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Chaplains are religious mages, who wield weapons and don armor in their god's name. Their faith allows them to perform miraculous divine magic, and their god lets them draw a finite amount of energy every day to perform them. Unlike paladins, chaplains and other clerics are driven by their faith in their gods, seeking to further their god's influence out of devotion and not idealism.   Chaplains tend to learn how to fight with the expectation they will be forced to engage in armed conflict at some point. While not as dedicated to war as templars, chaplains are still capable of holding their own in a fight.   Unlike templars, whose main focus is battle, chaplains prefer to tend to their religious duties, preaching and spreading their god's works (good or ill), only engaging in conflict when necessary. This results in them being held in higher esteem, as their magic solidifies the fervor of their fellow faithful.   In an adventuring party, chaplains often act as frontline support, healing and protecting melee fighters while helping to push back their foes. Though their number of spells is smaller than wizards or druids, chaplains' spells tend to be more tailor-made for their roles, and since they do not tire from using their magic, they can put forth more magic in a short period of time without compromising their ability to fight. Furthermore, their superior arms and armor training means they can perform high-level spells while still engaging in armed conflict.

Racial Class Notes

Favored Class Races

These races get a -2 XP Adjustment bonus if they select this class

Dokaleves, Humans, Krasnals, Satanai♂, Zalamandi

Class Features

Main Features

Buckler Proficiency: You are proficient in the use of Bucklers. You also reduce the somatic failure chance while using a shield by 5%.
  Divine Domains: You must select a primary and 2 secondary divine domains. They must be domains your god possesses. You automatically learn and memorize the spells from these domains whenever you gain access to a new level of spellcasting; in the event you would learn the same spell more than once, you may choose another spell from one of your god’s remaining domains of the same level.
  Divine Energy Attunement: You gain the ability to channel either radiant or necrotic energy from your god. If your god is of a good alignment, you gain the Channel Radiance and Channel Healing powers, and automatically memorize all touch-range Heal spells you learn; if your god is of an evil alignment, you gain the Channel Necrosis and Channel Darkness powers, and automatically memorize all touch-range Harm spells you learn; if your god is neutral, you may choose either set, but you may not change this selection later. You may channel these forms of energy once per day, plus one more time for every 2 points of Personality you have.
  Divine Recovery: Capstone feature. You may expend 25 SL to convert CP into spell slots. You may expend an amount of CP equal to the spell level you want to recover but may recover varying levels of spell slots if your CP allows. You may only do this once per day, plus one more time for every 15 Personality you possess; every time you do so beyond the first, the amount of SL needed is doubled, and you cannot do so if your SL would go above 100%. As a bonus, every time you use this ability, you also recover 1 use of your Divine Channel, as well.
  Divine Scripture Proficiency: You can equip spell tomes and divine scriptures in accessory slots.
  God's Weapon Training: You gain proficiency with your deity’s favored weapon.
  Heavy Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in the use of Heavy Shields. You also reduce the somatic failure chance while using a shield by 20%.
  Light Armor Proficiency: You are proficient with all non-powered light armors and may equip them. You also reduce your somatic spell failure rate from armor by 15%.
  Light Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in the use of Light Shields. You also reduce the somatic failure chance while using a shield by 10%.
  Mage Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with Mage's Staves, Rods, and Scepters.
  Medium Armor Proficiency: You are proficient with all non-powered medium armors and may equip them. You also reduce your somatic spell failure rate from armor by 35%.
  Primary Domain Greater Power: You get the major benediction for your primary domain(s).
  Primary Domain Lesser Power: You get the minor benediction for your primary domain(s).
  Secondary Domain Greater Power: You get the major benediction for your secondary domain(s).
  Secondary Domain Lesser Power: You get the minor benediction for your secondary domain(s).
  Simple Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with Batons, Caesti, Canes, Cudgels, Daggers, Darts, Dirks, Handguns, Hatchets, Heavy Maces, Hunting Rifles, Javelins, Laser Pistols, Laser Rifles, Leather Whips, Light Katar, Light Maces, Light Poles, Longspears, Machetes, Metal Knuckles, Pistol Crossbows, Plasma Pistols, Recurve Crossbows, Riot Guns, Shillelaghs, Shortspears, Slingshots, Slingstraps, Spiked Knuckles, Stilettos, Throwing Knives, Throwing Sticks, Truncheons, and War Balls.
  Speaker of the Word: You are chosen by your god, who has bestowed you with divine power and magic. As you have been chosen to spread your god’s word and influence, you are also expected to behave in a manner befitting your god. Your overall alignment cannot be more than 1 step removed from your god’s alignment. In addition, your disposition must remain Devout, as well as aligned with the 3 disposition requirements your god expects of his or her followers. If you fall from grace by failing to live up to these expectations, you will be stripped of all class features except equipment training and will be unable to cast spells. You then must either atone for your failings, seek a new divine patron, or else be unable to gain further levels. You may alternatively choose apostasy, but doing so will mark you as an enemy of all gods.
  Spell Reference: While equipped with a spellbook, you may look up any spell you’ve recorded in it and cast it while not in combat without needing to memorize the spell in advance. Unless the spell has a ritual component, you require 100x longer to cast the spell than normal when cast this way. 1 AP = 2 seconds for those with 5 max AP, so a spell requiring 3 AP would require 600 seconds (10 minutes). Higher max AP means 1 AP requires less than 2 seconds, while lower means it requires more.
  Targe Proficiency: You are proficient in the use of Targes. You also reduce the somatic failure chance while using a shield by 3%.

