Session 7: Sing for the Lord of Worms and Dirt Report

General Summary

Tuesday Evening April 10, 1923 - Wednesday Evening April 11, 1923   The smell of death and burning black orchids permeates the air as we approach the Faucher crypt. Specifically, it seems to be coming from underneath a metal panel on the floor of the crypt. Evangeline Faucher is the name on the metal plate, which is some sort of grave marker. Christopher and Jack manage to lift the panel up, revealing a steep tunnel that opens up to room with a yellow flickering light. Christopher enters first, basically slipping the whole way down. The room is leaking from stone walls and a hole in the ceiling appears freshly dug and leading out. The place looks old and dirty, with the yellow haze seeping from burning lanterns. Strange pictographs are carved into the walls. Among these carvings, Solomon notices a waring to avoid waking the Lord of Worms and Dirt, though it is partially hidden. After a little, we find 10 comatose audience members in coffins (Jackson Elias is noticeably missing). Hidden in a jumble of moss is Tristan Torne, crouching unnaturally and frozen like a statue and wearing a tentacled mask and paper mache wings. He's coated in some sort of grave dust and ooze concoction. Though unmoving, Tristan's glowing yellow orbs for eyes follow us around the room.   As our minds reel from this acknowledgement, he speaks and tells us that everything returns to worms and dirt, and that we will meet Jackson soon enough. The body of Tristan disappears, replaced by the Lord of Worms and Dirt, which makes to attack us. Booker unloads his gun into it, causing it to explode. This results in the audience members beginning to wake. As the floodwater continues to rise, we help escort the victims and return to the exit (which has a rope hanging down it courtesy of Irina. As we emerge, we find Jackson Elias at the top, helping us out of the tunnel. He's packing a couple of Tommy guns and 10 sticks of dynamite. He tells us that there are a number of ghouls and such that need to be dealt with, and we step out and start blasting. It's long and drawn out, as waves just keep coming. Eventually, bloodied and filthy, we eliminate the hordes and return the the Count's estate. We are greeted by Germaine, who is quite interested in the story. We clean and Christopher pays her a late night visit to tell their tale, amongst other things, as her interest in him significantly deepens.    The next day, we read parts of and talk about the Divine Anatomy. We decide to use a spell therein to try and purify the graveyard, but in doing so, everyone but Solomon succumbs to indefinite insanity. We are eventually brought back and resume the ritual. We also feel a strange electric buildup in the air as Jackson Elias shakes, bleeds, and sweats. Then, suddenly, everything is over and we can no longer feel the presence of the evil plaguing the land.   The rest of the trip passes. Booker turns down the advances of Irina. We attend the symposium and learn a thing or two while we're there. All is well...?
Masks of Nyarlathotep Campaign
Jack . Anderson
Botanist Jack Anderson ( 31 / Male ) from Brisbane
Leviticus Harrison Mann
Dilletante Leviticus Harrison Mann ( 24 / Male ) from Arkham, Masschusetts
Montgomery Papadopoulos
Smuggler Monte Papadopoulos ( 38 / Male ) from Thessaloniki, Greece
Christopher Ericson
Explorer Christopher Ericson ( 24 / M ) from London
Solomon Carlisle
Big Game Hunter Solomon Carlisle ( 64 / Male ) from Boma, Belgian Congo
Booker Williams
Clergy The Reverend Booker Williams ( 33 / Yes, please ) from Harlem, New York
Report Date
30 Nov 2023


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