Bank of Mirabar

The Bank of Mirabar is considered one of the most respectable and secure financial institutions on the Sword Coast outside of Waterdeep. They claim there has not been a single theft or loss from the vault even in times of war or unreset. It is an open secret amongst the leadership of the Axe of Mirabar that there is no more defensible building in all of Mirabar, including the Temple of Moradin and the Marchion's mansion itself.

The building itself gives the impression that it is carved from a single huge slab of granite (close inspection shows it is, in fact, made from many blocks of granite very carefully placed). The five story building is completely without windows and only two doors, the main entrance, and a nondescript back door. "The Bank of Mirabar" is carved into the granite in large block letters above the main door.

The interior of the bank could not be more different than it's exterior. Lustrous braziers hanging from each of ten soapstone columns light up every part of the lobby and their light wraps the hall in a warm radiance. The thousands of gems on the sloped ceiling dance in the flickering light while stone effigies and statues look down upon the granite floor of this regal hall. A sapphire rug splits the entire room in half from the doors to the large vault door in the opposite wall, while embattled banners with ornate lacery droop from the walls. Between each banner stands a bronze brazier lit with a floating soft magical ball of light and in turn illuminate the paintings of late rulers above them.

An imposing vault door of onyx sits below a grand chandelier and is adjoined by two equally lavish seats for the royal highness' trustees. The vault door is covered in intricate marks and fixed on the wide backside is a sparkling miner's pick.
Bank / Treasury
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