The Chaos Scar

The Chaos Scar is a large system of caverns located in the southern-central region of the Borderlands.  The area is home to a great number of monster tribes and factions, drawn to the caverns by the still dangerous dark power that sleeps within.  The area surrounding the Chaos Scar is marked by a region of the Whispering Woods that has become blighted and dead. The grave of decaying trees being a sure sign of the evil within still stirring.


At the end of the Fourth Age, following the Night of Ashes, the remnants of the kingdom's forces along with the Adventurers Guild and the Rangers pushed back the Gnoll army to the Whispering Woods.  There the armies utilized the nearby fortress of Quasqueton, once the home of Serah Sylverstorm and Isaac Blackbourne, two of The Twelve Legendary Heroes.  There they engaged in an extended siege of the gnoll forces and their master, the Avatar of Yeenoghu the Consuming Flame.  Though the fortress was unfortunately lost, entombed deep beneath the earth in the final struggle, the few survivors of the siege managed to destroy the Avatar and thus forced the remaining gnolls to escape southward back into The Southern Wilds.   However, while the Avatar was destroyed, it's eternally ravenous heart was not.  It plunged into the earth and began to rot away the land around it.  Where the heart fell is said to be the Chaos Scar itself.  A wound in the land that penetrates almost into the Deep in order to draw forth strength from the Chaos on the opposite side of the Disc.  Some stories say that this is The Heart of Yeenoghu desperately clawing its way back home.  Other tales say this all folk legends and the Heart of Yeenoghu is actually a large Chaos Ruby, the celestial equivalent to an Astral Diamond.  Either way, the strength of the Chaos is strong there and because of it the caves have become home to a growing number of monsters, goblinoids, and other threats through the years.
Cave System