"Pearl" Character in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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A two week old Coatl who is responsible for the destruction of the portion of Pompelo's residential district. She hatched in the smuggling tunnel under Gaius's house and was immediately overcome with righteous fury against the evil she felt around her. With a scream somewhere between a hiss and a sung note she released a burst of radiant light, catching the house above her and nearby homes aflame and killing Gaius' wife and young daughter as collateral damage. She was found soon after by Rada, who named her Pearl and took her into the Temple of Justice and hid her in the basement for her safety.   When the heroes found her in the basement she immediately panicked and attacked, but was convinced by Hope they meant her no harm. She flew into the temple sanctuary and was very hesitant to trust the heroes until Aldar played possum, lying on the floor. Pearl's holy instincts kicked in and she rushed to protect him long enough for Rada to ease her worries. They all returned to the basement to discuss what to do.   After some discussion on Pearl's ability to care for herself in the wild– including Hope completing the story of his wind spirit mother– the heroes agree to smuggle her out of the temple in a bag to the forest where she can fly home. After a brief holdup by Governor Glaucia and some quick distraction tactics by Cathan Aldar is able to get her out of town and point her to the southeast where the jungles coatls usually live. However right before she was released from the bag she became agitated and flew straight east with a fierce purpose. It turns out she had sensed a camp of Congress kidnappers and had impulsively tried to attack them, taking an arrow to her wing in the process. She had to hide and recover until the heroes could clear the camp themselves.
Current Status
Current Location

Character Portrait image: Couatl by Wizards of the Coast


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