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Prosperous Voyagers

The Prosperous Voyagers is a religious pantheon consisting of the worship of Gezgin, Para, Talih, and Yelken. The faith is based around the concept of widespread trade, commerce, exploration, and maritime travel.     Although being largely peaceful and charitable through its priesthood, called the Harbingers of Fortune, some followers of this faith take a slightly more imperialistic view. This offshoot tend to focus on the concept of 'taming the wilderness' and a more selfish hoarding of wealth and treasure.

Mythology & Lore

Long ago, when the world was young and untamed, civilizations were scattered, and people lived in small, isolated communities. The land was vast, unexplored, and filled with mystery and opportunity. It was during this time of exploration and discovery that the seeds of the religion of trade, commerce, the frontier, sailing, and luck were sown.   Legend speaks of a legendary figure known as Tyrian, a shrewd merchant and fearless adventurer. Tyrian was a master navigator who sailed the treacherous seas, braving storms and charting uncharted waters. He possessed an uncanny ability to spot opportunities, negotiate fair deals, and always seemed to have luck on his side.   One fateful journey, Tyrian discovered a distant land rich in resources and untapped potential. He recognized the opportunity for trade and prosperity, not only for himself but for all those willing to venture into the unknown. Tyrian returned to his homeland and shared tales of his adventures, captivating the hearts and minds of those who listened.   Inspired by Tyrian's tales, a group of individuals came together, forming a fellowship dedicated to the principles of trade, commerce, the frontier, sailing, and luck. They believed that these elements held the key to unlocking the world's vast potential and bringing prosperity to all.   As the fellowship grew, they sought the blessings of the gods associated with these domains. They prayed to deities like Para who blessed their transactions with fairness and prosperity. They paid homage to Gezgin who guided them through uncharted territories, revealing hidden resources and opportunities.   The sailors and navigators invoked the favor of Yelken seeking his protection on their voyages and his guidance to navigate treacherous waters. They also sought the blessing of Talih, understanding that luck played a crucial role in their endeavors, whether it be a fortunate encounter or a timely stroke of fortune.   Over time, the Proseperous Voyagers, as they came to be known, spread across the lands, establishing trade routes, fostering economic growth, and connecting diverse communities. Their influence extended beyond material wealth, as they taught the importance of fair exchange, cooperation, and the fortification of bonds between communities.   As the religion grew, rituals and traditions were established to honor the gods and ensure their favor. Offerings were made at the altars of Gezgin, Para, Talih, and Yelken, and grand festivals celebrated the successes and bounties that trade, exploration, sailing, and luck had bestowed upon the faithful.   To this day, the Prosperous Voyagers continues to thrive, embodying the spirit of exploration, enterprise, and luck. Their teachings and practices inspire traders, adventurers, and sailors alike, as they navigate the ever-changing currents of life, seeking prosperity, embracing the unknown, and forging their destinies in the world of trade, commerce, the frontier, sailing, and luck.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Prosperity through Exchange. Embrace the power of trade and commerce as a means to bring prosperity and abundance to yourself and your community. Through fair and equitable exchanges, foster economic growth, and ensure the mutual benefit of all parties involved.
  2. Embrace the Unknown. The frontier holds endless possibilities and opportunities. Embrace the spirit of exploration, taking risks, and venturing into uncharted territories. With an open mind and adventurous spirit, discover new lands, forge new connections, and expand the horizons of trade and commerce.
  3. Harness the Winds of Opportunity. Sailing represents the power to navigate the vast seas of life's challenges and uncertainties. Learn to navigate the winds of opportunity, adapting to changing circumstances, and seizing favorable moments. Embrace the importance of adaptability, resilience, and resourcefulness in the pursuit of success.
  4. Fortify Bonds of Community. Recognize the interconnectedness of all individuals and communities in the grand tapestry of trade and commerce. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie and collaboration, fostering alliances and partnerships that strengthen the overall prosperity. Encourage fair trade practices, discourage exploitation, and promote cooperation for the collective benefit of all.
  5. Embrace the Fickle Touch of Luck. Luck, both favorable and unfavorable, plays an integral role in the realm of trade and commerce. Acknowledge the capricious nature of fortune and understand that it can swing in any direction. Adapt to the changing tides of luck, seizing advantageous moments and weathering the storms of misfortune with resilience and determination. Seek to appease Lady Luck through rituals, offerings, and acts of charity, recognizing her fickle nature and influence on trade and commerce.


