
Everything presented is subject to change as the adventuring party discovers hidden secrets.


The ecosystem here isn't quite barren. Indeed, what vegetation here remains is wilted and incapable of producing food for its denizens. Yet the plants still grow, against the natural order. Large forests that seem to jump from the pages of a horror movie that one could easily get lost in.


In the year 5317 AE, a sudden undead uprising occured in a large section of western Parvyntis. Seeking power, vampires and liches alike conspired to drown the realm in blood. The reigning emperor of Parvyntis would awaken Parvyrynth, who would overtake the undead in only 2 short days. He routed them to the island of Vladania and warned that if we were awoken for them again, he would not be so merciful.   The vampire Aleister would go on to name himself king, though this monarchy is not formally recognized by The Xentis Empire, as it has always controlled the island. However, the empress does not directly challenge this, and will only do so if she feels they're becoming too unified and an example must be made. Small skirmishes can still break out along the coast, but never anything so bold as the initial attacks that led them to their current state.   There is a lot of infighting over power here, as many undead creatures are unrepentantly evil and are compelled to sow discord and bloodshed where they can.
Location under
Owning Organization


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