Solomon (Sol-oh-mon)

Solomon (a.k.a. The Cleric of Comedy)

The funny man, the Goat's Jester, or the Happiest Man in the Borderlands - whatever you may know him as, if you've been to Heroes Vigil in the past two decades, then you've met Solomon.  The local cleric of comedy is a permanent fixture at the Stretching Goat Tavern and is often seen making jokes with the local guards.  As friendly as they come and resourceful to boot, Solomon loves to learn the stories of anyone who travels to the keep and is often more than willing to pay the tab if you are willing to share your tale.   Though the man loves to learn and talk with anyone who will share, very little is known about Solomon himself.  Where did he come from?  What is his last name?  Is that even his real name?  The only glimpses anyone gets into his past is through the shrouded veil of humor and irony that permeate his anecdotes and jokes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Solomon's history is something he doesn't share with anyone, he's much more interested in learning other people's stories than talking about himself.  The exception to this is in his jokes and humorous anecdotes.  If these are to be believed as factual, the following is potentially true:  
  • He's been married three times.
  • He has four kids, none of them are on speaking terms with him.
  • He was born in Rivercrest, left home at the age of ten, and has never returned.
  • He lives off of generous loans from at least one of his ex-wives.


While he has reported to only have had wives, locals at Heroes Vigil have seen him actively flirt with men as well.  Though it is unclear how much of it is meant in jest.


None. It's not even completely clear if Solomon knows how to read and write.


Contacts & Relations

Despite making no lasting contacts in the Vigil, Solomon is widely regarded as being on good terms with just about everyone.  Though he admits that he's never had the honor of meeting the Guildmaster or Castellan.  He routinely treats the guards to funny stories over a round of drinks or offers to buy a meal for the local working families of the keep.

Family Ties

He supposedly has three different ex-wives that he won't name and doesn't speak to anymore.  He also claims to have four kids that are not speaking to him (their choice, not his.)

Religious Views

Despite being a cleric, no one is sure exactly what god Solomon serves.  He has made it clear that he has no love or respect for the Holy Church, he claims not to follow any of the Gods of Order, and when someone once deduce that he must follow a God of Chaos, Solomon responded by collectively referring to the gods of the Underworld as "tight asses."


Solomon is always smiling.  Even passed out drunk in the tavern.  Some have taken to calling him "the happiest man in the Borderlands."


While he is a Cleric by trade, his manner of speech tends to be a bit crude.  Often telling dirty jokes when he doesn't think there any kids around.

Wealth & Financial state

Appears to be independently wealthy, from what he claims is a loan from an ex-wife.  He has no shortage of loose coins to drink whatever he wants at the tavern, he always has a bed at the inn - despite it being cheaper at this point to have purchased an apartment in the keep, and he always seems willing to help out a traveler or pitch in to an adventurer's cause in exchange for a good story or to learn about their lives.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Goat's Jester
The Happiest Man in the Borderlands
Date of Birth
15 Low Dawn, 5A203
Current Residence
Appears to live at the Stretching Goat in Heroes Vigil
Ice blue
Bald, white haired eyebrows
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
208 lbs, slightly rotund
Known Languages
Despite having no formal education, Solomon is apparently fluent in at least six different languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Goblin, Gnomish, and Halfling.

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