Session 64: Fighting Pollution


15/10 9:00
15/10 12:00

  The Wild Cards Fight Pollution Dragons & Learn more about their ship

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Redfall 15, 2023 KC, morning

  Between Outding Refuge & Thornwinds   Recap
Two doppelgangers (Vyerith & ...) were working with a guy named D'arno tried to take over the Arcane Forge in Philander. They were run out of town... add more    
  Barlo is on the broom coming back, the party are on the deck and two large Crystal dragons are coming at them. These dragons seem to be black on the outside, with reds, purples, blues, and greens under the and between the scales.        




The Battle:



  Dragon 1: Ray of radiant energy (Yellow in center, reddish/orange near creature, blues/purple/green as it gets to the end) that shifts color blasts the ship. Sas takes damage and has a Unicorn appear in front of her. Nissa Silverfrond gets hit and turns into a sheep. Shadow starts to talk but no sound, just pink bubbles come out   Barlo heads to the ship and begins to load the ballista   Calliope casts Invisibility and hides.   note: they are over water, with small islands on occassion. Barlo yells for the captain to take the ship down.   Garm Pavond stood up, posed and pulls out a stick from belt. It lights up, glowing point...   Sas goes for a Chill Touch and it hits.   Nissa returns to form.   Bastion attacks with Scorching Ray, not all hit - but most do (including a crit).   Yggdra casts a healing spell on Sas   Shadow Hunter's Mark on south one. Shoots some Arrows. Some hit and cause damage. Second misses. The same one hit by the scorching rays. Arktos takes the dodge.   Unicorn looks around. he disappears. One of the crew aims and another fires the ballista.    


  Dragon burst on the ship... Barlo and others on the weapon as well as Shadow. Barlo feels stronger -- gains Resistance to all damage. Shadow is now a potted plant. The Sprite can't get drunk right now... Barlo sees a third eye on the Halfling. Burn marks across the ship...   The halflings come out of the Capt. Quarters. One pulls out a musket and misses.   Barlo was thinking of using the broom, but instead raged and ran to the end of the deck and hurled a javelin at the Dragon. misses. Second one misses.   Calliope casts Major Image to create a large 20' Dragon above the ship to take the focus and to look as a protector. The enemy looks at the Dragon, and of course Calliope is now seen... She wanted to distract the Dragon, but it is possible to take his first attack away.   Sas wildshapes into a Giant Eagle and attacks. She sees how the blood is an oozing black, but it crystalizes with the air.   The monk pulls out daggers and throws them at the Dragon. 4 daggers. One misses, as the third one hits it kills it.   Bastion casts Hex and readies Ray of Frost for when the Dragon is within range, 60 ft.   Sas was to do a Wisdom check... she had felt something when she got close to the Dragon, but she shook it off... and at this point the party is a few hundred feet above the water.   Yggdra closes her eyes, her hands come together and a spectral form of an Owlbear takes over her form. she glows a slight blue and gains some HP.   Shadow, reverts form. Arktos was confused. Casts Hunter's Mark and hits. An Arrow of Ice on her second attack. The cold doesn't affect it. Arktos dodges.  


  They also notice the damage to the ship is really bad, seems it does extra damage to such structures   The Captain asks Barlo if they want to go into the water... he says no. Just wanted to limit the attack angle from below. They are now skimming the water and the Dead one is mostly underwater... The crew load another spear into the ship's ballista.   Bastion's attack goes off as the Dragon comes toward the ship. It is immune to the cold. Takes the necro damage from the Hex. Wisdom saves from those near it... Bastion has a vine of crystals come from the ship, he is now Grappled. Same with the Leonin who gets frightned but shakes it off. claw attacks on Shadow and a tail attack on the Halfling.   Barlo grabs the broom, goes to the Dragon and claw attacks... His claws are magic attacks, and so he connects. One doesn't. Throws up his Animated Shield.   Calliope, still has her Dragon. She has it move so that the Dragon will get distracted... performance... it's eyes do follow. Stays hidden.   Sas attacks. even breaks off a Crystal scale.   some more daggers   Bastion casts Scorching Ray and some hit. He then breaks the crystals with a successful wisdom save.   Green flames appear as Yggdra does something.   Shadow has Arktos attack with claw attacks.. Shadow attacks with claw attacks.  


