Sas W.T. Rayce cast Gentle Repost on the head, putting it in the Bag of Holding. There were some Notes found on Jacoby, as well.   (sic...)   10,00 gp reward (back at Heyton's Thorpe 140 GP   Brooch w/ blue crack in it (Brooch of Shielding)   Ring of Mind Shielding Journal of Jacoby CODED w/ Notes   Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location Cowl of Warding         The Notes :     Older looking note:   Jacoby,   We have sent you to Outding in the hopes you would meld in and we have heard that you are working at the Church. Great job. We have confirmation that the Forge is on the island, and it seems no one is aware of its presence or its power. We also are aware there is an elder White Dragon on the island, so be weary.   Our reports confirm that this Forge is connected to the Far Realms, and so it will be one of the most dangerous. Be cautious as you secure the site, its power may corrupt and even cause madness. We are working on some solutions to this, so don't move too fast in securing the site until you hear more.   AO       More recent looking note:   J.   We have not heard from you in some time. This letter was not easy to send as it seems there is some issue with magics and transportation to/fro the island. Find way to respond, immediately -- don't want to proceed to plan b.   AO       Recent note:   Jacoby,   We understand how the corruption of the Forge could have done that, and we are glad that we can look past the recent transgressions and "issues". If you can find out the truth of these interlopers, then dispose of them -- that would help satisfy your end of the deal. Then get to The Dark Rain Forest to further assist in our agents securing that site.   As you said, we will leave the Forge on Outding as a lost cause -- for now.   AO       After the battle, Shadow in the Snow began to grill Vikar about how Jacoby Drexelhand got on board.  

Session 18: Ship Battles with An Old Foe Report

As we pick up the adventures, we find The Mighty Menagerie is on The Lady's Avarice, and as they handle the fallen Jacoby Drexelhand situation, they realize the storm is still raging.   (sic...)   Shadow asks Bastion to look at Journal of Jacoby CODED to see if he can decipher them.  

Session 22: The Elder of the Vale Report

This isn't a bribe, just the cost to find someone helpful or the recipe. It is pretty standard when seeking out such things, and it gets expensive. The rarer the item type, the more expensive it can get to find such recipes. The price from Durnan to investigate the Troll Heart Amulet was 500gp.   There was an internal discussion on possibly hiring Durnan on retainer to find such things… They realized that Lars Heyton is not on retainer, but he is still Researching the Arcane Forge and recipes that Jacoby Drexelhand might have had for his Crafting purposes. These forges were used by cultures over time to help speed up such magic item Crafting -- but they have not been spoken about in generations, it seems.   They also thought about how Outding Refuge is a hot spot for adventurers passing through as they go to explore the mostly unexplored southern hemispheres. It is also one of the few places with obvious magic shops since people will sell their spoils or need new supplies.   (sic...)  
Letter from Ursa
To the Heroes of Outding,   This is Ursa, Lars' assistant, and he asked that I send this letter to you. We heard you got to Wide Berth safely, and we were so glad to hear of it. We have been dutifully applying the Transportation Circle in your basement, and even though it gets expensive, we want you to know we are happy to do it.   We have also gotten the Forge working and have been experimenting with all types of magical devices, which brings us to the main point of this correspondence.   Attached with this letter are two things. A blank scroll and a little box. These are both magical and unique items. The box can be stretched out by grabbing two opposing sides and pulling. It goes from 1" to 1' in each direction. This Enderbox, that's what we are calling it, is actually synced to another Enderbox. Anything placed in one can be retrieved by another -- like a Bag of Holding but with a twist. We wanted to give this set to you so that we could Work out a business arrangement with your party.   We figured that since you were out doing some adventuring, you might come across some items and regents we could use for our magical Crafting. We would be willing to pay for items you retrieve -- especially those we are in need of. Those we can tell you either with a note in the box or using the scrolls. The scrolls are similarly synced. It is called a Scroll of Telescription and allows short messages to be sent back and forth 1x a day. This is fine since we can use the boxes to then pass any other correspondence.   The other box is in your basement; it is yours -- but we have access, so that can be helpful for this arrangement if you are willing to proceed. We have the other scroll so that you can reach us for anything.   We can Work out the full arrangements on this in an Enderbox correspondence -- but we thought we could also get you your reward for killing Jacoby, and we could get any notes or correspondence you found on him for our intel purposes.   Let me know when you get this, and we can Work out the details via letters in the box.   -Ursa   P.s.   We weren't sure if we'd have this ready in time -- but since we need you to get regents for us, most come from various Beasts and monsters, and they are organic in nature. To accommodate this, we have created a "Bag of Colding" for you, which can come in handy for such expeditions.   (sic...)   Letter:   In the box, you'll find Jacoby's Head so that we can get the reward. Also, Displacer Beast hides -- with the Forge we would like some items made -- whip Cloak. Also if you can craft regeneration Amulet with the heart.   Thanks a lot.   (sic...)   The Letter says:   Got the stuff. Will look into Crafting those for you. Did Jacoby have any intel or things of value -- that would be appreciated. Looking forward to working with you on this.   (sic...)   sent off: 1 Displacer Beast Tentacle Jacoby's Head (gentle repose) 3 Displacer Beast hides 1 Troll Heart Amulet Journal of Jacoby CODED Magic Tattoos for Sas W.T. Rayce & Bastion Bladesinger  

Session 27: The Infamous Bargle Report

They also learned how the young Pradam Estorich, a Wizard kid traveling with the "Fortunate Mead Heroes," a band of adventurers led by Cellymas & Jeets, happens to possibly have an orb to Venger's Realm in his hat. They heard how Bargle spent a lot of his wealth on the mercenaries and that he is also working with the Arcane Order -- a group the party has already heard about due to their run-ins with Jacoby.  

