Rada Character in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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A young attendant at the Temple of Justice in Pompelo. When Aldar, Stump, and Cathan entered the temple to inquire about burial rites for the slain elf kidnapper she muttered a fearful "Oh no" and fled into the cellar. Cathan managed to pull open the door she was desperately trying to hold closed to reveal a young coatl behind her.   Begging the heroes and the coatl not to fight she helped calm down her feathered friend, whom she named Pearl. After Pearl had destroyed Gaius's home and mistakenly killed his wife and daughter Rada feared Pearl would be punished or even killed she hid her in the basement of the Temple of Justice. The heroes convince her to let them return Pearl to the wild and she has a tearful goodbye with the coatl.   Later at the party celebrating the freeing of the elven captives she sits at the tavern with her parents with a wistful look, sad for the departing of her friend but glad she'll be safe and free. Aldar tells her to keep her good heart, and she smiles.
Current Location

Character Portrait image: by artbreeder


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