Session 66: A Wizard and His Spellweavers


15/10 16:00
16/10 13:00

  The Wild Cards Explore floating keep

Wild Cards


Redfall 15, 2023 KC, early evening

  Between Outding Refuge & Thornwinds at a flying Armor   Recap
The party are on their way to Thornwinds, with a bunch of passengers. They find another hideout for Tharros -- a castle in the sky. They fought a protection Crystal and now will take a long rest before taking on the tower.  
  The party is at the ship, the brothers are doing some survey Work on the island. Before Sleep they put a level 5 into the Gem. Some table talk on the travel and the passengers.   Shadow goes to the brothers so she can put a deposit on a 3-gem Armor. Bastion asks about the Metal. The brothers are very curious about the Metal, too. Bastion uses his background feature and gets a (20), so with all his recent research into Crafting and a lifetime of book study he realizes this is a very new Metal. It has a Weird oily Sheen that seems to be similar to the crystals in the colors of that Sheen. It seems unheard of off this island, and the island seems full of it. The brothers say they will stay here, they Work with Jeets and he can get them. They are already planning on having an "office" at his Adventurer's Guild, and now trusts the party enough to share this knowledge. They talked to Jeets already.   Shadow takes a peek at the Journal of Tharros they got from his Underdark hideout. She decides to see if there is anything that might make sense since they first found it. Wis (15)... she realizes these notes are about the book The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces and his research on its strange magic. That book had a pocket dimension that followed the book and could be opened anywhere the book went. There are notes also about the Dragon Prophecies and how he thinks he might have a solution here to handle the Dragon That Slumbers. He was thinking of an extradimensional space, but it would have to be very big. The more he studied this he seemed how hard this might be...   Tharros had an apprentice, he disappeared... There are references to other places and Books. He even does reference this tower and how he has research here. He has a lot of journals and ideas to deal with the prophecies. Nissa and Ursa have brought these prophecies up a bit recently.   Shadow gave the book to Yggdra and points out how it references the prophecies, even points them out abit. She also wondered if it brought up Vyerith. It did. At the end he refernces how he had recently captured a Doppelganger, finally. He discusses his procedure to take "powers" and such from creatures. He wanted to steal some powers from the Doppelganger, and these last notes in the book discuss how he wanted to perform the ritual on the Doppelganger he captured -- but that would have to wait until his return. He had urgent business with the Arcane Order who had some problems at the time... around 3 years ago. This could be Jacoby, or some other thing around the time the party got to Outding the first time. It might also be why he only used voice instead of presence when the party was in his home...   This was also around the time with Reginald's "Uncle" losing his seat of power due to machinations by the Order.   ... granted didn't the party see him in the Feywild? Interesting...   This discussion brings up something that Yggdra was curious about. She asks what the "Crown" was called, and Shadow couldn't recall off-hand, but they asked Nissa who said Xorlarrin's Crown.... Xorlarrin was the last name for the Doppelganger twins, Vyerith & Vhalak, at least as far as these adventurers were aware. It seems it now has clicked in why the name seemed Familiar. They were working for the Spider, Nezznar, trying to make him the ringleader, but them with the real power in the shadows.   Supposedly the three had long ago left Philander, as far as they know. Doppelgangers are very rare, and tend to not take on prominent roles out of Fear of being caught. Some propoganda or truth may explain the very rare instantances of a Doppelganger taking on a prominent role. The party discusses some ways in that they can discover one...

I later retcon a bit more that was in the book...   NTO:     The ladies offer to help with guard shift. There was a bit of discussion about the pay for smuggling.   a bit of table talk about the island... and how it seems to have water and mist created on it.   The brothers worked on the Armor.      

Redfall 16, 2023 KC, early morning

    Bastion gets his Armor, and buys an AC stone. The brother goes ahead and spends breakfast putting it in. The Armor has a special pocket... 2 cubic feet up to 20lbs. always weights 5 lbs.   He also changes his spells, casts Find Familiar for a flying snake, and gives the snake his ring, so he hides the snake in his shirt.   Shadow pays the down deposit for her Armor.   They finish these things up and head to the bridge.   The Crystal is a bit duller, and does not seem ready to attack...   The dock seems in good shape, but unattended. No major damage. There is a Gate off to the side in a Rock. There are double doors with Tharros' Symbol. A waterwheel slowly moves. There are various pebbles in the water ... some seem to be having steam around them, others are causing a swirling around them in the water...   Shadow casts Mage Hand and grabs about 6 stones, three were causing steam and three were dripping water like sweat. As the three cause water, the others are making steam.   Barlo grabs them -- the water ones are dripping room temperature water, the other ones are scalding and he takes fire damage. The water one seems like clean water and so he puts it in his mouth... it keeps producing water, until he closes his mouth. It seems to fill up the space until full, no real pressure after that. It tastes like normal water. He spits out water and when he does so it will fill up the air parts.   He spits it out and tells the party. They put the water stones in ... somewhere. Bastion had empty bottle from the draught. He puts them in it, and puts the stopper on.   They leave the hot rocks outside.   The three with survival realize that these stones might be the cause of the waterfall and the steam below.   Barlo wonders why there is a boat. Bastion investigates for magic. nothing.   They go to the door and Barlo searches for traps... On both doors there is the mark for Tharros the Wanderer and he finds an arcane trap and a mechanical trap, Arcane Lock is done with a Dispel Magic from Bastion Bladesinger. Calliope Galanodel gives Barlo bardic inspiration -- which isn't enough. Luckily the party had stepped back a bit as the trap releases a Fire Bolt shoots at him out of a panel. He tries again to defuse it.   This time he is able to defuse the trap. They use the Chime of Opening to open the door. Click, and it opens slowly a bit. They see a Gate on the left blocking a desk and some strange wall decoration. To the right is a large geode and a book on a pedastal along with a book shelf. There are three suits of Armor in the room. A few stairs, a mirror, a painting, and the windows seem to not be glass, but some shimmering magic effect. It looks like there might be a safe in the wall behind the desk.   Shadow casts See Invisibility from her Ring of Alertness and Bastion Bladesinger casts Detect Magic. Bastion goes to the door, they tell him to wait... Sas also almost goes in...   Invisible reveals... that the larger suit of Armor across the way has 4 Invisible arms. They hear sweet sound of violin with some piano, a freeflow of medieval jazz that is quiet, but playing from above. They ask Calliope if that is real instrument or a music box... it sounds live, but a slight bit of a muted tone to it, almost like a radio (anachronism). It sounds from above.   Bastion sees the suits are glowing, Enchantment a bit of Illusion magic on the large one. The geode is a mix of all schools and a slight tinge... no magic on book. Enchantment to the chandeliers. Slight Abjuration to the entire building, especially around windows. The Metal doesn't have any. He is picking up an essence with them similar to the Crystal -- they are not magic, but they are somehow conductive to magic.   Barlo looks at the one near the door, they look similar to the ones they saw beneath Outding in the Tharros Underdark Hideout "Near" Outding Refuge. Bastion casts Dispel Magic (4) at the 6-armed one. The Armor falls to the ground.   Barlo asks Sas to move back, he rages and then grabs the one next to the door and takes it to the water... he succeeds in his grapple. He and Sas takes it to the water. As they do so it comes to life, and so does the other one -- the collapsed one does nothing.  