Spell Acquisition

During character creation, you must select a god. Afterward, you may select 1 of your god’s divine domains to act as your primary domain, and 2 more to act as your secondary domains. You are automatically granted the knowledge to cast all spells from your domains, as well as your god’s main divine spell list (determined by pantheon), whenever you gain access to a new tier of spellcasting; you must have a Wisdom of [10 + spell’s level] in order to memorize and cast a spell. Your spells must be recorded in a divine spellbook, which you must have in your inventory (it doesn’t need to be equipped) in order to change which spells you have memorized. In the event your spellbook is lost, a replacement may be purchased from a high cleric of any temple of your god. You automatically memorize all domain spells; in addition, you automatically memorize either all single-target touch Heal (if your god is of a Good alignment) or Harm (if your god is of an Evil alignment) spells you have acquired; gods that are Neutral on this axis allow you to choose which type you memorize, but this choice cannot be changed later. This Heal/Harm choice also affects which type of energy you are able to emit. In the event that you would be awarded the same spell more than once, you may select another spell of the same level from either one of your god’s remaining domains, or another pantheon's divine list (this spell is not automatically memorized). If you fall from grace and lose your class features, you also lose the ability to cast spells.

Faith Point Growth

Additional Notes

”Master” Prestige Class


God Selection

When choosing to play as any divine mage, you must select a single god, or in some cases a djinn, to act as your divine patron. If you fail to live up to your god's expectations, your spellcasting and class features will be suspended. You will then either have to undergo an atonement quest, attempt to convert to one of your god's rivals (or Yawey, the god of redemption), or become an apostate. Once you become an apostate, you can never be forgiven and must remain one until death.   If you wish to convert, the first time you do so you must sacrifice 1 Level (your total Level is lowered), which unlike negative Levels cannot be cured; you will have to regain the Level. Every time you convert after the first, the Level sacrifice demanded will double; if this would reduce your Level to less than 1, you cannot convert without dying, and can never be resurrected if you do so. Any attribute, skill point, or talent acquisitions made are "saved," thus will become available once you regain those Levels, and cannot be changed. Because the Level cap is 100, this means you can convert, at most, 7 times, since an eighth conversion would require you to sacrifice 128 Levels.   The gods available for selection as divine patrons must be taken from one of the following groups: the Gods of Light, the Gods of Twilight, the Gods of Darkness, the Cosmic Wardens, or this group of other gods known to Earth. You may select either a god your race venerates or an official god of your homeland. If you wish to select a god other than this, you must take the Unconventional Faith perk during character creation.



In order to become a chaplain, one must be fervent in their faith. Furthermore, they must be prepared to engage in combat in their god's name.

Career Progression

Level 1: Speaker of the Word, Buckler Proficiency, Targe Proficiency, Light Shield Proficiency, Heavy Shield Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, God’s Weapon Training, Mage Weapon Proficiency, Divine Scripture Proficiency, Spell Reference, Divine Domains, Divine Energy Attunement, Primary Domain Lesser Power
Level 3: Secondary Domain Lesser Power
Level 10: Primary Domain Greater Power
Level 30: Secondary Domain Greater Power
Level 50: Divine Recovery



Chaplains, like all clerics, serve as the mortal representatives of their god. They preach, tend to their god's faithful, and help spread their god's influence. They also offer their services to adventurers, mainly for their healing powers. Although wizards and druids can also perform healing magic, clerics usually have more healing options and tend to be better suited for conflict, making them more well-rounded.

