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The Districts of Eredet

From small monastic community to towering city, the Capitol of Eredet is a sprawling metropolis with the Tower Citadel as its centerpiece. As a testament to the continent that it represents, the city is divided into districts, representing each of the major regions and their associated deity. Although perhaps not complete or entirely truthful representation of the regions, they offer hints or windows into all corners of the continent. A cit where all parts... are truly made whole.


The Main Square of Eredet

At the base of the Citadel is a massive square, often used as a place for festival celebrations and a place where merchants flock to set up their stalls to sell their wares to the populace and tourists alike. The Districts converge here, creating a unique blend of architecture, culture, food, and more. A gorgeous, two-tiered fountain dominates the center of the square. the lower tier features statues of all the gods, positioned so that they each face their respective district. They support the second tier, which features tow carved hands holding a snake, eating its own tail. A small platform is constructed in front fo the fountain. The city's criers use this stage to make announcements to the public, many of which are delivered from the Tower Citadel. A large street on one side of the square leads to the Tower Citadel, while the street at the opposite end leads to the University of Eredet.


The War Monument

Located immediately within the Southern Gate of the city of Eredet is a massive monument to all those that fought during the Dread King's War. The giant statue features various Moon Guard warriors in armor supported by their diviners in flowing robes. Swirling up and around a tower – carved in the likeness of the watchtowers of Eredet – are two great dragons. A silver dragon coils around the tower while a bronze dragon lined with stars stands strong, claws digging into the watchtower's roof. Looking through the crowd of statues, there are warriors bearing Ragna's symbolism, clerics and acolytes of Ah'Shal, and healers of Tel'Rhea.
In honor of all who fought to keep our city, history, and way of life safe from the advance of the Dread King.


District of Ah'Shal

Like its associated region, this district is home to many of the blue-collar workers of Eredet. While there are some factories here, regulations prevent the pollution from accumulating and the workers here seem to have... some protections. There are plenty of raw material shops. Gated and guarded townhomes near the Tower Citadel provide housing and living spaces for visiting factory overlords and the District Overlord.  
  7th Key Mortuary is the home to the Acolytes of Ah'Shal sent to tend to the dead in Eredet. It was named after one of the original Council of Eredet members, Kiera Hallal, who was believed to have worn a pendant with 7 keys and lined with deep green gemstones. The pendant is on display in a locked case at the entrance to the Mortuary.


District of Caliban

It is here that one can purchase the finest porcelain and other products from Caliban. The resident Oracle and a Council of 10 oversee the district's affairs. In contrast to the actual region, the Council is not necessarily composed of all dragonborn. Additionally, there is an honorary Moon Guard presence there that supplements the Eredet guard. A crude reconstruction of Porcelain Avenue allows tourists and residents of Eredet to experience a "recreation of Caliban life" without the annoyance of being referred to as scaleless. The District generally keeps shifted hours more aligned to those kept in Caliban.  
The One-Gold Tea Lounge is a sprawling building with gardens and sakura trees kept almost always in bloom through arcane intervention. "Once-Gold" is a play on Ghidoran who left Caliban for Eredet, abandoning his claims and ancestry amidst the Gold Dragon Clan. Henceforth, he was referred to as "Once-Gold". Ironically, it is the only tea lounge in the District and the city as a whole that serves some of the unique tea blends produced by the Gold Dragon Clan. It also features unique coffee from the Black Dragon Clan as well as some of the finest porcelain products from the Red Dragon Clan. The lounge doubles as a small, luxurious hotel for ambassadors and other visitors from Caliban.  
  Moonlight's Gems & Fineries – A jewelry, clothing, and luxury boutique.


District of Carmenthia

Located alongside the University of Eredet, the district boasts both the best spas – catering to various tiers of society – and open-to-the-public libraries and other bookstores. Despite the prevalence of the well-educated, upper tier of society, there is a large blue-collar industry that works in the small textile industry or run smalltime apothecaries and greenhouses. However, there are plenty of rumors that some of the apothecaries are really just fronts for other.... shadier types of business. The city's largest hospital and healing ward is also located within this district and frequently partners with the University of Eredet.

The Corvinus Town Home is one of the largest, relatively newer estates within the district. It is located on the central square of the district. While other estates might have their gates closed, the gates to this town home are always open. A handful of servants move about, tending to the gardens and carrying laundry as they tend to and look out for the elderly matriarch of the family: Lady Elixyveth Corvinus. The elderly human woman spends her retirement days knitting for the locals, for charities, and for the workers of her late husband's company: Legacy Dyes & Textiles. She has an odd talent... and can supposedly knit magic into her scarves, blankets, and other products.  
  Pit of the Island Viper: A general store with some miscellaneous magical trinkets and items. It doubles as a small apothecary that sells sleeping draughts, healing potions, and other medications for the district's workers. 


District of Elios

The district feels off. Although the people that walk and climb through its streets seem happy and upbeat, there is a clear and obvious sense of pageantry that pervades the entire district. There is not an aarakocra, kenku, or owlfolk in sight. Parts of this district have been "strung up" around stone pillars, but without any tact or grace. Crude carvings depict scenes of hunts and various stalls provide children with the option to receive "ceremonial braids" in honor of winning any of the "hunting" themed games.  
  A small portion of the district on the outskirts of the city feels a bit more authentic. It features a small square with a relatively large trading post: Brazen Sons. Here, the very few arrakocra merchants that still travel from Elios provide their wares: furs, winter clothing, elaborately carved bows, and enchanted projectiles. For the featherless bipeds, one might be met with an air of mild hostility. They seem less inclined to sell their wares to those not of the feathered variety.


District of Judas

What once was a luxurious district is now nothing more than crumbled remains of buildings and... quite the trash dump. Amidst the clutter and rubble, the poor and destitute of the city huddle under what remains of the shelters. Although within the main walls of Eredet, a secondary wall has been constructed with guards monitoring it to keep the "riff-raff" out of the other districts of the city... and perhaps out of sight of the wealthier inhabitants.   
  Some say that the wishing well of Judas still remains... hidden somewhere amidst the rubble and ruin of what once was a perfect picture of his domain: wealth, fortune, and luck.


District of Lark'Hal

The desert style buildings common to the deserts of Lark'Hal have been merged with the more modern architecture of Eredet. The streets here are kept particularly wide to allow for street performers and other artists to peddle their wares or delight crowds and streetwalkers. Arcane skiffs have been relegated to specific streets to prevent hindering pedestrians and performers. The streets are lined with various hookah lounges, art galleries, performance halls, and other venues that support creative freedom.  
  The largest theater in the District is the Second Sallaire Theater. Originally, it was named the Eredet Theater, but the original structure burned down after a chandelier fell, setting the chairs and stage ablaze. The new theater was funded and built primarily by High Lady Sallaire-Hevego. After her passing, the name was changed from the Second Eredet Theater to the Second Sallaire Theater. The Theater always carries at least one major Lark'Hal performance or show amidst various other offerings. It features Lady Sallair-Hevego's long bow – jokingly and lovingly referred to as the "Reignbow". It is held aloft via magical means within a glass case. At one point, it contained all colors of the rainbow, but unfortunately, only red and violet remain. The others were stolen by thieves centuries ago.  
  Four Elements Gallery – One of the many art galleries and museums in Lark'Hal. It is currently hosting a living gallery. Three artists from Lark'Hal – a sculptor, a sand artist, and a weaver – have assembled an art collection that melds all three of their art forms to create three scenes. The "living" portion is made possibly by an artist at the Tower Citadel who is gifted at drawing forth the "living soul of the art within".   
  The Snarky Sand Seal (SSS) – A hookah/alcohol bar and lounge that features Lark'Hal drinks, food, and entertainment.


District of Nacheevi

Here the streets are perfectly paved and designed with perfect precision – there is nothing out of place. The district is divided into three "sub districts": the Alley of Steel, the Row of Taverns, and the Street of Tech. The Alley of Steel is lined with forges where various blacksmiths and leatherworkers produce weapons, armor, and other merchandise representative of the standards of the forges of Nacheevi. The Row of Taverns features various establishments that sport the latest brewing technology and serve the finest dwarven drinks. A small campus makes up the Street of Tech and is associated with the Technical Institute of Nacheevi.  
  Battle & Brew – A pristine business located on the intersection of the Alley of Steel and the Row of Taverns. It is a unique establishment that provides dwarven ale and other alcoholic beverages. It is divided in two, right along the intersection of the Alley and Row. Glass walls have been put in place to allow patrons to watch the experts at work, forging weapons and armor and other tools while they drink.


District of Oshiv'Ran

The streets of this district are only partially paved and eventually fade into well-maintained dirt streets. The district itself is lined by a ring of relatively tall trees that are protected under the district (and city) law as a nature preserve. Thus, it is quite common to find critters and other wildlife dashing between the trees. Open markets allow small-time traders to easily peddle their wares.

The Élet Nature & Wildlife Sanctuary encompasses approximately 50% of the entire district. The earth seems to have been molded to create a very open zoo, botanical garden, and aquarium. While you can enter the zoo at various locations, the main entrance features a statue of Wisteria Rose, often regarded as the grandmother of the city and founder of the Sanctuary. In her honor, one can easily acquire free flowers in the daily selected variety by asking any of the vendors who set up shop near the statue.  
  There is a gift shop associated with the Sanctuary that sells stuffed animals, pins, badges, and various other trinkets.


District of Ragna

Metal refinery plants can be found on the outskirts of the district, handling some imports of raw materials from Ragna. The majority of the district resembles a "normal" town with a variety of businesses including taverns, restaurants, blacksmiths, general stores, and other amenities. Although there is no Coliseum, there are three major fighting rings arranged in the circular "marketplaces". Here, the residents and visitors alike can shop while pausing to watch what fights and other spectacles are occurring in the ring below.  
  The Crawling Coliseum – A very strong orc man (so large he could perhaps pass as a half-giant) carries a giant bag on his back, one hand holding onto where it's slung over his shoulder. The orc carries a sign that reads the "Crawling Coliseum". He has acquired some random items that may help the "sorry folk" of Eredet fight better.


District of Tel'Rhea

The streets of Tel'Rhea's district are immaculate. The forest of Oshiv'Ran's district fades into the lush, abundant orchards that surround and weave into the gorgeous buildings constructed to mimic Tel'Rhean architecture. Similar to the region, the district is run by a local priestess and those who call the district home generally adhere to a more matriarchal society. Mothers, in particular, are very honored in this district and women from the city of Eredet often travel here to receive maternal care while pregnant or shortly after giving birth.  
  It is possible to seek the Intercession of Tel'Rhea at Tel'Rhea's temple in the district, but it is often advised that this only be requested in dire circumstances. This might also be due to the general religious policy that encourages women, in an almost missionary style fashion, to embrace Tel'Rhea, their role as mothers, and their inner strength as women. If they truly wish to become women of Tel'Rhea, they should travel to the City of Life.  
  Sweet Dreams – A small, quaint boutique that appears to be a children's store. It contains toys, blankets, and a variety of other products catered to mothers and young children! An older woman usually stands out front to entice parents and women into the store. Even if you don't have kids, perhaps this might entice you of what you're future might look like!


District of Therarask

The district is often referred to as the Red or Pink Light District. It is arranged around a central avenue constructed to reflect Pleasure Row. It includes various performing halls, drug dens, pleasure houses, and other establishments built aroudn catering to the whims, desires, fantasies, and lusts of all who visit. The closer one is to the Tower Citadel, the higher the quality of the pleasure.... and the more coin required. Tucked off to the edge of the district is a Monastery and Nunnery where those who wish to follow the path of Devotion live amidst the constant temptations.

  The various venues include:
  1. The Lord & Lady – An upscale pleasure house that is most well known for catering to couples in addition to general pleasure house services.
  2. Envy's Vanity – A lower, upper level pleasure house and salon. It is most well known for its use – often excessive – of mirrors.
  3. The Rose's Paramour – An upscale restaurant near the Tower Citadel. Besides their immaculate food –which often features aphrodisiacs – they are most well known for featuring an elegant rapier, said to have been wielded by a lover of Therarask who hunted down those who had abandoned their vows of Devotion.
  4. The Four Suites – Primarily a drug den and gambling hall, it also features some pleasure house services. It is located on the middle-lower end of the district.


District of Varoona

This district is the only one located entirely outside the city walls, arranged at the base of the cliffside along the coast of the Neg'Varos Bay. Similar to the city of Varoona Proper, much of the transport here is carried out by a series of natural and carved canals. Larger ships are docked at the edge of the district and their merchandise is moved towards the city on canals before being shunted up the cliffside in various "elevators" and chutes. Sparks of chaos run rampant through the district, only curbed by occasional laws or rulings put in place by the local Guild Council.
  Along the coast, various older boats have been converted into clubs and other venues to accommodate the chaos and fun-loving nature of Varoona. Various houses have been converted as "safe sleeping spaces" for those who are too drunk or too toasted to find their way home after a fun night at a rave or an ambitious bar crawl. From these clubs, the district then continues underwater to a small Keresello town. Passageways extend downward to accommodate the non-water breathing species and allow them to reach the Temple of Varoona, built like a tall spire extending partially out of the water.
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