Session 27: Redeeming the Sixth Platoon

General Summary

Exhuming Peter

  • Ashpin, now realizing that he has the capabilities to cure the diseased at will, gathers the Crypt Crew to go back to the church. Additionally, Lord Turi informed the group that if there was any information to be gleaned about his family curse, then the information was quite literally buried with his great-great-grandfather Peter.
  • At Boldrei's Hearth, Friar Douglas led them down to the infirmary, where the three sick individuals were held. Simple herbal remedies were palced through the room, though they were clearly meant to soothe instead of heal. Ashpin used his divine touch to heal all three - one of which was existentially spooked by Dooturr and Maleakos - and Friar Douglas fell to his knees, insisting Ashpin was a gift sent from the Sovereign Host.
  • The Crew's attention turned to Peter's grave. Friar Douglas said he served as the gravekeeper, and brought the party to the graves of Peter and his three brothers, Winston, Ray, and Egon. The four plots were adjacent to the other, but the tombstones had been vandalized long ago, and Friar Douglas could not quite remember which grave Peter was buried in.
  • Whatever information Peter gleaned, it must have been dark, forbidden knowledge, as it had caused a powerful curse to be placed over the graves of the brothers. If the wrong grave was plundered, the curse would be placed upon those responsible. Between the friar, Lord Turi, and apparently Hareth, enough clues could be gleaned to reason through which grave Peter was in, based on the location and color of the tombstone.
  • Ashpin's divine display solidified the Friar's faith in him, despite the shenanigans of his cohorts. He left them to work, though Maleakos was growing impatient, wanting to dig, but being held back by his friends.
  • Meanwhile, Viribus played along with the rabble in the Running Toad, using his influence and previous encounters to rally the common people to help dig through the blockage in the tunnel. Shovels were grabbed, wheelbarrows were collected, and a barrel of booze was provided. The drunk, but strong, taverngoers followed Viribus' lead, as if enjoying this mini-quest they were on to squash the terrifying undead that were plaguing their town.
  • Eventually, Maleakos could not be contained any longer. Ashpin and N'nchyk were somewhat certain that Peter was in the first grave, which Maleakos began to dig with. Dooturr obtained a pickaxe, and he, Thanos, and Badger'chyk all began to aid Maleakos in his dig.

Hags and Tunnels

  • Meanwhile, the dozen or so rowdy folk began to help Viribus dig. It was a slow, and laborious process, but the encouragement of Viribus and comradery-drenched singalongs passed the time quite nicely.
  • They eventually reached a break in the cave-in, that seemed to lead to another tunnel. Viribus was quick to shoo the common folk back to the tavern, as the journey ahead could be perilous, though they were drunkenly ready for battle.
  • The exhumers struck wood. The coffin of Peter was discovered, and Ashpin and N'nchyk were correct in their conclusion. Inside the coffin, the long-decayed corpse of Peter clutched a purple-and-black bound tome that exuded dark magic.
  • Inside the tome was an unfamiliar language, but Maleakos used his spell scroll of Comprehend Languages to decipher it. The tome detailed a deal between an ancient Turi, Ewyn, and a hag. In exchange for children, the hag promised Ewyn that neither he nor his ancestors would never have need to work a day in their life, as Ewyn was sick of his trade. From this twisted deal came the pendants.
  • Consulting back with Lord Turi with this knowledge, he said that he'd never heard of or dealt with a hag, but that the older the hag, the more powerful they become. And it sounds as if the deal came from a long time ago. There are powerful hags commonly known to each party member, rumored to be the Daughters of Sora Kell, said to have united the monsters of Droaam.
  • The most prevalent lead the Crypt Crew had at the moment, however, was the new tunnel system discovered and excavated by Viribus and the Running Toaders. Through it is where they now went.
  • The tunnel proceeded onwards, with the same piles of ash in regular intervals throughout. They eventually reached a point of interest: a broken wall, through which was a constructed hallway made of stone. On one end was a precarious construction of metal objects, and on the other was a reinforced door.
  • The door eventually led to the town guard outpost, which also served as the residence of Captain Red the Third. After Viribus explained the situation, the Captain said that he would help, but seemingly more so to get the weird people out of his house.
  • On the other side, Dooturr was thrown limb-by-limb over the pile of metal, and eavesdropped on some individuals on the other side of the door. No further plan was considered, as he blundered his way heavily through the pile, making a huge ruckus. The voices on the other side of the door faded.
  • The door was extremely reinforced, with Eldritch Blasts doing little to nothing. Philip asked the Captain to describe the key to him, and used his House Tharashk magic to locate it...but it was broken. A hairline fracture went from corner to corner of the large golden key.
  • Verin's Mending magic did nothing to repair the fracture, and inserting it into the door did nothing. However, as Ashpin tried fruitlessly, a telepathic feeling began floating around him, before latching on. A soft, gentle voice spoke to him, saying it sensed his telepathic presence, and helped him through opening the door, after Ashpin described the situation to the voice. The key needed to be broken to open the door.

A Peaceful Resolution

  • Carefully creeping through, Ashpin saw two of the zombie-men brandishing their weapons at the end of the hallway. Ashpin cautiously engaged in conversation with them, saying that they could be helped. It seemed the undead were desparate, as they had been traveling in a "tin can" - the Iron Monarch - for the last 4 years. The above world did not want them, as they quickly learned, so they stayed underground, searching for that which could return them to life.
  • Viribus and Maleakos went peacefully onwards to retrieve the girl. The zombie-men agreed to let her return, in exchange for keeping the two behind as some sort of leverage. Lord Turi was overjoyed to see his daughter, but the matter was not entirely settled. Philip conjectured that perhaps they're feeling the same way Dooturr and his brethren do, since it seems the Platoon also comes from the Mournland. Displaced, persecuted, and without purpose.
  • When they returned, Ashpin outlined an alternate plan. Philip would use Sending to send a message ahead in Sharn, where the Skeleton Crime Syndicate would meet the Sixth Platoon on the Crypt Crew's land. With the SCS, perhaps they could find new land, and new purpose. With these words, the same voice spoke in Ashpin's head, saying that their energy was good.
  • As promised, Lord Turi rewarded the Crypt Crew with everything he could. 5 galifars each, 3 days of dried fish, and key information about traveling northwestern. He described three possible paths to where they needed to be, and the party voted on the quickest, but most dangerous route: the abandoned trade route that led directly into Droaam.
  • Afterwards, Viribus received a message from Brucos. It congratulated the Crypt Crew on their victory, especially making the choice to help the small town of Ardev under the pretense of a ticking clock. He assured them that nothing out of the ordinary would happen in the midweek of Therendor, and it was a ruse to test them.
  • Perhaps, he said, the Crypt Crew could become heroes that Khorvaire has not seen in centuries. Their reward, he assured, would arrive within the day.

Rewards Granted

  • Information about traveling to Droaam 
  • 3 days of fish rations
  • From Brucos: Dooturr's trumpet, Ashpin's Oathkeeper's Emblem, and Viribus' pendants 

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Rescued Alane Turi
  • Aided the Sixth Platoon in their search for purpose and a true life
Date begun:
11 Olarune, 998 YK
Date ended:
12 Olarune, 998 YK
Party level:
Report Date
15 Jul 2021
Primary Location


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