Social Status

A chaplain's social status, like all clerics, is largely determined by what god they serve. Clerics in service to a popular god will be revered, whereas clerics of an unpopular or hated god may be treated with hostility. Typically, evil clerics are either vague about what god they serve or, if their god permits it, will outright lie about their faith.


While the overwhelming majority of people on Earth worship at least one god, relatively few serve a god as divine mages. Perhaps 5% of the population are divine spellcasters, though most of those are clerics of some variety.



Like all mages, clerics need a magic catalyst to cast their spells, and a divine scripture that contains their god's teachings, including spells. Clerics often use talismans, amulets in the shape of their god's holy symbol, so their hands remain free for their weapons. Chaplains tend to wield whatever their god's favored weapon is in battle.

Provided Services

In addition to ministering religious services, good and neutral clerics tend to the sick and injured, usually in their temples. Clerics of gods that embody specific services, such as forging or prostitution, may have their temples double as centers for their services. Evil clerics rarely engage in charitable works unless it suits their purposes, instead fostering darkness in local populations.

Dangers & Hazards

As mages, chaplains are expected to undergo some amount of magic training to minimize the risks involved in its use.   Due to the highly emotional nature of religion, clerics often find themselves under physical attack by the servants of their god's rivals. Though large-scale religious conflicts are rare, smaller skirmishes happen quite frequently, especially in places where secular law enforcement is limited.


While what gods (if any) are permissible in a region varies by jurisdiction, the League of Arcanists has a list of which gods are sanctioned and which are not. However, even the Arcanists tend to play favorites. Generally, all gods of light are officially legal, as are all of the cosmic wardens, while only Azmodius is sanctioned among the dark gods (and secretly favored by the League and their Falconer mage-hunters), and a select few twilight gods.   Unofficially, though, some gods are not tolerated, as their adherents question the League's methods, namely the justice gods Sentir and Baldur. Servants of these gods may find their activities more closely monitored than others, their transgressions taken in the worst faith and shown no mercy.



Limiting Factors

Attribute Minimums

Strength: 5
Constitution: 5
Awareness: 1
Intellect: 1
Wisdom: 11
Personality: 6
Speed: 5
Agility: 5
Spirit: 5
Luck: 5

Perk Requirements


Disposition Restrictions

Must remain Devout, remain aligned with god’s 3 dispositions, and be within 1 step of god’s alignment

Other Limitations

Cannot be an Atheist or Deist

Arcanists' League Legality

Permitted if not an apostate and god is sanctioned, a class 6 Hedge Mage if god is unsanctioned, or a class 3 Hedge Mage if an apostate

Class Skills

Major Class Skills

Concentration, Detect Magic, Detect Spirits, Diplomacy, Folklore, History, Insight, Language, Medicine, Metaphysics, Religion, Spellcraft

Minor Class Skills

Apothecary, Deception, Enchanter, Hide, Intimidation, Move Silently, Performance, Reasoning, Runebreaking, Runescribe, World

Class Attributes

XP Adjustment


Spellcasting Type / Proficiency / Resource

Divine / Full / Faith Points - Progression Group 1

Spell Progression

Level 0: Lv1
Level 1: Lv1
Level 2: Lv8
Level 3: Lv16
Level 4: Lv24
Level 5: Lv32
Level 6: Lv40
Level 7: Lv56
Level 8: Lv72
Level 9: Lv88

Weapons Training / Proficiency

God’s Favorite, Mage, Simple / Half

Shield, Instrument, & Spellbook Training / Shield Proficiency

Bucklers, Divine Scriptures, Heavy Shields, Light Shields, Targes, Tomes / Half

Armor Training / Proficiency

Clothes, Light Armor, Medium Armor / Half

Chi Proficiency


Technological Proficiency


Sneak Attack Maximum


Combat Pet


High Saving Throw


Medium Saving Throws

Personality, Spirit, Luck

Skill Points per Level

Intellect ÷ 2 + 9

Class Health Bonus

Constitution + (Spirit ÷ 2) + (5 × 2) baseline HP; (Constitution ÷ 2) + (Spirit ÷ 4) + 5 per Level thereafter

Class Memory Rate

1 + (Intellect ÷ 4) baseline value, +2/6 per Level

Class Initiative Bonus


Class Mobility Bonus


Weapon Base Attack Bonus

+2/5 per Level

Magic Base Attack Bonus

+5/5 per Level

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