  The Dragon does another breath attack... Arktos, who takes less damage as Nissa Silverfrond takes some of the damage -- she also has the spectral Owlbear form over her as she does this. a ball of energy from arkto goes to her and she holds this energy. Arktos has a disadvantage on saving throw, the Leonin turns into a sheep. The Sprite has a double appear.   Barlo reaches out with his claw and it scrapes across and the Dragon crashes into the ship.   .. nissa absorbs the ball of energy and takes the damage. Arktos pounces on the Dragon to use his ferocity points, Nissa goes over and talks to him... calms and soothes him.    
☠️ killed by Nissa and second by Barlo

t Combat Experience | 14,400 xp (2,880 ea) Total: 89,880 (Next Goal: 100,000 ) - previous...t
  The captain asks if they should go back up... Barlo suggests some space between them and clouds.   The party investigates the dragons. Bastion uses his sage researcher feature. He recalls no lore on these. These are new, and so he has no idea if anyone has written about them. He is aware that magic sometimes creates a "pollution" or Living Spell or other effect. These clouds and dragons seem to be a by product of some unnusual magic.   AS it dies the Dragon becomes solid Crystal. The oily wings are also becoming solid. Shadow begins to take parts. As does Bastion. Some teeth.. 2 good ones. Spikes...   Calliope pokes it.   Nissa & Yggdra mediate   Arktos tries to get some more head scratches.   Calliope uses her glove feature. She learns it was born from the clouds, the clouds are by-products of the magic experiments at Outding Refuge... unnoticed as they are Invisible around the island but slowly form outside and they are full of chaos magic. Hence the chaos effects around the dragons. it is pollution from the magic experiments.   Calliope takes some souvenirs.   she investigates looking for any souvenir from the Unicorn. nothing.   Shadow compares the crystals from outding... they look similar in many ways. She wonders if such experiments caused the crystals that was there from some past experiments... asks bastion if it happened before. He also compares them.   Barlo wonders if there is a connection between the mindflayers and the forge.   The Professor Orb, Professor Meklan of Toril says he heard them talking and interjects. He says he knows a bit about what used to be Outding Refuge, the creatures known as Spellweavers which is rare since most knowledge of them has long been wiped out of existence. The orb is one of the very few that knows anything about them since he hid. They believe they created everything, in a way with a spell that they have long sought to reverse. Bastion asks if they had something to do with the forge, and the orb says they created the forges. They were once the mightiest of spell-casters. With their 6 arms they could cast multiple spells at the same time. It is believed by those who would know about them that they used to exist in many realms across the multiverse, and planned to recreate all of reality. They cast a mighty spell that destroyed all their settlements across the multiverse. These 5-sided pyramids known as Nodes. Captain Meklan hid this orb from Vecna who was the one trying to erase all knowledge of these creatures across all realms. This is why no one knows about them.   He doesn't know if the wild magic pollution occured there before, but he does know it used to be one of their nodes. These spellweavers were the first creators of the Black Obelisks.   Barlo asks if there was an older obelisk on Outding.. they bring up the new one they got the sword from. Bastion says the question is who created that one.   It seems the spellweavers had large furnaces in their nodes where they would destroy many magic items to gain their powers, and they had portals to anywhere in the multiverse. They were very advanced... All that magic energy was there...   Bastion wonders how this relates to the visions of the ladies -- they don't think it does. They wonder if they can contact Bast. Shadow suggests using Commune with Nature.   They also learn that the gnomes helped build the ship. Balabar Sprocket worked on weapons and even had other ideas they didn't get too... Dipple Sprocket worked on the Feywild room, and was surprised they hadn't added more locations. Bastion wants to learn more. They used knowledge from Gnomengraad where such ships do exist, but only locally.   They go to the bottom. Bastion starts to talk to them about their plans. They say they had plans to do Work elsewhere and wanted to leave Ursa. Bastion suggests they can help at their base. The brothers say they were thinking they could help outfit the party. He shows a Wood panel near the Feywild room. He says a word with his hand over the panel and the panel opens.   They see a pattern with sockets and one has a gemstone.  


