Kaivoz (Ka-aye-vozz)

Kaivoz (a.k.a. The Red Death)

Kaivoz the Red Death was a member of the Holy Church's XIIIth Order. A member of a brutal clan of orcs from the Southern Wilds branded by their unique crimson hued skin, Kaivoz was raised as a destroyer. No one would be granted mercy - not an enemy, not prey. However, when he was captured as a sole survivor of a war band headed into the Lower Realms by a group of Paladins, a special order was handed down by the Arch Cleric of Military Concerns to turn over Kaivoz to an internal inquisition by the Arch Cleric himself and arcane advisor, Doctor Ova Orbatrix, in Triswell. After the inquisition, only two things remained true: The Holy Church had gathered the information to exterminate the red-skinned orcs once and for all, and that Kaivoz was now devoutly loyal to the Holy Church.   Kaivoz's strength lies within his purely martial prowess, and has been able to defeat opponents many times his size single-handedly. He is trained as a barbarian with a focus on dual-wielding large war axes that bear tribal markings of his clan, combined with the orcish symbols of his patron god - The Rage of the World. His lineage as a red-skinned orc aids in his people were said to grow stronger the more imbued with bloodrage they become. He was often remarked as being the potentially strongest martial fighter in the Paladin Orders due to this factor and has offered to fight paladins in the other Orders as a form of training and sport.

Physical Description

Body Features

Kaivoz has an unique deep crimson hued skin in stark contrast to the majority of orcs.  This is a biological trait that comes from his clan, and are the only recorded occurrence of the mutation.

Special abilities

Kaivoz has inherited his clan's unique mutation of growing in strength the more damage he's sustained.

Apparel & Accessories

Kaivoz typically wears a bone mask adorned with horns and fangs, and painted black.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kaivoz was born in Gran'task, the tribal warfields of the Gran clan of orcs.  The Gran were an unique clan that bore deep crimson skin as opposed to the traditional gray to green hues that orcs normally have.  Because of this unique biological trait, they also gain a unique strength that the more they battle and the bloodier it gets, the stronger they get.  Kaivoz was no exception.  On the contrary, he was obsessed with throwing himself at battle after battle from a young age until the shaman of his clean gave him command of his own warband.  Even then, he was not satisfied.  His warband, the Savage Six, would routinely head north and infiltrate the Lower Realms to capture caravans, traders, and travelers - not to pillage their belongings but to draw out adventurers and soldiers from the nearby settlements and city-states.   Ultimately, their success was ended by a coordinated effort of multiple teams of paladins from Triswell.  The other five members of the warband were summarily executed on-site, but Kaivoz was dragged back to the city to stand trial for his multitude of crimes.  However, Gil Hasford - the Arch Cleric of Military Concerns - convinced the Grand Cleric to let him hold a private inquisition on Kaivoz along with an advisor in the form of Doctor Ova Orbatrix, a member and researcher of the secretive XIIIth Order. What happened in that inquisition is known only to the three men in that locked chamber, but it resulted in Kaivoz swearing his devoted loyalty to the Holy Church and turning over the secret location of Gran'task.  Kaivoz was publicly declared executed and then transferred into the XIIIth Order.

Mental Trauma

Despite being a proud orc warrior who never cowered in the face of an enemy, Kaivoz becomes remarkable passive and even a bit submissive in the presence of Doctor Orbatrix.  Others in the order have compared Kaivoz's changed demeanor to an abused puppy which spurred even further rumors over what in the Eight Hells the Doc did to 'advise' during that inquisition.

Morality & Philosophy

Kaivoz was raised with a firm belief that the strong rule and the weak follow.  He firmly believes in this and will not offer any respect or obedience to anyone who hasn't bested him in a fight.  This has led to a number of difficulties in terms of giving orders for missions, but Kaivoz's commanders have cleverly learned to disguise these in terms of challenges instead of orders.


Religious Views

Kaivoz and his clan are devoted to the Rage of the World, the destructive incarnation of Impicael worshiped in the Southern Wilds.  He routinely marks his weapons with the orcish symbol of his god, a trio of lightning bolts wrapped in flame with the orcish character for "rage" at its center.
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
20 Low Dusk, 5A253
Gran'task, Southern Wilds
Black hair, cut short with wolf tail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red skin
284 lbs
The Rage of the World
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Orcish, Goblin