Session 36: Journey to a Keep Report they crest the hill and see the ruined keep.   movement on the grounds, guards -- bugbears, goblins, etc...   pulled off the road, set camp quietly sneak to recon bbs, gob boss, Hobgoblin , goblins 6-8 creatures around the castle roaming about small broken, cracked, main entry   the guards seem new and eager to please -- earning a tattoo     Barlo walks up to tak to them, bluff fils.   Jacoby Drexelhand   Gruzzussk D'Achtend   Jacoby's Flameskull   Goblin   Hobgoblin   about to enter and fight  

Session 37: Jacoby & Jeets at the Keep Report

Barlo failed to trick them.   They called for attack...   Jacoby Drexelhand Gruzzussk D'Achtend Jacoby's Flameskull Goblin Hobgoblin   (sic...)   Combat Round 01 Back to Shadow in the Snow...: Runs forward, yells "Jacoby" and fires an arrow. misses. Fires a second, Jacoby triggers Shield, yet it still hits.   Barlo, "What? You said Jacoby?"   Jacoby takes 15 damage.   (sic...)   Shadow in the Snow and Sas W.T. Rayce feel an itch in their brain.   Out of nowhere, Jacoby's old twisted skull appears -- it is now a Flameskull and as it casts the multiplicity spell it drops it's Invisibility   ** Starting to notice Arktos is handling combat a bit different. A lot seems to have changed since he became a "full-grown" Owlbear.**   The Jacoby's Flameskull has 3 versions of itself floating, it reaches out one of its tentacles to Barlo. It's trying to get the Cowl of Warding, and misses.   Jacoby points his finger behind Barlo and casts Fireball   Arktos, Barlo take full damage, Shadow in the Snow takes half. A little bit of dried grass takes fire...   20 feet high walls.   "Jacoby!!" Rage and claws from Barlo, feline agility to Jump to the wall and leaping up onto the wall. The Flameskull lashes out, reaction - misses.   Barlo reaches out and grapples Jacoby, successfully. Swipes at him with his other claw, and CRITS... Slasher feat comes out.   (sic...)   Combat Round 02 Shadow in the Snow casts Spike Growth -- the vines come up and it replaces her concentration. She yells for Arktos to attack, he gets his first Fury points and does a Violent Attack... Looks like he is learning to rage from Barlo. Crit, and it moves the Bugbear 5 feet into the Spike Growth, hurting him. He then uses his BA for Owlie Hoot, makes a sound deep in the chest and cries out giving strength to Shadow in the Snow.   Jacoby is still under Barlo's feat and Restrained -- he casts a firebolt spell to Barlo's face. Misses.   Barlo is "asking" Jacoby to give up. The Flameskull shoots two firerays from its eyes at Barlo, one connects.   Barlo "Sas, guys -- take out the skull!" then "Jacoby, call this off.."   Jacoby, "Not yet."   He pulls Jacoby down off the wall and as they land, Jacoby has a silvery mist and disappears ** reaction to misty   (sic...)   Combat Round 03 Shadow in the Snow, drops bow -- pulls a sword. doublestrike with frostbrand, nat20. cold and swarm along with both being strikes ☠️☠️ Bugbear☠️☠️   Arktos attacks Owlie OOP, leaps and lands but the monster resists.   Barlo yells at the bush "Hey friend if you're gonna join, do it now!' but realizes no one is there now.   Two handed weapon attack on Goblin boss, reckless -- attacks and realizes as he hits the creature he realizes there is more potential in the weapon. The others, except Calliope feel that if they were to attune with their weapon, or study it (short rest) or "identify" they will learn of a new feature awakend in their weapon.   He then drops his weapon and attcks with his claws. hits. "Jacoby!! Show yourself!!"   Sas sees three guys still on field... moves. Chill Touch and misses   (sic...)   Bugbear tries to excape. not talkative wants to leave. Barlo restrains him and ...     !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!missing?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     Calliope goes to tell the others, and Jeets comes up. Using sneak attack and hits the Bugbear chief in back of throat.   (sic...)   but Jeets continues: "The problem is there is more they can do with these orbs. We have also been looking more into this Arcane Order. As you saw, our old friend, Jeets there -- they have a ritual to join the order to prove you have the potential to become a powerful Wizard, loyal to their cause.   Shadow in the Snow: "What is it?"   Jeets: "They use some form of time magic, some of the same magic used for the orbs. They grab the initiate on their deathbed to see if they can cast certain spells. The Clone spell, Simulacrum, and others to ensure they have a long lifeline.   That was Jacoby's Clone, created long ago. so when you killed him, he returned to that body"   Shadow in the Snow: "so he has worked with them for some time now."   Jeets: "Based on the journals you found he was to secure the forge for them, instead Lars has used it to help build up a formidable academy Researching all types of magics. In fact, at some point we will need to discuss Remington and his connection to this whole thing. Right now, Jacoby has something more going on at this site."   Shadow in the Snow: " we heard him talking to the Mindflayer who told him to get the book, we assume it is one we have. and to not kill the tortles, which we assume is Sas and her dad we are looking for, we need to find him."   (sic...)   Barlo: "howd you meet?"   Jeets: "well, after Cellymas and Bargle -- well Pradam and I traveled around a bit. And Remington was from Refuge. He was trying to investigate the order as he has his reasons to take down the Mindflayer. Which is what led us to find jacoby. We me the half-elves after their village was destroyed.  

Session 39: A Father & Daughter Reunited, Briefly Report

There is a well with shadows that they keep watch on. Some shadow Beasts come from it. It seems Jacoby is doing research of some kind here. There are tunnels and hideouts all over the globe that the Orcs use to hide and transport their slaves. These slaves are kept on drugs to stay compliant and not remember things. They hire out the services or use them for their own goals.   This is one of many places they store their slaves. They are here with Jacoby who is doing some studies. They have locations in Kampos, one was destroyed years agon on "tortle island". 5 years ago was cleared out by do gooders somewhere. He says they have a Tortle. He wants to go, and doesn't want to tell them unless they let him go. He begrudgingly points out the door.   (sic...)   They bring in the Goblin boss. "why is everyone sleeping? I remember Gurruk came in and said we were being attacked... then you all came in."   "wait... that asshole. Jacoby. He betrayed us. Why? He wouldn't... " he begins mumbling to himself.   Bastion: "Do you know where Jacoby is?"   Goblin: "he's usually in his room or the well. He was outside with that Mindflayer..." They point out the direction to what should be Jacoby's room.   Barlo uses the key on Mellow's cage. no investigation. Tosses the key to sas. she opens the first one.   These Iron bars are the "newest", probably only a few years old. They go all the way up and are well supported in the walls.   Barlo: "Mellow" and shakes her awake.   Mellow, wakes up "Smiles? Smile? What are you doing here?"   He asks about Jacoby, she remembers not much. The last thing she remembers? She was supposed to get a book. She was working with a Satyr working with a book and they were supposed to get a book. She realizes who Shadow is as they talk. She says she was Beast on the job, but the memories are vague. She remembers working in a salt mine, some attack, working on ships and being caged in ships. Barlo brings up her art and why she was doing this -- she wanted money. Her and Beast went to get a book, He said he would get the book. Shadow asks if she was part of it, she wasn't supposed to get hurt -- but Beast felt Shadow would help more than Mellow. Why the book? The Satyr and Wizard Work with some secret organization that is sure some secrets reside in the book. She realizes she has been drugged for a long time...   "My understanding is that they know it. So I guess that they Work with some group of wizards, some who were evil kind of organization thing. And yeah, they believe that there was secrets that were in that book that that's as much as I ever really learned that some secrets in the book and that they can figure out how to unlock it.   It would help them..."   ...   "I mean. I mean, we both made the decision. I did, but I just. I thought that we would be able to. To get some money out of it. I also I don't know, feel like my genie kind of led me astray." — Mellow   It wasn't Beast, but Mellow who got them into this whole affair. She wanted to get more money, and let her Djinni let her down into this trouble. She got greedy. Barlo asked if she was going to go home, she said she wanted to go find Beast. They told her he was in Skola Vale. She says they should do something about the sleeping guards.  

Session 40: Beneath River's Keep Report

Sas W.T. Rayce gets a Message from Jacoby Drexelhand . he wants the book and will trade for her dad.   "Hello there, Sas. I have your father and I would love to return him to you, I just need the book"   — Jacoby   sas: whats the long way ... Jacoby: I'm in Eushia ... many days travel. I might be willling to travel there if I deem it safe.   He tells her there is a transportation device in his room, but it will be very dangerous to get to it. Or they can waste a long time trying to get to Eushia .     Bastion asks the Basalt's Magic Ball about the integrity of Jacoby Drexelhand .   Basalt's Magic Ball   Question: "Is he lying?"   Answer: "Very doubtful."     The party then notices how still Bajol is. Shadow in the Snow takes a hand strike at Bajol . Learns he is very hard, like stone. Bajol strikes back.   It seems that his fur doesn't seem to move much, except some strange Illusion effect at the ends.   Shadow uses "detect Magic" and doesn't learn anything new.   Bastion uses Identify on Bajol , learns it has some Illusion magic on it and there is some messaging time spell going on with it.   Mellow also speaks bout how the two Leonin (Bajol and Kryrez Roughpride both seemed to be treated differently and were taken to Jacoby's room on occasion.   Turns out that "Mellow" is wearing a Dimeritium Bracelet . Barlo was able to free her and they learned that she has a Djinni patron.   (sic...)   They used the Scroll of Telescription to send a Message to Ursa and Lars Heyton , they both seem to be okay. They do know about the Jacoby clones.   Using the Scroll of Telescription to send a Message :   "Jacoby's still alive, Are you all okay?"   "We had heard from Jeets about Jacoby, we're doing great."   Shadow in the Snow goes and gets Arktos .   They then go to the Eastern door which is actually locked. but Barlo missed the trap -- he unlocked it and his Barbarian traits saved him from two acid darts.   The party got to Jacoby's room. It had a sign "If you see this, you should not be here." It was heavily trapped on the door -- magically and mechanically. He saw the mechanical lock and trap, as well as magical lock.. did not see a magical trap.   (sic...)   In the room it had a desk, a bed, and a chest.         There were many Documents found under Abandoned Keep in Kampos   Journal from Jacoby about Reginald's Father   Journal from Jacoby about Shadowfell Well   Strange Drawing from Jacoby   and a Brass and Gold Dodecahedron         Journal from Jacoby about Reginald's Father : It seems that the Arcane Order was working with Zirin Shadowtooth and they betrayed him as he was trying to not Work with the order anymore. The Order was then responsible for restoring Reginald Ivoryclaw 's father, Dolne Ivoryclaw into power and then assassinating him. They had hoped to teach Zirin a lesson, and were sure they could control the young and brash Reginald the easiest.   Journal from Jacoby about Shadowfell Well : The Shadowfell well journal goes into Residuum and Chardalyn and how it might be possible to create Chardalyn here with the well and then turn that into Residuum . It also seems that Residuum is somewhat similar to the crystals growing on Outding Refuge , yet it doesn't seem as if that could be Residuum .   Also, there seems to be spell out there, Disenchant Magic Item , which allows you to turn a magic item into Residuum . That Residuum can then be used as a replacement for a cost-incured spell component or with the other lost spell, Enchant Magic item , to create a new magic item.   The Brass and Gold Dodecahedron is an odd thing...   And the Strange Drawing from Jacoby says Ship's Haven which is a settlement on Kampos and the symbols are used by Mindflayer .   Bastion Bladesinger has an ability to have an uncanny knack on Researching lore. As he thinks about the drawing and dodecahedron; He has heard of Ship's Haven , it is a settlement on Kampos and he recalls hearing it might be connected to the twins outside. The symbols looke like Mindflayer symbols he remembers from Known Claims of the Far Realm as well as the ship being one they used to traverse the Astral Plane and other locations in Wildspace .   Looking at the Brass and Gold Dodecahedron he sees all types of runes and symbols - he realizes he will need to go to a more established library or one focused on magic or history.   (sic...)   As they exit:   Jacoby to Sas: "I hope you're done with your nap, if you would like to come here -- I will save you the cost, and all you have to say is 'Jacoby's Eushia Home houpetor skatuch' at the mirror"   Shadow speaks Draconic and so she knows that "houpetor skatuch" is Draconic for "Hidden Home"   As they say the words the mirror shimmers, and they all Jump in (including Arktos who barely makes it.   They get an 82 on the roll.   They went through the portal and saw Jacoby Drexelhand , a large golem (Stonecloak ), and Solec .   Jacoby: "welcome to my home."   Bastion: "We have been constantly underestimated, and came up on top - unscathed. Do you really want to test us?"   Jacoby: "I'll say, I was surprised you made it through the door, I was sure the traps would take care of you. So, I did underestimate you... a little bit. This transaction is simple, you want the Tortle and I just want the book."   The party: "What's so important about the book ?"   Jacoby: "The book isn't important, the secrets it holds are. What I'm willing to tell you is that the book alone has tormented Bargle for a long time, I am the one who realized it needed your father to unlock it. He has long ago locked up that part of his mind and then put himself into the slave trade to hide from anyone seeking him out. The book unlocks some secrets, and that's all I want. Then you can leave, take your father and do whatever it is you people do."   The party asked something else...   Jacoby: "That book was put together with the efforts of Captain Meklan and Jeriah Chronos to hide their secrets. The secrets in there are something your little minds would never understand.   ...   Jacoby: "How about you give me the book and I'll give you the Tortle ..."   Bastion: "This ends only one way and that is your death. Your true death this time."   Jacoby: "We can sit here in a stalemate forever, if your plan was to just come here and not honor the trade. As it stands right now, I could just kill him, I just need his shell."   The Stonecloak grabs him and with the other hand begins to squeeze on his chest.   Jacoby: "If I don't get it today, I'll just get it another day. But, I'm giving you one chance to keep your father.     Barlo looks at Sas and then goes for the Golem, as he goes for the arm he hits a "window" and his face smacks some Invisible barrier. Jacoby Laughs...   Jacoby: "Did you think I would just let you come in here? I expected such treachery."   Barlo bangs on the wall.   Shadow tries to cast Mage Hand , but it doesn't cross the barrier.   Calliope tries to cast Shatter , but it also doesn't cross the barrier.   Barlo climbs the wall and tries to see if the Invisible wall reaches the roof.   Bastion casts Misty Step and then polymorphs into a Tyrannosaurus Rex above Jacoby Drexelhand then tries to trap him. Gets his leg caught... Combat   (sic...)  
Learned that Captain Meklan and Jeriah Chronos made the Journal of Grognard, Meenlock Caves to hide secrets   (sic...)   Jacoby Drexelhand died, again...  

