Natasha Torlopova Character in Disverse | World Anvil
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Natasha Torlopova

Natasha Maria Torlopova (a.k.a. Black Cat)

Natasha Maria Torlopova (Наталья Мари́я Торлопова), also known by super identity Black Cat, is the daughter of Georgy and Katia Torlopova and last remaining survivor of the Torlopova family. Originally the heir to the Torlopova Bratva, she was orphaned when her parents were murdered during the bratva's destruction. Since then, she has been raised by Roman, a former butler and bodyguard of the Torlopovas.   She is also Super and the star of the female track team at Pharos High.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Background and Youth

Natasha is an only child and as such stood to inherit leadership over the Torlopova Bratva after her father. She was raised by her parents and attended to by her personal bodyguard and butler Roman. At first isolated, with her only contact of similar age being her cousin Victoria, when entering elementary school she quickly made friends with Leah Moore.   Almost four years ago, after years of decline as a criminal enterprise, her family and the Bratva were attacked by rivaling criminals. In the resulting shootout, most members of the Bratva, including Natasha's parents, were killed, while Roman spirited Natasha away to safety. He subsequently took it upon himself to not only raise her but also train her in his profession as an assassin that she would one day be able to take revenge upon her family's killers.   Natasha eventually awoke to her superpowers, gaining the ability to instantly master any skill while being unable to retain them.

Volume 1: Balance

Together with Leah, who became her confidante, Natasha devised a series of "publicity stunts" to advertise her powers to the world. This eventually lead Lucas Cross and Samantha Miller to seek her out and recruit her for Cross' newly formed then unnamed vigilante team. Natasha agreed and became one of the team's three founding members.   She subsequently participated in the Ambush in Gaffers Street against non-powered henchmen of The Crew and the Battle at Fleet Street against The Nymphs.


Natasha currently attends Pharos High.

Intellectual Characteristics

Natasha is a brash and aggressive girl, frequently getting into fights due to her hair-trigger temper. With a quick mind and even quicker mouth, she not only has a tendency to get into trouble due to her confrontational nature, but also due to her frequent over-focusing on certain aspects of a problem and loses sight of the bigger picture. She is fiercely proud and enjoys the spotlight, but hides some deep-rooted insecurities underneath her tough shell.   She is a 'super'-nerd, with a level of encyclopedic knowledge about them that is probably only topped by Jessica Park.   With no moral compass to speak of, she mostly does whatever catches her fancy or she thinks is the most 'cool'.   She is fluent in English and Russian, even without use off her powers.
Current Location
Date of Birth
6. April 2006
Year of Birth
2006 CE 17 Years old
black, long and straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.66 m
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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