2 (technically 3, but the third one doesn't get involved and was a bit different) Animated Armor

The Battle:



  Shadow in the Snow casts Spike Growth inside of the keep. Arktos goes to dodge action.   Calliope Galanodel casts Vicious Mockery "Are we fighting a junk yard?!" then runs away.   The Animated Armor runs through the vines, towards Bastion Bladesinger... the first punch hits, but no damage as the new Armor takes the impact. He then parries the other punch. It then punches Barlo. This Armor is no stronger than the ones they had dealt with in the hideout.   Bastion Bladesinger strikes out with his sword with Booming Blade (twice due to his Bracers of the Illusionist) one misses, but the second connects as he chops the helmet off. He was about to walk in, but Shadow grabs him by the neck.   Sas W.T. Rayce casts Shillelagh and strikes at the other one, as the casting affects the club it grows some extra spores.   Barlo drops the Armor to the water, then pounces on him. Reckless attack he attacks (misses) but hits with the other two. Kills him.  


  Shadow drops Spike Growth and as she steps in she nocks an arrow...   a voice is heard: "I do not sense the master, I cannot let anyone enter without the code word or they face the long slumber.." Shadow interrupts with "SCEPTER!" to no avail and the voice continues, "You have one minute." She starts to think of the book and any word that might stand out.   They all hear the voice. Shadow wonders if there is anything that might stand out... Scepter was tied to the The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces book. "Tharros is an ass!", she steps back and uses Mage Hand to grab the book on the pedastal   Calliope comes over to Shadow and uses her lore feature (), she learns this book is another of his journal. It is about the Outding crystals as well as how he believes they are connected to an unnamed species -- a name for which it seems impossible to find as if it has been magically erased out of things -- this species has 6 arms. There is some magical energy or something trying to erase knowledge of these guys. The species is somehow connected to the crystals and magic, they were very powerful with magic.   These creatures lived very long lives and were responsible for the crystals and Metal. They had a ritual to extend their lifetime, and on the sixth time of performing this ritual they would actually create 6 clones of themselves that could then start the rituals anew. This is how they reproduce. Tharros was Researching if he could take this power from them so he could be better equipped to handle the Draconic prophecies. He also thinks it could be helpful in some of his other more "nefarious" plans. She tries the word "Horocrux"... not the right word... Nor is "Swordfish" or "New England Clam Chowder". Bastion says "Dierde" Shadow repeats "Tharros Sucks!" Barlo says they are meeting Tharros. The species was still not named.   Bastion enters. Examines the Gate. It is locked. "Barlo, throw me the chimes" and another use of Chime of Opening is used. The door unlocks, but doesn't open. He opens the door and takes 12 points of damage as the trap electrocutes him. He sees a table with notes and Books which he grabs and yells out "Suck it!", not the word. Calliope yells "Fluffernutter"... not the word.   Sas looks at the stuff he just pulled out. Int (7) so not much. More stuff on the Dragon Prophecies, she yells "Pharoah", ... not the word.   Barlo says "Tharros", Shadow: "Meklan, Grognard, Jacoby,..." - not the words. Sas: "Bast!", Barlo: "Spellweavers, Dendar the Night Serpent... " Dendar was the word, but the house didn't hear the word at the time it would seem... he goes on "Vecna, Bargle, Mythallars, Tharizdun, Carsus, Jergel, ..." and other names. Shadow wonders if Tharros has another name, the only real one that is spoke of is "The Wanderer"... He then pounces in the room up to the second floor. Grabs stuff off the desk, another book, then runs back out. drops it down "more stuff".   Shadow notices the six arms are not seen. Goes in and looks at the painting and says "Vecna, Dendar the Night Serpent"... maybe it was because she was in the house when she said it, so it was heard by the Alarm. The voice says "I guess you are a guest"  
☠️ killed by Bastion & Barlo

