Flitterwick's Books

Flitterwick's Books is a local book store owned and operated by Dor'ik Flitterwick. They also sell spells to the decerning wizard and spell scrolls and shards.

Purpose / Function

Dor'ik sells books, quills, papper and more at the shop. But has always loved helping students at Luna Cove's Elms Academic High School, and will sell spell scrolls and spells to aspiring mages. But he has a soft spot for the students of the wizarding track and will offer a student discount of 25% to them on spells of a lower level than the highest they can cast (if a they can cast up to 3rd level he will dicount 2nd and 1st level spell). 
But with changing times come changing ideals and new technologies. But let it never be said that Dor'ik is a fosile that hates tech. Instead see the changing times he has modified his shop and updated it. He has brought in his niece Aile'win Flitterwick to do just that. To meet the inrests in changing mages he also stocks comics and other memorabilia.
Shop, Magic
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