Cato Character in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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The leader of a group of Congress kidnappers camped most of a day's travel east of Pompelo. Brynner describes him as a "Crow" rank. After a battle he and one of his subordinates were subdued and thrown in the cages where their dozen or so elven captives had been held while the captives took their tents for the night. When Cathan asked why he shouldn't throw them in the fire right now Cato responds simply that they should. Cathan nearly did before Hope and Aldar stopped him and asked the captives what they think should be done with him. The captives were tired and asked to decide in the morning.   Among his belongings was a note on high quality paper with names and locations of presumed elven targets signed with a rather fancy R.
Current Status
Captured alive
Current Location
Middle age
Aligned Organization

Identifying Mark

A tattoo of unknown meaning
Small tattoo on chest

Character Portrait image: by artbreeder


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