War of Scales

The war for freedom, waged over 2000 years in the past. As the Mortal Realm was taking shape and prospering under the leadership of their king Deurem Rexis, the dragon's focus was finally demanded. Unwilling to stand for their open defiance, Kur decalred war and his draconic hordes flew forth. The Mortal Realm was well prepared for this conflict, having spent the last century focusing their every effort on how to kill dragons. With the mortal's using their slain former masters to power their magic, the Mortal Realm was brimming with magical might that has not been since. Weapons and armor thrumming with dragon slaying magic, they met the dragons head on.

The war raged for two centuries. The countrysides had been abandoned as all of mortalkind retreated to the safety of their fortress cities, still standing strong in the conflict. Hundreds, if not thousands, of dragons were slain and still they seemed endless. The mortals proved far more powerful and resourceful than their former slavers expected. What seemed like would be a never-ending war would finally reach an end when Kur would take to the skies for the first time in the entire conflict. He brought with him the end of the war on what would become known as the Day of Ruin.