Aguntun Settlement in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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Aguntun (ah-GOON-toon)

One of the largest cities in The Republic of Campmagni and home to Kyros University where humans from all over the republic study topics both mundane and magical.


Aside from farmers the majority of permanent residents in Aguntun are employed at or in industries related to Kyros University. Since only human citizens of the republic are allowed to attend and teach at the university they make up the largest racial demographic but many folk of different nationalities and races live and work in the surrounding industries.

Points of interest

  1. Kyros University 
  2. Governor's Manor
  3. City Hall
One of the largest cities in The Republic of Campmagni and home to Kyros University
Large city
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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