Session 41: At Jacoby's Hideout Report

Bastion starts to investigate the fallen body of Jacoby Drexelhand , but after trying to insight on the validity of what Solec is saying   Barlo just assumes Solec is full of crap.   Shadow also is looking for tells...   (sic...)   Bastion Bladesinger then goes to explore the corpse of Jacoby Drexelhand . The robe he was wearing is deflating and it seems that his "body" is a large shapely block of ice which is melting away. There is a large puddle of water.   He casts Identify on it and gets nothing. Using his Arcana (25) understanding he realizes this could be a Simulacrum .   (sic...)   A Light comes off Solec 's shell and he finds a page and puts his hand on it. He is concentrating on it as his shell sparkles.   Then he looks at Bastion: "I never underestimated you."   The then realize it was Jacoby. He took the book. They realize he must have been very tricky in his responses.  

Session 43: The Power of Books Report

Shadow looks down to peek and almost is Blinded .   Barlo picks the lock with some Guidance . Shadow uses Mage Hand , but it isn't able to. It is unlocked, but it doesn't seem able to open. Calliope goes to use her glove on the door, she sees many random visions with Jacoby, and sees him with Solec -- an arcane spell was cast on the door and Solec was being dragged by Jacoby.   A discussion takes place. Dispel Magic ? The Silence is a problem. Then it is realized that the chimes Work 120 feet away.   Shadow uses the chime and gets the door unlocked. Mage Hand from doorway to open it. As it opens, a large wind comes in from the wall pushes back. It hits Barlo , but he is able to keep his place. The wind comes around the corner and hits shadow. The wind dispels the Silence .   A 15 x 15 room with very tall bookshelves, and in the back corner Jacoby has one hand on Solec 's shell which is very bright. Jacoby speaks gibberish with the book in the other hand.   Jacoby hears them enter and something goes wrong "How dare you disturb me? I was so close..." and the disruption seems to alter things. and the Light goes out.   The party is aware they were there.  

Session 44: Purple Worm and Falling Baseboards Report

Solec thanks the party for rescuing him again. He says he wouldn't have wanted them to be in harms way. He went away to hide the spells in the book, but there was a protection for someone like Jacoby Drexelhand doing this. A third element to protect the secrets (time magic Captain Meklan used, how to use the orbs) -- a special Metal die. There are dangerous spells in the book.   Solec picks it up, and shows the little hole in the book going through the pages and sheets. Meklan hid the cube. When they adventured -- the big thing was handling the Dragon 's wakening. Meklan traveled throught time trying to fix things, but broke things. He knew the Dragon could/would wake again -- and so he tried to hide these from dangers like Jacoby or the AO, but they might be necessary to stop the Dragon .   The party discussed if they were responsible for the Dragon .   Bastion uses Identify on Solec . Sees the magic of the rune, nothing else is applied to him -- also sees s a vision of a gaming die. No illusions. Bastion is sure he would need Meklan to learn more.   Shadow is picking up strange behavior from Barlo . He tells them about the dice. Solec offers the book, they decide to keep it away from the shell, and so the party keeps the book.   (sic...)   They are under Jacoby's bed at the keep. It has been a few days. Solec is with them. As they come out - Jeets is at the desk searching it. He sees thme "I see you came back. We finished clearing out the tunnels. Clearing out the topside. We found a person -- she says she knows you. Did you find any journals from Jacoby?"   They give him the Journals. Barlo and Shadow use cat running and they go upstairs. It is early evening before sunset. Teeka is tied up. There are heads of goblins on pikes out front. A pile of bodies being burned.     Barlo shoves Remington to help Teeka - she understands why they tied her up. She says she was working for the "bad guys" and after she found out how goblins are not generally well-liked she found Grognard and started working for him spying on the Blood Hands .   Jeets says they found the goblins were sleeping, and almost killed her. She was getting intel. She asks about the game dice, Captain Meklan gave them to her. She's been helping him. She talks about how Meklan started using time travel to fix things, but broke things -- had a love he lost. Then he pissed off those powers that be which control and handle time. Causing more problems. Also speaks about how the beginning of his adventuring days was a day at The Yawning Portal when a Tabaxi threw him a Gold coin and gave him the confidence to go down.   yes it seems this might be the kid they saw at the YP - Going down there, he met Jeriah Chronos , and helped things. Yet his messing about has also caused strange fluctuations with people disappearing or coming into this realm from other realms or times. She has droppoints she uses to communicate. Her mission is to watch Jacoby and Tharros and the Arcane Order .   She warns them about Tharros . Jacoby is more powerful than he should be. She tried to sneak into his room. knows he has other hideouts. She never could use the mirror.   She seems honest according to insights, she is very trusting due to Barlo . The ring doesn't Light up. She wants to get back, otherwise ruin her cover.   They ask about the Dragon That Slumbers . She brings up how the shadow governments Work and how Tharros , Vyerith , and Jacoby want to control the Dragon to control the world or be the one to stop it to get them power.   Jacoby and Therros are part of Arcane Order , they hired the Blood hands -- a loose organization of criminals and thugs now more organized.   She will sneak back in and will get word back to them. She says Meklan knew they would see each other. She touches a tattoo which disappears then teleports away.   probably a spell wrought tattoo -- teleportation or unlikely disappeared. Sas checks.  

Session 45: Back to the Keep Report

They discuss how there is the Dragon situation, there are Barlo 's dice, the ship (which is one of the things with a firm timeline). Jacoby is still a threat, they discuss having the D'Jedi find Jacoby in trade for the chair. The party wants to get their ship back, and believe the ship will help find the dice. Barlo hasn't heard about the dice in some time.   They then have Calliope go and talk to the D'Jedi   She is going over the letter and wondering why her father wanted her to find her mother.   She sees that that Garm Pavond is meditating about a foot off the ground. Relia is just finishing some food when she wipes up and gets up to meet the party. "So I take it you had a chance to decide how we could Aid you and earn our chair back?"   Shadow: You said you look for these Bogan , those who pervert The Weave .   Relia : yes. but there are not really any Bogan here, on your planet. It is nearly impossible for them to get here.   Shadow: Can you also find people who are not Bogan , that are manipulating magic?   Relia : I'm sure that we can I mean, with that is one of the things that we do is look for certain types of people.   Shadow: Because that's what we need help with.   Relia : We have no problem with that. I mean, we've already been marooned on this planet for some time now. And to be fair, I mean, there have been other things that we've been able to do that are beneficial to our order here. So it's not pretty much as it stands, as we kind of follow where The Weave takes us. And it seems that this is where it wants us to go...   I don't really know fully how all of it connected, but. There are often connections that you don't really notice until the end.   Barlo starts speaking about how he thinks someone is attempting to become Bogan .   Shadow tries to talk about Jacoby.   Barlo thinks Jacoby is trying to either become a Bogan or contact them.   Shadow brings up the Simulacrum , and Relia says he must be working with the Arcane Order -- Shadow says he is also working with the Bloodhand Orcs.   They say his name is Jacoby Drexelhand .     Bastion starts checking the Scroll of Telescription & Enderbox   Since the Scroll is really just a Message spell, it has no Message . The box is the same stuff from before, no changes. It just has the coins.   They decide to ask the Basalt's Magic Ball a question. Thinking if he has the cube or has connected with the Bogan .   They discuss the Bogan .     Q. Has jacoby come in contact with the cubes for the journal?   A."Don't count on it".   (sic...)   Relia says she will talk to the Astronomers, and then go look for Jacoby. Jeets overhears and says he would like to speak with her since they also are looking for Jacoby. They all start talking while the Menagerie begin to load their cart. Barlo thinks if there is anything to give to Jeets , Bastion raises an eyebrow, Shadow lists junk.   A bit of metagaming tabletalk on inventory...  

Session 46: Off to fight a Beholder Report

Note; Recap:
The party had cleared out River's Keep , being told they can get 1,000 gp each or the opportunity (and responsibility) of rebuilding, maintaining the keep and security in the area.   As they cleared it -- they learned it was occupied by Jacoby & the Bloodhands, as well as Solec (Sas's Father). Jacoby took him and offered him as trade for the book from Grognard (Journal of Grognard, Meenlock Caves ).   So they went to his hideout and fought a large statue, got tricked by Jacoby and then explored the hideout. Finding him in a library where he was attempting to use the book to get the secrets from Solec 's shell... It seemed to backfire and he disappeared.   The floor began to fall into the earth and a Purple Worm attacked. They returned to the keep, seeing Jeets they gave him some of the stuff they found from Jeets as they are investigating his connection to Canthenth . They also found out that Barlo 's childhood friend was working as a spy in the bloodhands for Captain Meklan .   They then met Calliope's mother, a woman who was a part of an interstellar cult. She gave them an astronomy lesson. Also told them how only the Astronomers could get them an Astronomer's Orrery which will grant passage. They made a deal -- the cultists would speak with an Astronomer contact, and then find Jacoby in exchange for their chair's return.   Then they traveled to Skola Vale after asking Jeets to keep an eye on the area. They then fought a Roc .  

Session 47: The Beholder's Minions and Interlopers Report

Barlo: "Describe him, was it..." and he describes Jacoby.   Hobgoblin: "not a Human, but a Tiefling. He thought he could make a deal with the Beholder, but the Beholder took what he wanted from him. Seems there was some kind of power the Tiefling had. He wanted to makes some deal with the Beholder, but the Beholder seemed to think the power source would help him make a new body for him. "  

Session 49: Back to the Beholder Report

Bastion asks if he stole something important. Barlo says he has stolen things, but nothing comes to mind. He says nothing too big or important. The voice was not Jacoby. They realize that the anti-magic field must have allowed them to communicate with Barlo .  

Session 52: Downtime in Skola Vale Surprises Report

UNNAMED Halfling SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "If the one who wore it before was one of ours, we have all rights to kill you. If it was someone who stole it from us that doesn't mean you get ownership."   Barlo: "so, you Work with Jacoby?"   UNNAMED Halfling SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "I don't Work with no jacoby. If this jacoby character is the one you stole it from, then he is the one who stole it from one of ours."   Barlo: "What proof do i have of this organization"   UNNAMED Halfling SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "besides that I wear the same cowl?" he then puts his arms up and behind him on a rooftop another humanoid appears out of the shadows wearing the same cowl   Barlo: "listen, I've never heard of you guys or your group before and i've dealt in some shady shit."   UNNAMED Halfling SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "We've done some research and we know some roads you've traveled. Some of them know who we are, but for the most part we stick to the shadows. In the past, when we let too many know who we were we were hunted. "   Barlo: "So, you're not sure how Jacoby got the hood?"   UNNAMED Halfling SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "no, and we're very curious on that. We were not aware of losing any in our ranks." Barlo: "I did kill him in combat, there's no claim that comes to me for killing him in combat?"   UNNAMED Halfling SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "Not when it comes to our cowls, no. They are strictly our property, and in fact I should say if you continue to posses it, even before we kill you, because honestly killing is too easy. We will first send word to your Friends on that ROAD and we can have them blackball you and hunt you down."   **terrible insight** There is no reason to question him, and he does seem very confident. Barlo is picking up that he is unaware of Jacoby and curious about that.   Barlo: "Is there anything I can do to keep this? Because the jacoby that I took it from was actually a Clone or a Simulacrum or some crap like that and that guy is still out there hunting me and my group. This kind of helps protoect me from him finding me specifically"   UNNAMED Halfling SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "Yeah, that's no concern of ours. I know there are paltry pendants that can stave off such scrys, but what you possess on your head is a sacred gift from Mask himself. "   **Barlo has not heard of Mask** due to his background, he has. The god of shadows and thievery.  

Session 53: Lord & Lady Ceremony Report

Reginald's men come up and take the prisoner (later they learn his name is Acate of the Sunfield), Barlo asks if the guy who was shot is okay. he is okay. There was a strong poison, but they were able to take care of it.   The Dead are Blood Hand Orcs. They have been growing power collecting all types of mercenary groups. The party has seen stuff that shows the Arcane Order was using Zirin Shadowtooth (Journal from Jacoby about Reginald's Father) who felt he didn't need the AO anymore. They also are aware that Jacoby Drexelhand was a part of the AO and used Blood Hand Orcs, so there are links.   The AO had put Reginald back in power as they thought a younger guy would be easier to handle than a defiant uncle.  

Session 56: Encounters at Seeing Air Report

She goes down and sees the other stairwell... the person turns around and it looks like Captain Meklan just a bit older than when he was seen at the Obelisk. He turns and is about to speak when he disappears. Shadow sends Arktos to investigate, find the scent -- try to track. He signals that he is picking up just trace elements.   She sees someone at the stairwell, she goes to him -- it is Jacoby, he pulls a dagger from his belt and leaps at her as she yells Jacoby...   as he leaps at her he disappears. He looks exactly as he did the day they last saw him -- before he disappeared from Jacoby's Eushia Home houpetor skatuch'. She is wondering if this actually happened.   Wis (22), she is thinking of spectral things... this wasn't that. He looked like he saw her and was going after her, and Meklan seemed a bit lost, but then taken out of the moment.   she goes to wake up Barlo and Bastion. Meklan seemed like he was getting a lay of the land, Jacoby was just reactionary. She tells them everything, has Arktos on look out.   Bastion (History, ...) Grognard was secretive about his life it seems. most of his words was pushing magic and not swords onto Bastion, didn't want to have him make the same mistakes.   There was Solec who spoke of some of these mistakes -- upset some powers that be, changes in history that caused ripples, such as people being pulled in and out of time and space.   She is seeing if they know anything about this from him. Is jacoby following Meklan?   Barlo goes to investigate the door to the Feywild. Everything is okay. Barlo brings up the fantastical adventure stories, and reminds them that this was once his ship... (History, ...) Tries to recall the stories, those he believed for so long was just stories. Fighting a Dragon, flying a ship, going through time to fix things -- he spoke a lot about the ship. He came and went so many times in his life, and now it does seem his age varied between the visits, and he would give odd jobs from time to time. At times, maybe when a few drinks in, he would let on how he didn't always have that much control over his time adventures.   He seemed to be just a bit older than when seen under Skola Vale at the Ziggurat of Tharizdun, below Skola Vale. Jacoby Drexelhand looked as they had last seen him.   Barlo casually checks Shadow's breath for liquor.   She says she is not in her cups and says how Arktos also smelled them.   Barlo hangs out in the lower decks, on watch. Arktos and Shadow keep watch too...  

