Ether Zel

3 points
Attribute Modifiers: HT-1 [-10].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Basic Speed+0.5 [10].
Advantages: Attractive (Off-the-Shelf Looks, Universal) [3]; Flight (Gliding, Winged) [10]; Striker (Crushing, Sacrificial Parry) [4]; Telescopic Vision 1 [5].
Disadvantages: Greed (15) [-7]; Lecherousness (15) [-7]; Skinny [-5].
Perks: Eye for Distance [1]; Pressure-Tolerant Lungs (Thin) [1].
Quirks: Congenial [-1]; Proud [-1].
Features: Wings.

[1] Attractive - Most humanoid races consider Ether Zel to be naturally attractive. However, due to the saturation of attractiveness within the Ether Zel, they do not gain any particular bonus from this within their own race. Some Ether Zel may consider other races to be naturally ugly, but this is not a universal trait; some may even find them attractive because they aren't naturally beautiful!
[2] Sacrificial Parry - Ether Zel cannot use their wings to do a typical parry, which deflects the energy of the blow and leaves them unscathed. However, they can move their wings in front of the blow with a normal Parry roll, taking the blow on their wings, even if both their arms are occupied. They can also be used as frontal cover against missile weapons, though the Ether Zel cannot effectively see doing so.

Basic Information


Ether Zel are smooth skinned humanoids characterized by a lanky physique, large feathered wings, and angular faces. They typically have a large tuft of hair that grows from the top of their heads, though the rest of their bodies are hairless. The rest of their physical features are standard for humanoids.   A typical Ether Zel will reach just under six feet, though their wings will often reach another foot upward when unfurled. Unfortunately, Ether Zel are too heavy to use their wings effectively, and can only use them as gliders. However, if given a high place to leap off, an Ether Zel has the most direct mobility of any race, a feature they use extensively both civilly and militarily.   The main morphological distinctions between Ether Zel is the colour of their skin, which varies in shades of white, bronze, and dark blue, and the colour of their wing feathers, which varies in shades of white and black. Both genders have morphological differences in facial features, with males having significantly broader faces. Female Ether Zel also have pronounced differences in the size of their ears, though male ears tend to be of fairly uniform length.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ether Zel reproduce sexually, with a male and female partner. Once the female is fertilized, she will gestate for twelve months, and give live birth. The child is practically helpless for two years, requiring milk from its mother to survive, and will require constant attention for another four years, becoming mildly independent at six years. The child will typically remain with its parents for another fifteen years until it is fully independent.

Ecology and Habitats

Ether Zel can live in any climate with the proper clothing, though they will prefer temperate climates. They have a predilection for high places, but mountains are often too cold for them to comfortably live in, making tall artificial towers preferable. Most Ether Zel settlements are built on sturdy ground with nearby winds, to support their natural gliding ability.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ether Zel are omnivores with a digestive preference for plants, though they typically subsist on a mixed diet of meat and plants.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ether Zel societies are characterized by predatory capitalism and a certain universal sense of selfishness, as well as weak partnerships, with most cultures broadly accepting polyamorous relationships. Most Ether Zel societies have rigidly stratified classes that mainly exist to ensure the power of the upper classes, with very little social mobility, and a certain knack for reproducing quickly.

Average Intelligence

Ethel Zel have average intelligence for humanoids, though a natural sense of selfishness and a lack of particular physical resilience has led to slower technological development than would be expected. However, Ethel Zel buildings are incredibly well-built, due to the inherent safety afforded by their wings, and their cities are scattered with buildings dozens of stories tall.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ether Zel have the typical sensor suite of humanoids, with a sense of hearing and vision particularly adept at seeing long distances. The eye of an Ether Zel is oval, with a significantly larger retina, allowing for effective vision while gliding without the typical associated loss of peripheral vision.
Ether Zel
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Alas Hominem Parvus
70 years
Average Height
Average Weight