Session 050: Leaving the Beholder Caves Report

The Party leaves the beholder mines

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Lowsun 13, 2023 KC, Early Evening

  At Beholder Lair north of Village of Skola Vale, Skola Vale, Kampos   Recap
The party went to find a Beholder for which they could use the corpse to get a saddlebag of holding....
  Exited through the caves, it was night.   The cart had been attacked. A strange Blink Dog was there.   They got to a campsite for travelers.   rest...  

Lowsun 14, 2023 KC, Morning

  Rest stop north of Village of Skola Vale, Skola Vale, Kampos   continued on path, making great time... and then saw a strange sight of blood. Shadow starts to see movement, pulls out her bow and Bastion pulls his sword.   Ambush. "Drop yer weapons!!"  


Hobgoblins Ogres Ogre chain brute, x2 Ogre bolt launcher, x2 Hobgoblin devastator Hobgoblin warlord

The Battle:

  Need to do Combat...  


Bastion holds Scorching Ray (l.3) at the first thing to pop out, and moves forward a bit.   Shadow moves, into the bushes, casts Spike Growth in the middle of the path. Arktos runs to Shadow   Hobgoblin shoots an arrow and hits Shadow. sticks in Armor. "Looks like we got a fight on our hands!"   Shadow "We saved your asses!"   *Bastion saw him, but too far*   Calliope moves to Barlo, uses Mage Hand to sweep the brush. As it rakes through no sounds of life.   Bad guys move. One attacks Bastion, misses. Bastion uses his attack back in response. Hits the chainmail, doesn't strike. Another one shoots at Shadow and hits. An arrow. That disrupted her concentration and the Spike Growth disappears.   rustling off to the left. The middle brush, a large Ogre with a crossbow the size of a ballista (bolt launcher). Shoots at Arktos and misses.   A Hobgoblin comes up to Shadow and misses with the longsword   Barlo rages, then "High gear" move and an attack on a Hobgoblin, reckless claw attacks. ☠️ Kills it.   Hobgoblins move and attack...   hiding is advantage
I need to remember that attacks from hiding is advantage.  
  Arktos is attacked and hit by a longsword from a Hobgoblin.   Hobgoblin Devastator comes out and raises a staff towards Barlo, casts Fire Bolt and Barlo shakes it off. no damage.   Hobgoblin Warlord range attack fails   Rustling in bushline ahead   Sas casts Chill Touch on a Hobgoblin, but is deflected.


Bastion pops Bladesinger, Haste, runs to the Hobgoblin near Barlo, misses. misses.   Shadow has Arktos slide over and attack the Hobgoblin in front of him, bite attack. (takes 4 ferocity points). signature attack, actually... Bites on the side of the neck and ☠️ kills him. Munches it and growls to the other one.   Shadow steps back a few feet, shoots an arrow at that Hobgoblin. (Favored Foe), swarm, etc... ☠️ Kills him. Second attack goes to another Hobgoblin. ☠️ Dead.   Enemies move...   Calliope moves, "Hey manure mouth, watch this." (Vicious Mockery, but it doesn't connect.   Hobgoblin Captain moves, attacks Barlo with a javelin. Hits and slices across the arm.   Hobgoblin misses, critically, with long sword against. Bastion.   Ogre (chain brute) runs in the brush and appears behind Basiton, swings long chain. Bastion jumps over it with finesse, it hits him a bit on the back of the leg for some damage. The Hobgoblin on the other side, not so lucky and he curses.   Ogre (bolt launcher) moves and shoots at Barlo, misses.   Rustling near Barlo, a large Ogre (chain brute) comes up behind him. Attacks with the chain and misses.   Barlo is thinking of jumping on the creature, but instead just attacks the Ogre in front of him. Hits, critical. movement hindered.   Enemies move, and then an attack on Barlo with a Scorching Ray attack, two hit and one misses, from the Hobgoblin devastator. The warlord screams out "have strength and kick some ass" to his team. Another Ogre comes out of the woodline, with a ballista-looking crossbow that misses Shadow   Sas moves, casts Chill Touch and hits.  