Session 57: Blue Dragon Attacks Report

Meklan: "The book you took from the Meenlocks, the one I originally hired your brother to steal.   Shadow: "We openned it, I thought we ...   Meklan: "You need the cube. That's why Jacoby is chasing me, without the cube you will be cursed by trying to use just the book and the sigil. He and I are both jumping in and out of time and space.   Shadow: "We need to retrieve the cube stolen from Barlo   Meklan: "I tried to keep them with Barlo   Barlo: "I thought it was just a toy   Meklan: "It wasn't. I tried to hide its purpose. I tried to manipulate some other events so it would return to your possession, but that didn't Work... The one thing I can tell you is I have tried to fix this quite a few different ways, I even learned that repeating the very same things could produce very different results -- You are the Wild Cards.   and the name was born   Shadow: "we are the chaos incarnate, you are saying?  

Session 59: Outding Homecoming Report

Jeets: "Honestly, I think some of those were just to research for their Crafting as those were some of the early ones. Then there was another item which sounded Weird -- the Decahedron of Doom   Barlo: "That sounds cool   Jeets: "We couldn't find that one. We thought we were getting close, in fact, when we all saw Jeets last we were under the impression he had it with him. But we didn't find that there at the keep. The last two -- (and he looks at Calliope Galanodel) -- one was called a Weave Weapon and the other one was an Astronomer's Orrery. As I said, the Decahedron should have been with Jacoby at River's Keep, but we did learn where teh Weave Weapon and Astronomer's Orrery could be found -- but we haven't told Ursa, as we believe your mother is in possesion of both those items (to calliope)   Jeets: "In fact, also her companion, Garm Pavond, has both items as they are standard for their people. We did some research into their little "order", the space cult. Once we learned of their connection to you, we didn't want to really get into it with them. We did learn of an organization where more could be had. Which is why Ursa had us let it go on those hunts as they Work with governments and with the fame of the facility she was granted access. Those are some of the main things that she had us look for. Granted some of them are for research purposes, but who knows. I know some of them, like the cloak and bracers, they are able to craft now.   Barlo: "are they mass producing these things? for profit?   Jeets: "I don't believe they have figured out "huge" production. As I understand it, there are restraints on how much they can craft from the Arcane Forge at any time. I know they have hired a lot of staff up there. I still talk to Pradam , so he tells .. more than he should sometimes.   Barlo: "oh, he's still around?   Jeets: "Yeah, he's working up there. After what happened with Bargle he was done with the adventuring life. (*as we learned in Session 37: Jacoby & Jeets at the Keep Report*)   Shadow: "She never told you why these things?   Jeets: "Honestly, it was never much of an issue. As I said before, I hadn't been this suspicious until recently. I just got the impression there was curiousity for research-sake. I never really put it all together. And we don't know if she is the "she" you heard the Dragon talk about or if she is into anything that shady. I would say, be careful until we know more.  

Session 60: Was It Ursa the Whole Time? Report

Bastion: "How did that happen? How did you go from assistant to directing research? That sounds like a good story, in itself."   Ursa: "Well, I mean , well when you guys came here, when the whole thing happened with the forge and we were able to start Researching it, you know, using what we've found, Jacoby was already Researching from it. It was just fascinated me. So as we kind of started playing with it, Lars was a little more busier with trying to get the Thorp handled because of how Viggie kind of left the affairs.   Bastion: "So yeah, and then we heard what happened to Viggie. Like, I would love to know more about that story.   Well. and she looks at Lars and he kind of just looks at her and: "well, I mean, we woke up and he was in our room and he had a knife in his hand and, we yelled out and our guards came in and he was able to get out of the room and the the guards were able to find him in his room later on. And he was arrested. He had types of plans on how to, to murder me and my husband. And, so you know, we had a trial and I took care of that.   (sic...)   Sas: "Are you saying that this Dragon awoken again?   Ursa : "I don't think it ever really went back to Sleep   Bastion: "And once again, how did you get into all of this?   She kind of has a Weird smile.   Barlo : "you better not say Jacoby   Ursa : "Jacoby. I've manipulated many times. I just. I have. I'm still having the time to figure out how much I can trust with you guys.   Shadow: "US? are the ones that took care of your Dragon problem.   Ursa : "Well, to be fair, that wasn't my problem until it was. the truth is, is that I came across some research about the, What they call the Dragon Prophecies . It seems that there was a Wizard named Tharros , and he had been studying them. And that's where I realize that there was a problem. And so from that point, and once I realized that Lars can use the forge to craft things that might be able to be instrumental in fighting with that Dragon , that's been my focus since then.   (sic...)   BAstion: So she knows that Remington is a Dragon .   Ursa : I'm fully aware of a lot of things. And yeah, that's why I connected him with Jeets who was looking for other notes and other things that Jacoby had to figure out more on how he disrupted things on the island.   Barlo : Okay, let me get this. So do you think there's a factions out there that are actively trying to Awaken the Dragon to get him come out now, earlier, than expected.   Ursa : I know for a fact there, such as the cult of Tharizdun going around.   Barlo : Okay, so you know about Tharizdun too, okay..   (sic...)   Ursa : "The truth is. Is that.   Shadow: "Yeah, here we go.   Ursa : "There are others, obviously, that are trying to manipulate the situation as you guys have already learned, there's people like Tharros <serious disdain> who wants to use the Dragon , and then Jacoby Drexelhand was trying to find a way to control it to make everyone bow down to him. That's not my goal. My goal is to to eliminate the threat. so yeah, there's evil people trying to do evil things with it. Have all my methods been the most moral of methods? Probably not, But I really can't help but say that I feel like in these last three years I've been making a much better choices than I used to make...   Bastion: "So it's obvious you don't want us to start learning about your past. If you have changed, like you said, you have, don't you think that we deserve to know who exactly we are dealing with and helping?   Ursa : "You know about my past... As much as you need to. I don't see...   Bastion: "Not what I said.   Ursa : "I understand that. But I don't think there's anything else in my past that really is important right now.   Calliope: "Says who?   Shadow: "Well, I don't think you can honestly make that claim.   Ursa : "I think I can. I mean it up to this point, I think we've been fairly amicable.   (sic...)   Shadow: "Okay, Bye.   Ursa : " So when you are ready to figure out what you want to do with you, like you let know. And when you want to know more what's going on with the JAR Project, I will let you know because you did bring that to us. And I really do hope that you guys see that I've opened up with a lot more of trust and you are giving me credit for. But you guys are totally welcome to have meals. I've gone ahead and made sure that your ship in the harbor has doesn't have to pay for the harbor costs. Otherwise I will hopefully see you soon. It's around lunch time. The party discussed somethings amongst themselves, namely how Shadow doesn't recall telling anyone outside of the crew about the Bast mission. How she wants to stop the dragons from waking up. The party, especially Shadow, doesn't like her or her manipulations and especially how she knows about the Bast thing... Barlo remembers he meant to ask about the Ghost ... he said he will ask at dinner... I don't think he did. Barlo even questions how much she has changed... Bastion suggests it might not be the same "Ursa"... He thinks it might be Jacoby maybe manipulating her, while Barlo questions if someone replaced her. They think about the 8-ball or other options to find out,... then Viggie grave discussions. Bastion says since she is willing to let him cast dispel on Lars then he thinks they might be able to trust her... Shadow then worries if they are being spied upon.   Bastion uses the Sending Stone to speak to Jeets :   " Ursa not what she seems trying to stop the Dragon . The big Dragon Still don't trust her, but somehow seems she's telling the truth."   from Jeets : " I wasn't prepared for For you to tell her. It seems if you are contacting me, it couldn't have been that bad. We'll talk soon."   there was some fudging... trying to sneak in that she knows about Remington being a Dragon , cheat response was "she knows about Dragon ."   (sic...)   Calliope's reading on Lars:   She sees how he was supposed to be the mayor, but declined due to other interests and general laziness. Then how he hid in the Ruins during the Dragon situation out of Fear , but the Menagerie coming across him near the Arcane Forge in Outding Refuge while he was going through Jacoby's research helped inspire him to do better. He returned.   She sees their assault on the Dragon , then later him creating the weapons for the party. She sees times where Ursa comes in and assists him... Perception (XX)... a point during that process where she took the reigns and took over the Work , as Lars let her. She sees Lars give the weapons to the party. Then the research, the exploration, and the rising of the city... not too much..   Then Ursa says "You will not be doing that to me..." Calliope thinks about patting her on the back, and thinks better of it.  

Session 65: Castle in the Clouds Report

Barlo tells them to not land, but hover.   They go towards the bridge. There are no issues, but as they get closer the blue Crystal is glowing a bit. The Symbol is Tharros' Symbol.   some party discussion as they hadn't seen him since the Feywild around 3 years ago give or take based on Feywild math. He said he needed them more powerful for future threat. He also brought up what they took from him.   there are comments on how Jacoby, Tharros, Meklan all seem as if they might be the same person...   Barlo tells everyone else to stay back as he will go on the bridge. He hits a force field. He is hit a force attack.  

Session 66: A Wizard and His Spellweavers Report

Shadow gave the book to Yggdra and points out how it references the prophecies, even points them out abit. She also wondered if it brought up Vyerith. It did. At the end he refernces how he had recently captured a Doppelganger, finally. He discusses his procedure to take "powers" and such from creatures. He wanted to steal some powers from the Doppelganger, and these last notes in the book discuss how he wanted to perform the ritual on the Doppelganger he captured -- but that would have to wait until his return. He had urgent business with the Arcane Order who had some problems at the time... around 3 years ago. This could be Jacoby, or some other thing around the time the party got to Outding the first time. It might also be why he only used voice instead of presence when the party was in his home...   (sic...)   Sas looks at the stuff he just pulled out. Int (7) so not much. More stuff on the Dragon Prophecies, she yells "Pharoah", ... not the word.   Barlo says "Tharros", Shadow: "Meklan, Grognard, Jacoby,..." - not the words. Sas: "Bast!", Barlo: "Spellweavers, Dendar the Night Serpent... " Dendar was the word, but the house didn't hear the word at the time it would seem... he goes on "Vecna, Bargle, Mythallars, Tharizdun, Carsus, Jergel, ..." and other names. Shadow wonders if Tharros has another name, the only real one that is spoke of is "The Wanderer"... He then pounces in the room up to the second floor. Grabs stuff off the desk, another book, then runs back out. drops it down "more stuff".   Shadow notices the six arms are not seen. Goes in and looks at the painting and says "Vecna, Dendar the Night Serpent"... maybe it was because she was in the house when she said it, so it was heard by the Alarm. The voice says "I guess you are a guest"  
  In Session 67: The Wizard's Cellar Report a partial book was found in the keep, titled: Lord of the End of Everything where it had a handwritten note:  
(Handwritten notes near the name: Meklan of Toril? Meklan of Dierde? Me, of course Jacoby? Possible... Bargle of Mystara... Odd... Kolvar... died... reincarnated it seems... died again? Odd ...

Session 70: Exploding Fire Skeletons Report

Shadow asked about Jacoby. There were Notes on Spell Weaver Experiment about another experiment, a six-armed creature he sought to take powers from -- it failed in some way. He used an Orb of Mystara to take the regenerative properties and long life from this creature... It might be since the creature had already done 6 splits.   He was studying the Dragon Prophecies , including ideas to use the orbs for... one he felt might hold promise was to find an "empty" orb, one where the orb still held together but the realm had gone pass it's point of singularity somehow... the WIP: Orb of Athas. He would Teleport the Dragon into that world.  
Character Location
Current Location
Last seen at The River's Keep
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  When first seen, later he had become an undead/mindflayer version. The last time he was seen though he looked younger.

Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Trying to find Meklan's secrets
Current Location
Year of Birth
1978 KC 45 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Year may be incorrect
Current Residence
Dark brown
brown short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"
188 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations