
The northwestern region of the Mortal Realm claimed by city-state of Merkonus. This region holds notable grasslands for farming but is heavily dominated by its forest and even more so by its mountains. This is why the region is primarily known for its unequaled abundance of metals and minerals deep within its dark stone mountains. The Merknous region is the only region to not share any borders with the Dragon Lands and enjoys a strong sense of security being surrounded on all sides by buffer states. This does not leave the region free of any threats or challenges however. The location of the massive Wyrmwood makes travel to their primary trading partner and neighbor, Deuria, very challenging unless one can afford the expense of an airship. Traveling around the forest can easily double or triple the travel time while traveling through it exposes travlers to bandits, predators or monsters.


Merkonus shares its northern border with the frozen lands of Dracheim. The Engineer's Federation sees no reasonable advantage to be held for them in the tundra and happily leaves the snow covered plains to Dracheim. As part of this agreement they have also left the entirety of Mundrin Ridge to Dracheim. The south and east borders are shared with Deuria that curve just around the edges of the Wyrmwood, leaving the entirety of its claim to Merkonus. This forest was previously disputed with their neighbors but the advent of the airship created a need for a fully stable lumber supply and increased their push to secure control of the forest. Using airship access as leverage, the modern day border around the Wyrmwood was secured.

Points of Interest

Merkonus' region is dense with geographical features and has a modest amount of small villages outside of the city walls, primarily for farming. Each of the following serve as integral parts to Merkonus:
  • Blackrock Peaks: Easily the most recognizable and significant geographical location of the region. The massive mountain range is uniquely characterized by its dark colored stone that is its namesake. The city of Merkonus is entirely dependent on the Peaks' seemingly endless supply of metals, minerals and other precious ores to fuel the city's endless thirst for invention.
  • Wyrmwood, The: The Wyrmwood received its name as an infamous roosting spot for dragons during their return 1000 years ago. The central location of the forest and its incredibly dense foilage made it a prime staging ground for many dragons and their minions that were not intercepted by the forces of Scale's Bane. Even after the accords were signed, the forest has remained a hotbed of lingering draconic creatures. Despite these dangers, it remains an integral part of Merkonus' industry and mercenary contracts to go on hunting expeditions into its depths are always in demand.

Articles under Merkonus