  Bastion Attacks an Ogre with Green-Flame Blade, repeat it due to Bracers of the Illusionist and hits, then a sword strike. Moves   Shadow sends Arktos back towards Bastion, then she attacks the Hobgoblindevastator and ☠️ kills it with an arrow through the eye, then moves.   Calliope moves up towards the party, Casts Suggestion on an Ogre, "take a nap", it lands.   Hobgoblin Captain moves forward, misses on Barlo. another one strkes at bastion and misses. bolt launcher moves, shoots at Barlo. hits. large bolt hits. Then a chain sweep on Barlo, he isn't knocked Prone.   Barlo wrecklessly attacks the Ogre in front of him, hits. Another attack, that ☠️ kills him. He runs up him as he claws into him and then slides down with the claws, staring at another enemy.   Warlord begins to retreat   Ogre Bolt launcher sees Barlo's actions, attack - crits -   Sas moves in, Shillelagh +CRITS+ ☠️ Kills the Ogre Chain brute as she slams down on it. Moves.    


  Bastion kills Hobgoblin with Green-Flame Blade in the eye, uses second cantrip on Hobgoblin Captain and hits. Moves back to Barlo, an opportunity strike misses.   Shadow has Arktos move and hold an attack. Shadow attacks the retreating captain Hobgoblin, hit and a miss.   Calliope moves, casts Vicious Mockery at the retreating captain, "keep running coward"   Mobs attack. Greatsword strike misses on Barlo. Bolt launcher shoots at Arktos, hits. 20 damage, then moves   Barlo goes after the bolt launcher that struck at Arktos, the Hobgoblin next to him takes and hits with an opportunity attack. Barlo hits. 3x strikes, bloodied but standing.   missed attack against Barlo.   Sas moves. Attacks and misses with Shillelagh  


  Bastion attacks Ogre bolt launcher, Green-Flame Blade strikes and pushes damage to second one. Another of the same, hits both. ☠️ Kills the first one.   Shadow moves Arktos and he bearhugs the Ogre. She then shoots an arrow and hits, ☠️ killing the Hobgoblin. The other arrow crits on the Ogre.   Calliope casts Vicious Mockery, "Stupid head" after she moves. it kills the Ogre.   Barlo runs down the last survivor, has so much movement.   The warlord attacks Barlo. Shield bash.   Sas runs forward, Chill Touch and it lands.    


  Bastion dashes to the Hobgoblin, strikes with dual attacks. Hits.   Shadow runs to him as well. Two arrows fired. And he is Dead. Hobgoblin ☠️ warlord is down.   end of battle.  
☠️ ☠️ Barlo (Hobgoblin, Ogre chain brute) ☠️ Arktos (Hobgoblin) ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ Shadow in the Snow (hobgoblin x3, Hobgoblin Devastator, Hobgoblin warlord) ☠️ Sas W.T. Rayce (Ogre chain brute) ☠️ Bastion Bladesinger (Ogre Bolt Launcher) ☠️ Calliope Galanodel (Ogre Bolt Launcher)

t Combat Experience: 6300 (1260 ea) | Total: 59856 (Next Goal: 64,000) t   t Milestone Experience | Total: 60,000 (Next Goal: 64,000) t
  They see a cart in the woodline.    
**Left at site of ambush -- about to head to Village of Skola Vale **

Rewards Granted


  t Combat Experience: 6300 (1260 ea) | Total: 59856 (Next Goal: 64,000) t   t milestone Experience | Total: 60,000 (Next Goal: 64,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Escaped the Beholder's Lair
  • Met a Blink Dog
  • Defeated the ambush
Hex | Kingdom | B1 D2



Local Points of Interest

  Skola Vale   Forlione   Village of Skola Vale   River's Keep   Village of Sutley   Village of Fondersrest

Session 50: Leaving the Beholder Caves Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
29 Apr 2023
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie