Titania (Tit-awn-ya)

The Queen of Faeries

Titania is a Lesser God who serves under Silvox the Spring Child and a member of Fiadmorai, the court of Archfey demigods. She is often referred to as her title, 'The Queen of Faeries' or 'The Queen of Light' and is regarded as the guardian and patron of all fey as well as the god of friendship and magic. In the Fiadmorai, she holds the position of the White Queen.  


Titania is described in myths as being a fae of exceptional beauty with honey colored skin and hair that took on the changing shades of the autumn leaves. Her eyes were a glowing gold.  In many fables she is also capable of calling forth an avatar to traverse the Prime Material Plane and act on her behalf outside of her palace in the Faewild, which appears as a small faerie with pale skin and gossamer wings, and gray-blue eyes.  


In stories and legends, it is said Titania's smile could cause crops to instantly ripen and her scowl could start a wildfire.  Gazing into her eyes directly has been said in myths to drive mortals to madness.  Her lesser abilities are said to be things like sensing all living things near her, detect and purify water, the ability to summon woodland animals to her aid, and control of plants.

Divine Domains

Fey, Friendship, and Magic


The Wand of Light (Staff)
The Crystal Dagger (Dagger)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

White diamond with a blue star inside


Divine Classification
Lesser God, Archfey
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Queen of the Faeries
The Queen of Light
The Summer Queen
Ruled Locations