Orcus the King of Ruin (Ore-Cuss)

Orcus is a primordial that originates from Mabar, the Plane of Entropy, and is worshiped as a God of Chaos with control over death and decay.  While not the only figure that deals with the nature of undeath and necromancy in the Chaos, He styles himself as the self-proclaimed 'King of Ruin' and is often worshiped as such by necromancers.  Interestingly enough, his role as the King of Ruin has also gained Him worshipers among those who wish to destroy societal structures.  A number of followers are anarchists or revolutionaries who want to see existing institutions destroyed.

Divine Domains

Undeath, Domination, Entropy, Decay, Societal Collapse (Anti-Civilization)


The Wand of Orcus

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A stylized mace with a human skull for the head.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To usurp Orbivem as the God of Death.
Divine Classification
God of Chaos, Primordial
Neutral Evil