  Shadow asks about their tuning forks. Turns out taking such a tuning fork to a place it is made for one can do a ritual to create a Gem that can be socketed here, now creating a spot they can Teleport to that spot in the room.   Transport Room Upgrade
Astral Transport Room
  There is a hidden panel and in the panel is a diagram with thin “threads” of some metallic and crystalline substance. It makes a pattern on the board that is reavealed and there are various holes in the structure, which each has an amount of the substance around it. One hole is filled with a green Gem and it has a slight glow in the center of the oversized gemstone.   This is the panel that controls the Feywild room. It is currently set to Feywild, but it seems that one can change its destination, which can be very dangerous if not attended to properly. The party was given a few words to control this box. Placing a hand over the area (with the box open or closed) and saying a certain word it will transport to the Feywild spot loaded by the Elder. When attuning a stone to spot that is when the magic phrase is set. There is also a phrase they were given to turn off the room so it is a normal room, if they so Wish.   To attune to another location in another plane, there is a ritual that must be done.   You need the proper tuning fork, you need a gemstone or collection of gemstones that is proper to the plane (see table for type and or color) and they need to be valued at least 5,000 gp, and you need to be in the location you want to attune to.   At that location you take the gemstone(s), cast Dweomerflow, then Teleport and when you hit the tuning fork on the stone(s) and say the keyword you want to turn the stone on/off -- it will transform all the materials into a single oversized gemstone which now will plug into the wall. It will allow you to turn that room into a portal to the location that is attuned to the stone.   The board has 16 spots in a circle. In the middle of the circle there are three in a triangle and between those three and the 16 are four spots in a Diamond pattern. This is for the 16 outer planes, the four Elementals, the two inner, and the Material Plane.   On the bottom is a line of 8 in a row… (these are for 8 locations not considered part of those places, such as a pocket dimension or such).  
The Prime Turquiose or Silver
The Feywild Green, Emerald green, opalescent white
The Shadowfell black, spiraling black, Silver, dusky gray, grey
Elemental Planes
Fire red, orange, yellow, green
Earth gray, brown, green
Water blue, green, dark blue
Air pale blue, white, blue, gray
Para-elemental Planes
Smoke Pearl of any kind, gray, white
Magma maroon, red, orange
Ooze brown, white
Ice white, Aquamarine
Transitive Planes
Ethereal white, gray
Astral gray, brown, green
Outer Planes
Outlands brown, yellow
Mechanus Diamond of any color, white
Arcadia yellow
Celestia yellow, Gold
Bytopia Amber, yellow
Elysium Opal, dark green
The Beastlands Emerald, Emerald green
Arborea bright blue, Sapphire, dark green
Ysgard purple, indigo
Limbo Jet, swirling black, black
Pandemonium crimson, red, magenta
The Abyss Amethyst, red, Ruby, swirling red
Carceri gray-green, gray, green, olive, red
Hades dark red, rust, Iron gray, gray
Gehenna red, bright red, russet
The Nine Hells Ruby, red, black, red and black
Acheron red, flame, yellow, metallic red
  He points out how they can craft some crates & barrels of holding, Ship Upgrades, as well as turning the Teleportation Circle into an outgoing that works 3x day. Can also turn bedrooms into extradimensional spaces...   Barlo asks about a cloak of Invisibility or other enchantments... they go upstairs, he shows how the Dynamo box can be upgraded. He says he can build a dedicated Mythallar to power the ship which is 15,000 gp but grants other magic items to be powered near the ship. like temporary items, cheaper but only Work at ship... Can also turn items into gemstones that will grant powers to the ship, 7 slots. There is a coin slot which also has a ritual to create coins of teleportation that will Teleport the ship to the location from which the coin comes from.   He gives them a book (The Sprocket Brothers Catalog that changes from time to time) and a stone (a talking stone works 3x day for a minute each time to converse back and forth).   Bastion asks if they can make personal items. They have some stuff and they are asked if they need anything. The brothers point out that the mast is a Living tree so a Transport via Plants spell will Work with it. The previous owners had a lot of things they had used with this ship for their adventures.   Barlo wants to talk to the weapon brother...   Bastion asks if they have spells he can from them... they have some scrolls and Gem items.    

  t Combat Experience | 14,400 xp (2,880 ea) Total: 89,880 (Next Goal: 100,000 ) - previous...t   t Milestone Experience | Total: 90,000 (Next Goal: 100,000 ) - previous...t

Related Location
Outding Refuge
Related Species
Outding Chardalyn Dragon
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