Session 048: Unexpected Side Mission in Toril Report

The Party Are Taken to Torill for a Reason

General Summary

      Bastion was not here, so it might be a bit metagamey for you to read this...  
  The party was in the midst of combat.   Just as Bastion was about to move...   (NOTE: PUT in story so far from audio... good 'hints'   All of a sudden they smell smoke, as the smoke, heat and fire begins to come in from the left tunnel everything goes dark.   The party regains their sight and they are in a large 100ft wide round room, broken statue in center with a statue replacement in center of an old man. Large door on one side with a plaque. There is a wide "window" space with bars that goes around. They are in a high room of a tall building. four feet from floor and goes up 10 feet. stops about 20 feet before door   (notes are screwy as it only recorded me)   The party recal that Grognard had upset some powers or gods. People had been appearing/disappearing such as Bargle and Pradam Estorich.   They investigate. Tall tower, nothing in the lands look Familiar. Way off in the distance they see a tall white tower which seems to waver.   The rubble in the center, they realize is very possibly the same kind of statue that was at the Ziggurat of Tharizdun, below Skola Vale, and the cracked orb has a statue pieces of a Dragon's claw similar to the one at the stairwell inside of the ziggurat.   There is a moment when they look at the statue and when they turn their face it seems to possibly change to an elven face, but never if they stare at it straight on, or for any period of time.   There is similar construction and material to the Ziggurat.   They think about how Tharizdun is supposedly locked away by the gods. if 333 gems are brought together on the same plane and a ritual performed it can free him.   No one recognizes the statue.   Calliope climbs on Sas to touch the plaque above the door to learn something from it... her power is disconnected. It doesn't seem to be there or something. They start to touch the letters, fine crafted Gold.     Sas begins to rattle off many words... nothing happens.   Shadow detects magic from ring, door has Abjuration and Divination from door. The statue has the same. The orb holds some whispers and embers of the magic it once held.   Barlo looked for traps. found nothing.   They begin to work on the door puzzle.   (a slight discussion on the Shard of Pure Evil and how it created the Abyss.)   Sas says "Threshold" and the letters for it light up, then slowly the others light up as the doors open to reveal a stairwell down into some dark cavern, which is odd since they are in a tower and can see enough outside to see this shouldn't be here.   (I didn't say it at the time, but the stairwell curves around the building, even though they couldn't see it from window)   They sneak down. no lights.   Shadow listens, hears nothing. they walk down for a long while and finally they see a landing below with some bright Light. Shadow sneaks ahead and sees a similar room to the one from the Ziggurat, except the holes have some purple Light.   At the apparatus on the other end is a large creature at rest.   The room is very similar to the other one. Runes look older. 30-something large Dragon scales on the wall. Weird dome thing on the wall across the room holds a skull, a red Light in one of the eyes of the skull.. The walls are different though, it looks like bands as if it is a snake that is coiled around the room.   Yuan-ti Anathema The creature looks like a multi-headed snake with two arms. The creature has six giant snake heads that converge into a pair of broad shoulders with two muscular humanoid arms, and a torso flowing down into a serpent's long tail. The fingers on the creature's hand have monstrously long claws.   Shadow uses Mage Hand   Calliope plays her flute, I think to cast a spell... to calm him... the heads begin to sway and seems she is Charmed. They all speak together. (Sympathetic)   "never had this happen.."   He speaks about how time is different here. It is on the "material plane" of Toril and he is to destroy anything that enters.   speaks a name...   someone is Frightened of snakes and the creature. Barlo. So is calliope. He is resistant to respond, has murder in his heart.   Calliope resists the Fear.    



The Battle:

  Shadow shoots an arrow into its shoulder. Half of the heads look at the arrow, half of the remaining heads look at Shadow and the rest all look at Calliope. Her spell is broken.   Barlo clicks his boots. he is still afraid.   Shadow shoots and hits. it hisses. it has an arrow in the arm.   Calliope countercharms to help her team.   Sas attacks with Chill Touch, hits.   It gets up and moves forward. It has a snake-like body that moves at high rate of speed. Attacks and hits Barlo, two attacks. The tail comes up and grapples him. A flurry of blow with its six heads.   Barlo is able to fight the Fear with Calliopes song.   As Barlo uses his cowl the creature yells "Shadow Thief!! and hisses" as Barlo gets out of the grapple.   (note: remind bardic inspiration new rules, and it can be used to heal) -- make sure this is noted on her sheet.   calliope plays her song, the creature's heads do something. She feels like her tether to the Material Plane wavers, like going in and out of the Feywild back in the vale.   someone attacks...   insight... fails, but it is hurting.   ... nvm retcon... someone almost dies or Grappled...   Sas almost left the plane.   Barlo notices the apparatus, but can't discern its purpose.   (there was some back and forth of time during the conflict... it was odd.)   they killed it.  
☠️ Barlo?

t Combat Experience: 84000 (1680 ea) | Total: 56680 (Next Goal: 64,000) t
  there is a chest. (barlo no proficiency bonus, but no disadvantage)   in the chest is an orb and other things....  

2300 cp, 1300 sp, 90 gp, 3 x diamond (50 gp), carnelian (50 gp), chalcedony (50 gp), 2 x jasper (50 gp), 2 x moonstone (50 gp), Spell Scroll (Light), Spell Scroll (Expeditious Retreat), Potion, orb
    the orb shoots up and it is a Professor Orb and speaks with the voice similar to Captain Meklan. He thanks them for rescuing him and moves out of reach. This is Professor Meklan of Toril   Barlo goes to grab it. he got it.   He speaks about how he knows their Meklan and how they are from Dierde, which is the future of this realmspace and so it is technically the future of Toril.   He was locked up as he knows some powerful secrets. The other meklan was finding the orbs and began to unlock their secrets. He also spoke of going to find and protect his grandson.   these orbs preserve the worlds in their final days... Dierde should not exist as the space was locked in the pocket orb.   They learn the gods are weakened at Dierde. They are to stay away from the world to prevent the Dragon from wakening up.    
**Left in the beholder's treasury room about to finish the combat**

Rewards Granted

  • 2300 cp
  • 1300 sp
  • 90 gp
  • 3 x diamond (50 gp)
  • carnelian (50 gp)
  • chalcedony (50 gp)
  • 2 x jasper (50 gp)
  • 2 x moonstone (50 gp)
  • Spell Scroll (Light)
  • Spell Scroll (Expeditious Retreat)
  • Potion

  t Combat Experience: 84000 (1680 ea) | Total: 56680 (Next Goal: 64,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • solved puzzle, defeated Yuan-ti, freed professor orb of Meklan from Toril

Created Content


  • ?
    • The Menagerie, sans Bastion, find themselves in some strange "prison" and free Toril's Captain Meklan (who is now a professor orb).



Items of Note





Hex | Kingdom | B1 D2



Local Points of Interest

  Skola Vale   Forlione   Village of Skola Vale   River's Keep   Village of Sutley   Village of Fondersrest

Session 48: Unexpected Side Mission in Toril Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
04 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie