
Ashla is the greater goddess of justice and the law, who takes the form of a glowing golden humanoid figure with six wings and a blindfold covering her eyes. Her symbol is often seen in institutes of law, such as courtrooms or guard forces. Angels of Ashla are golden figures with a dress-like form instead of legs, with empty eye sockets and six wings.

Divine Domains

Ashla's divine domains are Light and Order


Ashla's Sword of Justice was lost and shattered at the end of the God War in her fight against Zaldir, and while she currently wields a mace in its stead, it is believed that the disconnected parts of her sword, once reunited, would grant immeasurable power to the bearer. 
Contained in the temple of Ashla in Cyr, Silite is the Crown of the Believer, once belonging to an ancient cleric of Ashla whose name has been lost to time but is solely referred to as the Believer. The crown is thought to be a gift from Ashla to the Believer that would grant him eternal life so long as he devoted it to Ashla. For unknown reasons, though it is believed to be the influence of another god, the Believer stopped believing in Ashla for a moment, and in that moment his heart likewise stopped. The crown was retrieved by other priests of Ashla who decided to preserve the crown in their temple in Cyr.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Ashla is a scale with wings and sometimes a halo.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Ashla believe in justice and the following of the law, holding the belief that the law is not there without reason, and it guides their actions and ways.



Enemy (Vital)

Towards Zaldir



Enemy (Vital)

Towards Ashla



Ally (Important)

Towards Ashla



Ally (Important)

Towards Iemis



Ally/Former Friend (Important)

Towards Xiarae



Ally/Former Friend (Vital)

Towards Ashla


"So long as darkness persists in this world, so shall the blinding radiance of Justice."
— Myrveria the Bright, former High Priestess of Ashla
Divine Classification
Greater Celestial
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ashla the Just; The Crusader; The Blind Radiance; Lady of Justice
Year of Birth
2371 E.G. 4356 Years old

Character Portrait image: Aasimar Paladin by u/JudithVI


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