Deuria (D-oor-ee-uh)

The First City

The former capital of the old kingdom. The largest of the city-states, it embraces tradition at its core. Home of the Tomb of Deurem and lead by the Grand Magus, inheritor of Vartel’s staff. Deuria reveres it’s past and heroes with a powerful zeal. The state's government believes the best way forward is to rebuild the past and dreams of rebuilding the old kingdom.

A Culture of Tradition

Rooted in tradition, they worship Deurem like a god or a godlike figure in the least. Embracing Deurem's tradition as strongly as they have has created a much more outspoken stance and aggressive culture against the dragons. This has proven a problematic double edged sword for its neighbors. Seen as the tip of the spear and one of the Mortal Realm's strongest bulwarks against the dragons, should a new war erupt. They are also seen as the culprits most likely to instigate a new war if they are not properly checked by the neighboring governments. They dismiss much of the mechanical evolution that other city-states have embraced, seeing it as a distraction. Much of their focus remains on the old magics and rebuilding the arcane citadels of yore. They have reluctantly accepted some of these mechanical advances to parts of the city simply out of necessity to facilitate trade and travel to the other city-states as needed. Magic is a common part of everyday life and many of the citizens are capable of casting it at a basic level. Though magic research is focused on combating draconic threats, many projects have resulted in ways to improve the everyday life of its citizens. Those that can afford it move on to join the academies. Those without the talent for magic are looked down upon and in many ways are treated as second class citizens. Deuria is a Magocracy, founded by the first Grand Magus, Vartel. The title and role of leadership has passed down to a chosen successor by the previous Grand Magus who leads the city-state with the assistance of the main governing body known as the Magus Collective.

Embracing the Arcane

Deuria boasts large and powerful academies and guilds of mages. The best spell casters in the land are often found within Deuria or originate from Deuria. The government has established several powerful spell caster schools and numerous guilds to bolster their arcane strength. The Collective highly encourages all of its citizens to enroll in the academies if they are able. The most prominent of the academies' students are set on a path to join the Collective and help lead Deuria's efforts in all manners of research and military development. Other students with proper levels of talent and aptitude are encourage to join one of the city's many guilds or military branches and have their ciriculum shaped to prepare them for this role. Not all students show notable skill or wish to turn their talents elsewhere and instead rejoin the rest of society to pursue new ventures. This process has lead to most of their armed forces also possessing basic levels of spell casting to bolster their martial strength. This includes warriors, archers and even their spies. A larger presence of dragon slayer guilds is known as an open secret to reside within the city. The guilds are not a part of the government's official military, but acts as a powerful deterrent nonetheless. 

Dragon Slaying

The Deurian government constantly sees the return of dragon hostility on the horizon and is ever working toward preparing for the inevitable second War of Scales. The citizens are more aggressive towards dragons and draconic creatures than other city-states. As a result, it is generally much more welcoming and supportive of dragon slayers. This has led to a large presence of dragon slayers basing themselves out of Deuria. Though dragon trade is officially illegal, little is done to stop or enforce the laws against the practice of buying or selling dragon parts. The policy is largely in place to adhere to the treaty and dismiss concerns from other city-states.
Geopolitical, City-state

Trade Partners

Deuria and Reg'naat remain on friendly terms due to the high amounts of trade between the two cities. Deuria gets access to a wide variety of precious metals and gems used for their research and development of new projects. Meanwhile, Reg'naat gets access to the large amounts of food and coin. Outside of this, they largely stay out of each other's way.

Non-aggression pact

The two city-states have no open disdain for the other or hostility. Moderate trade is conducted between the two cities, but not much else can be said. The opposing nature of the two city-state's goals and values place them at arm's length from one another and both prefer to keep things to business as much as possible.


Deuria holds extreme distrust towards Dracheim and outright declares them as traitors to the mortal realm. Deuria has placed heavy tariffs, and sanctions against them. Dracheim is extremely resentful for these actions and tries to find ways to circumvent Deuria.

Articles under Deuria