The Code of Ethics for Prosperous Voyagers encompasses the principles and values that guide the behavior and actions of its followers. These ethical guidelines serve as a moral compass, ensuring that the pursuit of trade, commerce, the frontier, sailing, and luck is conducted with integrity, fairness, and respect. Here are the key tenets of the Code of Ethics:
  • Uphold the highest standards of integrity and honesty in all business dealings. Engage in fair trade practices, refrain from deceit, and honor agreements and contracts. Transparency and trustworthiness are the foundations upon which prosperous relationships are built.
  • Show respect and consideration for all individuals, regardless of their social status, background, or beliefs. Treat customers, partners, and competitors with fairness, dignity, and courtesy. Value diverse perspectives and foster an inclusive environment that encourages collaboration and cooperation.
  • Share the benefits of prosperity with those in need and contribute to the well-being of the community. Engage in philanthropy, charitable initiatives, and support social causes that promote equality, education, and the alleviation of poverty. Understand that prosperity is not solely measured by personal gain but also by the positive impact one can make on the lives of others.
  • Show reverence and gratitude to the gods and honor them through offerings, rituals, and acts of devotion. Seek their favor while recognizing the fickle nature of luck and the need for diligence, resourcefulness, and adaptability in one's pursuits.
  • Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and improvement. Stay updated with the latest market trends, explore new opportunities, and adapt to changing circumstances. Strive for personal and professional growth, seeking knowledge and wisdom to navigate the complexities of trade, commerce, and the frontier.
  By adhering to this Code of Ethics, the followers of Prosperous Voyagers demonstrate their commitment to ethical conduct, fairness, and the promotion of prosperity for all. They understand that sustainable success in trade, commerce, the frontier, sailing, and luck requires not only skill and luck but also a strong moral foundation that upholds the well-being of individuals, communities, and the world at large.


In the religion of Prosperous Voyagers, worship is not confined to the walls of a temple but rather extends into the everyday lives of the faithful. While specific practices and rituals may vary among different regions and communities, here are some common everyday practices, rituals, and traditions observed by the followers of this religion:
  • Items of Fortune. Prosperous Voyagers often being their day with prayers and reflection. After these prayers, they will dress and ensure to carry a symbol of prosperity on their persons at all times, this could include a smal
  • Rituals of Prosperity. Regular rituals are conducted to invoke the blessings of the deities associated with trade, commerce, the frontier, sailing, and luck. These rituals may involve offerings of incense, candles, or symbolic objects representing wealth and good fortune. The faithful offer prayers, express their intentions for success, and seek divine guidance in their commercial endeavors.
  • Market Blessings. The faithful often seek blessings for their market stalls, shops, or businesses. They invite a Harbinger of Fortune to conduct a special ceremony where the deity's favor is invoked to ensure prosperous trade, attracting customers, and facilitating successful transactions. This ritual may involve sprinkling holy water, reciting prayers, and offering symbolic items representing abundance and fortune.
  • Pilgrimages to Sacred Sites. Some followers undertake pilgrimages to sacred sites associated with trade, commerce, sailing, or luck. These sites may include ancient marketplaces, legendary ports, or sacred natural formations. Pilgrims pay their respects, offer prayers, and seek the blessings of the gods at these revered locations.
  • Festivals and Celebrations. The religion of Prosperous Voyagers is punctuated by grand festivals and celebrations that honor the deities and celebrate the bounties of trade and fortune. These festivities often involve vibrant markets, where traders gather to showcase their goods and engage in bustling commerce. The faithful participate in processions, dances, and rituals dedicated to the gods, offering gratitude for past successes and seeking their favor for the future.
  • Acts of Charity and Giving. Recognizing the importance of philanthropy, followers of this religion engage in acts of charity and giving. They contribute a portion of their wealth to support community projects, provide assistance to the less fortunate, or fund initiatives that promote education and economic development. These acts of generosity are often carried out by Harbingers of Fortune who collect donations in shrines before distributing them to the poor.
  • Study and Reflection. The faithful devote time to the study of trade, commerce, navigation, and the principles of luck. They immerse themselves in ancient texts, explore market trends, and learn from the experiences of successful traders and adventurers. Regular reflection on their own practices and the values of the religion allows them to refine their approach and deepen their understanding.


