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Lady Firehair

Sune (pronounced SOO-nee) is the deity of beauty, with governance also over love. Her dogma primarily concerns love based on outward beauty. She is known for her lustrous red hair that drapes down to the ground, her eyes of shining emerald and ruby red lips.

Divine Domains

Divine: Light
Arcane: Enchantment

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Face of a beautiful red-haired woman

Tenets of Faith

Sune's portfolio includes love, beauty, sun, music/art/poetry, and warmth. She blesses lovers and creators of beauty and art. She has a hatred of Talos who destroys without purpose.   Her worshipers carry mirrors and strive for physical perfection. Her highest priest is usually the most handsome/beautiful clergy member both inside and out. They are expected to keep their appearance as flattering as possible. Sune's clerics seek to bring beauty to the world in many forms, all of which are pleasing to the senses. They create great works of art, become patrons for promising actors, and import exotic luxuries like satin and fine wines. Her followers also enjoy looking beautiful, and hearing tales of romance. The stories range from star-crossed love, true love overcoming all else, to following one's heart.   Her temples usually hold social salons and display mirrors for use by lay parishioners. Some of them even have public baths for the local populace. Her shrines often stand on the corner of busy city streets. They have a small ornate overhanging roof with a mirror underneath. They are used to check one's appearance while honoring Sune with prayer. Some shrines even hold perfume and cosmetic items for those who can not afford such luxuries themselves.   The Order of the Ruby Rose is made up of bards and fighters who value form over function.  


"Create, inspire, and find beauty in all that you do."   "Combat the followers of Talos wherever they may be."   "Bring to light the lies of the wicked."


Febutine 14th
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Ruled Locations


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