Luna Cove Settlement in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

Luna Cove

The main city of the Luna Cove County .


  • 25% Half Races (30% Half Elf, 25% Half Orc, 15% Tiefling, 15% Genasi, 10% Goliath, 5% Aasimar)
  • 20% Humans
  • 20% Small Folk (40% Goblin, 20% Halfing, 20% Kobold, 20% Dwarf)
  • 15% Beast Folks (30% Triton, 25% Lizardfolk, 20% Avan, 15% Shifter, 10% Harigon)
  • 15% Demi Human (30% Orc, 30% Hobgoblin, 30% Bugbear, 10% Firbolg)
  • 5% Long lived (40% Elf, 25% Dragonborn, 15% Gnomes, 10% Androids, 10% Fairy)


Luna Cove proper acts as the County Capital and there for houses the County Exeutive. However the city Mayor and City Council are incharge of the city proper. With the County Exeutive just using the city as a base of operations for issues that would involve the whole county.
The Mayor is just what you expect, an elected indivijual that makes major decisions and helps with managing the city as a main stay face. While the City Councile is a bit more amorphis as it dose much of the nitty gritty and boots on the ground work. Hearing complants, holding meatings, and discussing policy.


Luna Cove is one of the northern most cities with an accessible harbor or landing sight. Because of this Luna cove has a robust group of defenders. With mebers of The Roanoke Land Guard patroling the waters and old walls of the city. Mean while the cities proximity to the Dracul Mountains has caused The Wardens of Dracul set up a head quarters in the counties capital. Meanwhile the city itself boasts a robust police force that do not neglect the cities law and order. Consisting of single lead Captain, a Liuetenant in each of the 4 district, 4 Sergeants under each Liuteant, for a total of 16, each in charge of 1 of 4 shifts throughout the day, and about six officers on each of those shifts (about 96 oficers in total). There is also the Luna Cove magor crimes devision with 6 detectives that handle cases that need long term investigation and comitments.

Industry & Trade

Most inhabidants of the City make a living working in the verius business that make up the city or in the fishing industry. Otherwise a great numebr are arrisocrates and adventurures call the city home. To this point 80% of the cities population are able to make enough to live comforatable lives, makeing an atleast 20 gold a week. The remaining 20% are an even split of living modest, at least 10 gold a week, and wealthy lifestyles, about 40 golld a week. There may only be a rought 2% that would claim to live true aristocratic lives, making about 100 gold a week at minimum.


Several business call Luna Cove home. Many are generic mall shops but among them are some truly unique and previlent ones. Luna Cove Beach plays home not only to the masive public beach but sevral of these note worthy buisness. With The Luna Cove Board Walk conecting the Beach Town Amusment park and Club with the Luna Cove Mall. And a stop in Luna Cove is nothing without a stop at Carole's Reef, the best beach side dinner, were the malts and shakes almost never end and the comfort dosn't either.


Luna Cove is what one would call a Medium sized city normaly being able to suport up to 24,000 people but has built itself up to suport nearly 5 times that amount. Broken into four main districts each boasting its onw unique oferings and purpose;

East Side

East Side is Luna Cove's Administative and Scholar district. This is were you will find a moderate amount of housing, mostly in the form of city apartments. Apart from the normal administative buildings this district also houses the Luna Cove Library and Standard Elms Academic Schools. However the true crowned jewl of the East Side is the Luna Cove's Elms Academic High School, better refered to as Luna Cove Adventuring High School or LCAH and their Mage Ball and Blood Ball Arena.

Down Town

Down Town makes up the western side of the city and houses the vast magority of the cities population. It also acts as the cities main comersial district, houseing both the Marcket and Merchant districts in a traditional city. The Luna Cove Mall and Board Walk are what most people are here for. The local Dante's offers many students at LCAH a cheep place to pick up gear. While those that can affored it have Flint-Teeth's Weaponry for better crafted gear and magical weaponry. Along with Flitterwick's Books for students of the arcane and The Moon Pearl for enchanted jewlery. There is also the local bakery, Dotty's Bakery, and pick up some fresh meat at Bramblewood's Butchery.

Luna Cove Beach

Luna Cove Beach, sometimes called Beach Town, is just what just what it sounds like. On the northern side of the city it house a moderate amount of people, mostly in the form of actual houses or split home apartments. The neigborhood is best known for the very beach its named after, but beyond this there quit a few other places of note that call beach town home. The Luna Cove Mall and Board Walk open right onto the beach at the entrance to The Beach Town Amusement Park and Club and Luna Cove Theater. Otherwise Beach Town also has the cities best known resturant Carole's Reef and the Bluedrop Woodworks home of Avalon's father of surfing. There is also The Olive House with its wied veriety of plants, potions and poisons with little oversite, and Lunar Beach Threads for some great beach atire.


Uptown Luna Cove is the cities affluent district and houses the cities temples. A number of diplomates own homes in the district along with the wealthy arricrocrats. Really the Temples are the only reason most that dont live here come for. As most shops and eateries here are more expensive than what most middle class Avalonians would be willing to pay unless they were truly celibrating. It is also home to Doctor Tala'vargus' office and Desman's Academy of Magic.


  • Luna Cove

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