The priesthood of the Prosperous Voyagers is a respected and influential group of individuals known as the "Harbingers of Fortune," they dedicate their lives to upholding the tenets of the religion and guiding the faithful on their path to prosperity. Here is an overview of their roles and responsibilities:
  • Stewards of Knowledge: The Harbingers of Fortune are entrusted with preserving and expanding the sacred knowledge of the religion. They study texts, chronicles of trade expeditions, and the intricate details of various markets. Through their scholarly pursuits, they develop a deep understanding of the principles of trade, commerce, sailing, exploration, and luck. It is their duty to pass down this knowledge to the next generation of adepts, ensuring the continuity of wisdom.
  • Spiritual Guides: The Harbingers of Fortune serve as spiritual guides and mentors to the faithful. They will often present this guidance in the form of 'odds' and what may seem superstitious practicies such as throwing dice. They officiate at important religious ceremonies, including rites of passage, blessings for new ventures, and special events celebrating the bounties of trade and fortune. They also offer prayers and invocations on behalf of the faithful, seeking the blessings of the deities and appeasing their divine nature.
  • Guardians of Sacred Artifacts: Within the temples and sanctuaries dedicated to the Order of Mercantile Endeavors, the Harbingers of Fortune are responsible for safeguarding sacred artifacts and relics associated with trade, commerce, the frontier, sailing, and luck. These artifacts might include ancient maps, navigational tools, talismans, and blessed objects believed to bring good fortune to those who possess them. The Harbingers ensure their proper care and occasionally lend them to worthy individuals embarking on significant trade ventures or expeditions.
  • Mediators and Arbiters: Given their deep understanding of fair trade practices and the principles of justice, the Harbingers of Fortune often act as mediators and arbitrators in disputes between traders and communities. They offer impartial guidance, promote peaceful resolutions, and strive to maintain harmonious relationships. Their presence helps maintain the integrity of trade networks and ensures that conflicts do not undermine the broader principles of cooperation and mutual benefit. Some priests who follow more closely the calls of Yelken may take up arms to try and settle and quell particularly challenging and violent disputes.
  • Philanthropic Initiatives: The Harbingers of Fortune actively engage in philanthropic endeavors to embody the values of the religion. They manage charitable funds and initiatives aimed at supporting the establishment of new settlements, funding educational programs, and providing assistance to those affected by natural disasters or unforeseen misfortunes. By demonstrating their commitment to the well-being of all, they inspire others to contribute to the greater good and foster a sense of shared prosperity.
  As the spiritual leaders of the Prosperous Voyagers, the Harbingers of Fortune play a vital role in promoting the principles of trade, commerce, the frontier, sailing, and luck. Their wisdom, guidance, and connection with the divine pantheon inspire the faithful to embrace the teachings of the religion and seek fortune and prosperity in their personal and professional lives.
Edict: earn wealth through hard work and trade, bring trade to frontiers of civilization, honest negotiations

Anathema: con and cheat people you sell to, steal, waste money and resources

Follower Alignments: CG, NG, CN
Religious, Organised Religion