Wyrmwood, The

A massive forest, only slightly smaller than Moran Forest located almost dead center within the Mortal Realm. It received its name from the times of the dragon's return 1000 years ago that culminated in the Coexistance Accords. During this time of conflict, many dragons and their minions that breached past the defensive efforts of Scale's Bane settled within the dense forest. It's location acted as a perfect staging ground to launch strikes at nearly any part of the Mortal Realm while its size and density made it difficult to root them out. As the conflict ended, nearly all of the draconic invaders retreated back to the Dragon Lands. Whether left behind or chose to stay behind, plenty of draconic creatures still lurked among the trees. Efforts to expunge them were attempted and continue to this day, but continue to prove impossible to fully remove them. Despite the danger, the Wyrmwood is still a vital resource to the city and crossing through it is still the quickest way of travel by land (by a wide margin) for anyone seeking to travel between Merkonus and Deuria. All of these factors leave mercenary contracts constantly open to go on hunting expeditions into the Wyrmwood and bring back as many trophies as possible.