t Combat/Encounter Experience | 2000 ea Total: 94000 (Next Goal: 100,000 ) - previous...t
    At this point...   Dendar Table Talk
Dendar is a long spoken myth of a Dragon that once ate the Sun and will eat all of existence in the end. It is not believed to be the same Dragon in the earth, although surely some less studied may conflate the two. It is a common story.   It is the boogieman of most cultures.  
Dendar was a colossal serpent who spent her time devouring the nightmares and fears of both mortals and immortals in hopes of bringing about the end of the world. She was some 300 ft (91 m) long with blue-black scales, yellow eyes, and a huge maw filled with four fangs, spittle, and the bones of some of her former victims. ~Forgotten Wiki
  The painting is a city where the builders are all various Warforged. She then goes to check out the area with the geode. The crystals are definitly the same (or similar enough at sight). She also finds the Books: What color is your... , how to get away...   NTO:   Also notices a piece of Wood in the bookshelf that is a lever to open a secret passage. As it parts to reveal the wall there is a large 6' tapestry with a solid Metal frame attached firmly to the wall. As she tries to lift the tapestry, the Metal is stuck to the wall. She feels the tapestry and her hand disappears .   "GUYS! Watch!"   She shows them.   Bastion casts Identify he learns it is a portable hole, but modified. It is affixed to the wall. It also doesn't fold up to cloth, it actually is a putty that can be thrown onto a surface to open it and then grabbed to pull it off.   Shadow ties a rope on herself and enters it... She sees it is dark. There is a wine rack built on the walls and she finds a few bottles of wine.   12 bottles of wine   Bastion examines the book and notes he got.   the Armor which was dispelled rises up again... the Invisible arms are back.   Calliope gets a bardic inspiration and starts to look over the stuff. The Notes of Tharros found in Floating Keep on Draconic Prophecy is about how he needs to redo some research on the Draconic prophecies as his notebook from the other hideout has been missing for some time. He thinks the Doppelganger took it. He also has notes how the Orb of Eberron he had was cracking, and he even visited that realm. It is now missing. He notes how he would like to build an army of these. For the Dragon fight and other reasons. He had also noted how the gods have not returned since the Great Sacrifice, it seems. There is still clerical power, but he is sure that they are not here. He also has found out about Bast and her pocket dimension in the desert. He has been studying the obelisks as well, as part of this research. THey were built long ago by this unnamed species he is Researching, and later built again by the Netherese. He is sure they are connected to the species with 6-arms. Barlo is sure they are spellweavers. Some could lock up Powers and Deities, or to channel magic energy, and gods can pierce the realm near these stones.   Scrap of strange runes. Note of Strange Runes found in Tharros Flying Keep  
  Bastion gives the chimes to Barlo and they go to the safe/vault. Barlo inspects for traps (5)... He hits the chime and as the door opens he disappears.   They shout at the hole... Barlo can barely hear them. They toss a rope into the vault hole... it slides out. She tries to poke the rope through... He is shouting at them. They now hear a slight muffled scream from the gated door near the stairs. They go over there ...   Barlo starts talking to a Skeleton asking what he is in for. He sees the bars around him. ...   Back to the others, They have Arktos break down the gates, and he takes some lightning damage as he breaks down on the Gate. Bastion uses his crowbar to open the door, out of Fear of another trap.   Coins: 368 cp, 9736 sp, 2044 gp, 83 pp Art: 3 art objects worth 250 gp each [2 Large Gold bracelet, 1 Carved Ivory statuette] Potion, wand, glass globe, ointment   The glass globe is 5" thick glass with stress cracks all through it.   Barlo picks the lock... and leaves the cell. He goes to the next door, and unlocks it. He sees a few other doors. The first door he tries to unlock he fails, so he goes to the next one...   Sees a very "scary" sight. and now waits.   back to the party... they come down the stairwell and see two doors. They listen to the doors. One is so empty like a large empty room. The other one he hears a sound, and Barlo shouts "Is that you guys". They pound on the door he failed to open. He goes to try to pick again. and it takes a bit but he gets it. Now the party is back together again... "You guys have to check this out..."   and takes them to the scary room. In there is a laboratory, vats, Books, concotions, and in the center a rune under a table with a Skeleton with 6 arms and an elongated head.        

  t Combat/Encounter Experience | 2000 ea Total: 94000 (Next Goal: 100,000 ) t

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