Brynner Character in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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Brynnyer is one of two members of The Congress involved in kidnapping elves and half-elves from the farther regions of The Republic of Campmagni believed to be unlikely to fight back. He claims to be unaware of what the ultimate plan for them was and that he and his partner Irven were merely transporting them to the next checkpoint. His toolkit as a Redwing smuggler included Oil of Tagit sleeping poison, a magical stone that summoned an air elemental, and an undetermined ability to magically seal peoples' mouths shut using a magical glyph similar to the ones found on the other elemental stones the heroes have encountered before.   After his young elf partner was killed in combat under the remains of Gaius' house where the kidnapped elves were being held captive he begged for his life, claiming The Congress would certainly kill him for bungling the job and losing an elf in the process. The heroes decided to set him up as the trader for the goblin village since it was likely far enough away that The Congress wouldn't chase such a low-level deserter that far.   Late the next day he encountered the heroes again outside another Congress kidnapper camp to warn them about how dangerous their leader Cato was as well as to tell them about a string of bodies the kidnappers had left behind, including an old man with a ledger, presumably Gaius.
Character Location
Current Status
Current Location
Very young adult
Aligned Organization

Identifying Mark

A tattoo of unknown meaning
Small tattoo on left shoulder

Character Portrait image: by artbreeder


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